John Campbell recently paid attention to a study that compared vaccine immunity based on the "S-spike" with natural immunity based on virus infection. His story was 100% in line with what Dutch scientist Pierre Capel tried to teach us in his many videos. Natural immunity continues to recognize a virus better, even after mutations to the Spike protein, the part that mutates the fastest. Vaccines fail there. Natural immunity protects not only longer but also more broadly.
Pre-existing non-spike cross-reactive memory T cells protect SARS-CoV-2 naïve contacts from infection.
So what does that Spike protein actually do, how important is it? Jillis Kriek has closely followed the developments around the Spike protein and wrote a piece about it in collaboration with. Anton and Lilian.
Developing a vaccine against respiratory infections and in particular rapidly mutating coronaviruses is also before the covid-19 vaccine never a success been. Where this seemed to succeed, the virus back like a boomerang. After an infection by the real virus increased vaccines even the chance of becoming seriously ill. In doing so, one could also become more receptive for other viruses and the vaccine also gave other health problems such as: damage to the liver.
It was therefore a scientific miracle that Pfizer had succeeded in making an (mRNA) vaccine this time, despite the fact that it was again aimed at the Spike protein. Apparently it had worked out! At least, for a short period of time, just like in previous attempts. By repeatedly vaccinating, people are now trying to compensate for the boomerang effect. We are now 5 vaccinations further and discussions have arisen about side effects and effectiveness.
Only basic vaccination: 3 times higher chance of hospitalization
In the weekly reports of our southern neighbors (p. 62) it is easy to see that the elderly who have only received the basic vaccination are more than three times as likely to be admitted to the hospital with covid-19. Not only compared to the boosted but also compared to the unvaccinated! Now that most scientists, except for a few vaccination fanatics, agree that vaccination does not help against spread, there is no longer any argument to accept the risks of vaccination.
The table below shows the 14-day cumulative incidence per 100,000, as well as absolute numbers (in parentheses) for COVID-19 hospitalizations by region, age group and vaccination status, covering the period 31 October to 13 November 2022

This only concerns Covid admissions. If there have also been withdrawals as a result of side effects, they are in any case not to be counted "Not vaccinated".
The table makes it clear that the effectiveness of each jab not only disappears, but also leaves the immune system less resilient afterwards. In order to temporarily repair that, it must be boosted again. The effect becomes a bit shorter with each injection and nothing is yet known about the state of the immune system after the increase in the number of vaccinations. However, emerging diseases are already associated with this, such as the recentincreaseto recordings RSVandinfluenza,herpes and shinglesandscabies (scabies).
In order to make a more general assessment of the effectiveness of the vaccine, we therefore look at All Cause Mortality (total mortality regardless of the cause) and in a recent study no benefits can (anymore) be seen from the vaccinations on the total mortality or hospitalizations. On the contrary:

We can conclude from this that repeated vaccination ultimately cannot offer a way out in this pandemic and that the spike protein is probably not the best target for the vaccines. It is therefore too subject to changes / mutations and therefore no longer easily recognizable for the antibodies produced.
The development of the mRNA vaccines
We will briefly go back to the development of the vaccines against Covid-19, a vaccine that differs from other vaccines. The difference with other (classic) vaccines is that the mRNA vaccine affects our own cells. reprograms and allow spike proteins to be produced instead of injecting them directly. The body then produces proteins, which be virtually identical to a component of the virus: the spike protein.
The Spike protein is still toxic
The spike ensures that the virus can enter the cell, to multiply there. By generating antibodies against this spike, it was hoped to render the virus harmless. As we have seen, this principle only works temporarily. However, in the development of these vaccines, a very important aspect of this protein has been overlooked.
"If you take away the replication capabilities of the virus, it still has a great harmful effect on the vascular cells, simply because of its ability to bind to this ACE2 receptor, the S-protein receptor, which is now famous thanks to COVID."
SALK Institute, April 2021
The spike protein was considered harmless but has been shown to be toxic. For this, by the way, already a year and a half ago Warned.
Mechanisms of the spike protein
It is incomprehensible that the strategy was not changed when they learned more about the virus and the protein. Meanwhile, the (unnatural) elements identified that cause a relatively harmless virus to turn into a virus that can significantly disrupt the immune system and other mechanisms in the body. This specific knowledge was already known at the beginning of 2020, but the authorities in science did not want to know about this and so a vaccine based on the spike protein was created.
