There is little more to add to the discourse. However, far too few people are aware of it. That's not possible because it takes a lot of time, if you want to keep track of everything. That's why I'm going to give you some viewing tips, which I think are important, from what I've seen. With short descriptions.
Four videos: expert witness testimony by Prof. Dr. Phillip Buckhaults and Dr. Janci Lindsay, a speech by Dr. Peter McCullough and a lecture by Prof. Dr. Denis Rancourt. We know those last two names and the story they tell as well. Two or three years ago, people like Wolfgang Wodarg, Byram Bridle already knew where we were heading. So is Andrew Wakefield, to mention that controversial name. (I only cherrypick those I tried to bring to the attention of this site at the time, Michael Yeadon was too outspoken at the time.)
The cry for help is getting louder and louder, and the 'reliable' channels are also reluctantly joining in. That Jan Grandjean of the Doctors' Collective a place in De Telegraaf is an example of this. Admittedly, no 'NRC and Volkskrant' yet, but they will have to leave their bastion of lies at some point. De Telegraaf shows how the media should behave. Also the narrative is given space So that the reader understands that there are two sides to the story. And perhaps it will be up to you to judge which of the two is spouting blatant nonsense.
If our MSM had already brought such balanced information in 2020, I would never have started this blog.
Ruud Coolen van Brakel: "All the Indian stories about the risks of the vaccinations have now been refuted in detail. The very small risks of serious side effects are dwarfed by the benefits of protection against a severe Covid-19 infection. The vaccines have been proven safe for pregnant women and their unborn child. And we now see everywhere that excess mortality over the past three years is lowest in countries with the strictest measures and the highest vaccination coverage. The juggling of graphs and numbers of people who are against vaccination has now reached a deplorable level. There has been virtually no evidence of negative long-term effects of the vaccines; that's in contrast to that of Covid-19 itself."
Well, if that doesn't convince, I don't know what will... But don't ask him for substantiation because then he will fall back on his team members: "At the IVM, we have been working continuously for 3.5 years with a permanent team of pharmacists and scientists to collect and disseminate correct information, recently also supported by the doctors of C-support." The team members have each other to fall back on for the substantiation. There is no such thing, experts point the finger at each other.
Independent scientific evidence against the vaccines is growing by the day. Some recent examples:
- More absenteeism after the vaccination,
- Higher mortality in control group of Pfizer trials (not new by the way, also found by others before),
- The effect of DNA pollution (as found in the mRNA vaccines),
- a new study by Geert VandenBossche on infections caused by SARS-CoV-2 variants in highly C-19 vaccinated populations
- More about myocarditis caused by mRNA vaccines,
- Deaths per month from heart failure among men aged 10 to 49, from 2018 to 2022 (Japanese article, see chart below)
Deaths per month from heart failure among men aged 10 to 49, from 2018 to 2022 in Japan (also note the scale). The yellow line is 2021.
Research on citizens' initiatives
What is particularly striking now is that the stages on which these sounds sound look more and more official. For example, the title of McCullough's video is: "Peter McCullough testifies before EU Parliament about vaccine safety". It may be in an EU building, but no, not in front of the parliament. And 'testifying before the EU parliament' also sounds much more genteel than 'a speech in an EU building'. The video itself will be discussed later.
This is also the case with Denis Rancourt's lecture. Another "Expert Testimony", this time for "the National Citizens Inquiry, Ottawa." National flags everywhere and no less than an hour and a half of attention. You would say: it sinks in, something is tilting! But here, too, administrators and authorities are completely out of it. It all looks very official. More information about his story will follow.
Fingers crossed that something will really come out of it because the Canadian NCI is an ad hoc citizens' initiative, comparable to our own BPOC2020, which always made me think of Juinen.
Am I downplaying our heroes? No, on the contrary, I blame the national media and governments for keeping prominent scientists completely out of the picture. Abroad, at least, they are no longer exclusively with Alex Jones or in a vague podcast. The halls are getting bigger, the audience wider. But the media, which is seen as reliable in our country by the community, drop the ball completely. If they were to report something that does not match the government's narrative – then they are immediately no longer a reliable medium. The world turned upside down. Until the majority of MSM starts telling stories that fit together again, then they will automatically become 'reliable' again.