Both the clinical picture of covid-19, when it has penetrated the lung barrier, and the side effects of the vaccine are largely caused by the spike protein. Many side effects now attributed to vaccinations may have been caused by Covid and vice versa.
In the first weeks after infection we find the causes of death mainly in lung problems (62%) and already after 5 weeks it is mainly organ failure. (see chart)

Once the lung barrier has passed, a different clinical picture develops in the following weeks. Now we see three main causes of death. ARDS (respiratory problems) and pulmonary embolism are not taken into account. We only look at what is happening within the body.
Three causes of death after passing the lung barrier
- organ failure
When the spike protein enters the body, it disrupts a lot of processes there. For example, we see problems with; the hormone balance, the ACE-2 receptors, cytokine storm, the reproductive system, the thyroid gland, autoimmune diseases, nervous disorders, protein and blood clots throughout the body, various inflammations and eventually the organs become overloaded and reduces their function. Whether this fully recovers is still the question. You have to sit down for a while but in this video some of these mechanisms are discussed and there are many others that also cause nasty complaints. - heart muscle inflammation
Myocarditis is often described as inflammation of the heart with innocent clinical picture but as you can see in the autopsy report this is very disappointing. Although after 5 weeks it is 'only' 4% of the causes of death, these are younger patients. Approximately 12% of sudden death presentations in (previously healthy) patients under the age of 40 are caused by acute heart failure due to myocarditis.
Source: Myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy. New insights thanks to molecular cardiology | Journal of Cardiology ( - ischemic (heart) diseases
If the heart does not get enough blood supplied and it takes more effort to pump it around, one speaks of ischemic heart disease. This is caused by vasoconstriction or blockage and can have various causes. As everyone knows, overweight does not help with a healthy vascular system, but viruses and certainly the covid-19 spike protein can also constrict the passage in the vessels. This narrowing occurs because blood clots or other obstacles form that block the way: (venous) thrombosis. An example of other obstacles, is the clumping of proteins into a fiber-like clot on the inside of the blood vessels.
Also, ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction) is usually a result of a blood clot. - neurotoxic/neurodegenerative effects
These long-term effects of the Spike protein were not taken into account in the design of the vaccine or the safety studies. There is increasing data showing that the Spike protein can cause neurotoxicity, fibril formation and prion-like diseases. For various links to the studies see this Tweet from @ScienceWDrDoug - cancer
Not the first signal, but one from an unsuspected angle. An oncologist writes a fire letter about recurrence of cancer in more aggressive form in patients who were stable or in remission until they took the booster. Disrupting certain parts of the immune system can impair the function that counteracts cell proliferation.
From a Swedish research it turned out that almost 8% of the people who tested positive for covid-19 suffered from venous thrombosis. When the vessels constrict blood pressure also rises something that brings with it yet another set of problems, from neuroinflammatory processes to COVID-19-like neurological symptoms after brain infiltration by the S1 protein.
Not a direct cause of death but still serious is lung-covid. Fortunately, it is rare and most complaints disappear after a few weeks, but there are also people who continue to suffer from it for a long time. We know that Covid-19 can break through various barriers in the body and thus end up in the brain, for example. Above we have designated large blood clots as a cause of death, but small clots can also develop in the body (microclots). These clots can form anywhere in the body and are primarily responsible for the disease lung covid. This phenomenon is not new, even after influenza people can have long-term complaints. It seems now more often to occur.
Vaccines and virus give a similar clinical picture
For the attentive reader, it is clear that the syndromes described above are exactly same are like the side effectand after vaccination. We will not go into how often this does or does not occur, but that it occurs and that it concerns serious side effects may be clear. Apparently, people know the risks that the protein can entail, but it is not yet well anticipated.
Indeed; the bivalent vaccine allows the body to produce multiple types of spike protein. Unsurprisingly, this vaccine will provide more side effects.
After administering the mRNA vaccine, the spike protein is produced around the vaccination site in the arm muscle for a number of days. It is assumed that this happens entirely in the muscle, but a muscle needs a supply of blood to function and this allows protein-producing cells to escape. Advised not to exercise intensively for 5 days after vaccination. As a result, the spike protein can spread less quickly throughout the body, but this period is actually still too short. Reproduction may take a few days, but the protein can still remain in the body for weeks.