'Real' parliamentary inquiry
Dr. Philip Buckhaults
In America, they are more decisive. The investigative committee of the Southern California Senate (i.e. 'real' government) hears expert witnesses.
Dr. Buckhaults is an expert in the field of cancer and DNA. He sequenced the vaccines and found disturbing amounts of DNA in them. Approx. 200 billion pieces of DNA in each vaccine dose.
Dit DNA bleef achter in de vaccins toen er was overgestapt naar goedkopere productiemethoden die nooit zijn gecontroleerd. Dat was dus after zorgvuldig geproduceerde vaccins waren goedgekeurd. Het product dat uiteindelijk bij de banggemaakte mensen werd ingespoten is nooit bekeken of onderzocht.
Buckhaults heeft zijn professionele hoop voor kankerbestrijding gevestigd op het mRNA-platform. Hij pleit er dus voor dat deze onzorgvuldigheid wordt gecorrigeerd, zodat hij door kan. Daarnaast zie hij in de sequences dat er wel degelijk geprobeerd is om de vaccins ‘schoon’ te krijgen. Dan kan hij zien aan de rommel die erin ronddrijft aan fragmenten en brokstukjes. Dat zat er allemaal ‘per ongeluk’ in dus hoeveel dat per batch heeft gevarieerd weet ook niemand. De gevolgen van deze DNA-contaminatie voor de volksgezondheid zijn nog niet te overzien.
The strength of his contribution is that, as an avid pro-mRNA/DNA scientist, he provides constructive criticism. He doesn't accuse anyone, although he puts a chain of government surveillance agencies on the bare ass. The good listener understands how disastrous his message is. He himself is not very explicit about this because it is not appreciated by those responsible. Just like his white coat, of course: maintaining the doctor's image. Well played. A stethoscope would have made an even bigger impression. Good cop.
The #WOB-Team created a subtitled summary
Jan Bonte just posted an informative tweet about this video.
Dr. Janci Lindsay
Dr. Janci Lindsay is the next expert witness to be heard. She complements Buckhaults: Bad copThis time. It turns out that much more junk has been found in the vaccines than just the DNA. Among the additives used, which were also found in the vaccine sequences, is the carcinogenic SV40.
Dr. Lindsay argues that SV40 as an adjuvant for this vaccine is unnecessary and was thus deliberately added to it. She can't think of anything other than nefarious intentions. Take that with a grain of salt, because at the beginning of her talk, she also shows that well-known VAERS graph that compares years in which almost everyone was vaccinated to years in which only the standard program was carried out – in absolute numbers. Of course, you first have to look at that in damage per shot, not screens with annual totals. This is at the expense of the credibility of the entire testimony.
Startled scientists get carried away by their concerns, you can see that happening on both sides of the spectrum. There are very few who keep a cool head.
The nominations
Peter McCullough
MacCullough's video is worth the full 17 minutes, check it out! 👇
Denis Rancourt
Denis Rancourt's presentation lasts about an hour and a half... The scientist talks about his findings after doing dozens of studies, of which The last 180 pages. Good work, although I think we are further along with some of the analyses ourselves: Herman Steigstra's model, for example, comes close to predicting excess mortality on the basis of vaccination figures. I haven't seen Rancourt do that yet.
Well, who watches such a long video? Well, that's me. But that last 180-page report... I'd rather read a summary of that. Rebekah Barrett made it. I have translated it and added or commented on it here there. Coming soon.
Thank you very much! It is with great interest and admiration that I read all your information and feel a little less alone in the conviction that we are doing something for the children and grandchildren. In the meantime I see heads that are too small, usually a flattened piece of skull just below the crown, in the babies of pricked mothers whose percentage of hassle during pregnancy and childbirth has also increased enormously. And the imperative letters and advice to take the jab(s) just keep going. In January 2020, the Care and Coercion Act was "amended", a striking date and instead of preventing suffering for which this law is supposedly intended, it causes enormous suffering. Fortunately, there are people like you and that gives me hope that it will stop!
Dank u wel. Heel fijn om te horen dat u er iets aan heeft en dat u de moeite heeft genomen om mij dit te laten weten.
Hou vol!