We have seen with covid-19 what kind of damage the protein can cause if it is spread through the bloodstream through the body. This will be Stresses by the fact that the virus itself is hardly or not found in the bloodstream. It is therefore of vital importance that the amount of spike protein in the blood vessels is kept to a minimum.
Aftereffects of Covid or vaccine damage?
Only with autopsy is it possible to distinguish on an individual basis the difference between vaccination and the natural virus as a possible cause of death. Just as one does in blood tests to find out whether antibodies are present after vaccination or by infection, one uses the nucleocapsid protein (N protein). If a person has died from heart muscle inflammation and the spikes are found but the N protein if it is absent, this inflammation will have been caused by vaccination.
Prevent spike protein in the bloodstream
- aspirate
Aspirating is a method that can ensure that you are sure that you are injecting into the muscle and not accidentally into the bloodstream. You pull the plunger of the syringe back a bit and see if there is no blood in the cylinder. Based on research with classic vaccines, it has been found that there were not many benefits associated with aspiration and that it causes pain around the injection site. It has therefore been decided not to use this process anymore, but here too a wrong assessment has been made with the mRNA vaccine. The vaccines work in a completely different way and it is very risky if spike protein producing cells go around the body in the bloodstream. Aspiration is therefore a protocol that should be absolutely mandatory when administering these vaccines. Here, too, research about Appeared but this has not caused the protocol to be adapted in most countries. As far as we know, only Denmark and Sweden did make use of this knowledge and aspirating was introduced there from March 2021.
When and How Can Vaccine Particles Hurt You? – A Visualisation Exercise ( - Other vaccines, such as in China
In China, the country where the virus "originated", no vaccines are produced that are based solely on the toxic spike protein, but use the whole (inactivated) virus to generate antibodies. These vaccines are used worldwide. The vaccine is very effective against the Delta variant and against serious illness by Omikron. An advantage of this vaccine is that its effect is not entirely dependent on recognition against only the rapidly mutating spike protein and it gives fewer side effects. - Early medication
By stopping the disease process at an early stage after an infection, the production and spread of the spike protein can be limited. The use of medicines has largely been banned from the options by the responsible authorities and, unfortunately, information about this is also scarce. If we really have to think from the collective, then the well-being of every person counts. It really seems more and more that available resources have not been in the interest of the pharmaceutical companies. They are still 'controversial'. The instruction remains: stay at home until you are seriously ill and you should not take anything to get better in the meantime, even if your doctor prescribes it.
Take aways
- Spike protein has an important part in the problems after infection and vaccination
- Distinguishing between vaccine and infection on a case-by-case basis is only possible with autopsy
- Statistical research can give clear by reporting causes of death with "with/without infection" and "number of vaccinations"
We hope for transparent data so that unrest is removed or further damage is prevented.
The Japanese Ministry of Health is addressed by Emeritus Professor Dr. Masanori Fukushima at Kyoto University.
head in the sand and keep believing what is being said .....
it is already certain that the virus has been deliberately made and deliberately spread.
vaccination of as many people as possible with a self-replicating toxin.
in 2014, the WHO in Kenya set up a bill gates-funded tetanus vaccination campaign that made women infertile.
1 plus 1 is still 2
Is it certain that the virus was deliberately spread? I've only seen that as an assumption/hypothesis/conspiracy theory. It also seems impossible to me to prove. The panic in the beginning points to the opposite. But definitely not the subject of this blog. These are biological mechanisms.
panic in the beginning?
with whom?...
jan with the cap yes, but really not at bill gates et al....
With Fauci and his family. This is evident from the emergency measures, hastily put together 'papers' and tests, etc. See also the FOIA (WOB) documents.
fauci et al had a problem in the beginning.
and that problem had a name: Trump and his hydroxychloroquine story.
hydroxychloroquine was the reason for the panic because a medicine would have made the eua impossible.
and then the whole plan would fall apart.
and so Trump was told that although he was president, he should have no illusions about who was really in charge.
jfk had already experienced what that means....
Panic perhaps, because the virus was not yet completely ready and there was much more to be tinkered with? And the thing that escapes too early is what was not yet intended. With all the lies I've heard now, I think it's a very plausible thought. The people who are now in governments are not the very best and the most reliable people on earth, to put it mildly. Manipulating the people and fooling them with something like that, then you must have a very nasty character.
That the mRNA would hardly appear in blood because it was administered by intramuscular means is layman's talk, another typical aspect that characterizes the low level of discourse. It is not the muscle that determines the degree and rate of release into blood, but the physical properties of the administered substance. If the intention is that the absorption into blood takes place delayed, special provisions for a so-called depot effect will have to be made. Intramuscular administration is primarily intended for convenience. Look at the way in which large, wild animals in wildlife parks are stunned: they simply get a syringe sprayed into a large muscle, usually from a helicopter or moving car, and usually fall down stunned within a few minutes.
Aren't these two separate discussions? In cancer, the LNP take longer to release the mRNA through a kind of plasma shell that keeps it stable. Dendritic cells that normally produce antibodies are now used to make spike protein. Exactly what they should be doing. Suppose that the injected vaccine remains largely in the arm muscle. After that, white blood cells will make spikes that are normally drained to the lymph nodes of course via the blood then the spike will still enter the blood. Only the LNP perhaps to a lesser extent than the spike protein. If the vaccine itself also escapes from the arm muscle, we also see more LNP throughout the body. In the brain, for example. Very disturbing seems to me.
A very good and readable piece. Also very written with a sense of reality. Often you see in such pieces that everything is on the vaccines and on the other hand that everything is on the disease itself. I've also had breathing difficulties for about half a year. Have not been vaccinated and I suspect afterwards that I contracted the disease with only that symptom. Probably contracted in mid-February 2021 and not tested, because I thought it had something to do with old age Also I got heart rhythm disorder at the beginning of May that lasted 2 days after which the heart ran well again until mid-June and I tested positive for Covid and fever and again got that heart rhythm disorder and ended up in the hospital for a day. Now every two months the heart starts to run wild for about 10 hours in total. I suspect my age, but I absolutely do not rule out that this stems from the disease Covid. So and the age(69) and the disease. Now I'm hoping for a heart ear closure to avoid heavy blood thinners. I'm someone who thinks: glad I didn't take the vaccine. Because it could have been even more serious. I mean there are many sides and everything but then also everything has to be investigated. But I certainly don't have a good feeling about this Government. Not from the very beginning. The way they sold those things was enough for me to be very skeptical about these syringes.
It is waiting for the first Dutch medical 'hotemetoot' who, like the Japanese in the video, dares to make unvarnished criticism of the dangers of the vaccine in public.
Who takes the lead here and has the guts to speak the truth??
What kind of meekness is that with John Campbell? This nurser was a great advocate of Covid vaccines in 2021, which he also did not hide given his blogs and videos.
In March 2022, Campbell found out he had been cheated by pharma and government and transformed into an antivaxer from then on. Mind you, almost 10 months after the first studies on the low protection and the serious side effects of the vaccines had already appeared.
Campbell clearly wants to end up on the right side of history. For me, these kind of defectors have lost all credibility!
I'm just happy with every convert, especially if they were previously fervently pro-vax.
we are not all born with the absolute wisdom of good and evil.
some of us need to learn to make the distinction.
by the way, we are better off with people who have learned to make the distinction than with those who happen to have chosen the right side and insist that they have always been right.
the latter also immediately sound so know-it-all while they actually know how to blow.
1 more defector to make Anton happy: Oncologist Angus Dalgleish. In 2021, he called the resistance (among young people) to the Covid vaccines the 'most dangerous medical misconception of our time'.
Angus is rotated 180 degrees. Now sees accelerated tumors forming everywhere. Now calls for the MRNA vaccination to be stopped immediately!
The whole pro- or antivax discussion has also destroyed science. John Campbell always reports fairly objectively on the investigations. Because he has read so many, the last year clearly sees the bewilderment and disbelief in his stories. Previously, he never became personal and his opinion was subordinate to the research.
In Sweden and Denmark, aspiration is taking place. This partly explains why there is much less excess mortality in Sweden. Is there also less excess mortality in Denmark than in the Netherlands, etc.?
That has not been investigated, but it is certainly a possibility.
Denmark also lower:
This was one of my first contributions to In May 2020. It soon became clear that this virus caused these symptoms. We just didn't know yet that the spike protein was the cause of all the misery.
This also explains why aspirin works so well on the complaints, it works anti-clotting and thus reduces the pain and promotes the flow of blood.
Indeed. It is also advised against lung Covid.
You may also know NAC supplementation and quercitin.
aspirin works just as well against covid as lime tablets...