Pfizer has shown that it can pretty much make someone disappear from the face of the earth. Digital traces of whistleblower-against-will-and-thanks Jordon Tristan Walker can no longer be found. The man was staged in an unwelcome video – against Pfizer's wishes. Google, LinkedIn, Youtube, Facebook, Pfizer websites, other websites – everything is cleared within a day. Profiles have disappeared, organization charts adjusted with the speed of science. Media ignore the incident, the Public Prosecution Service as well, politicians so far as well. In the Netherlands, people still have some trouble getting the last opponents under it. Again, this is unmistakably unheard of news.
Hey, there's an advertising bus in front of Pfizer headquarters!
Very shortened history of article The first video, of which fragments are also shown on the bus, is an undercover operation of project Veritas. In terms of content, protagonist Jordon Trishtan Walker repeats much of the former free publicity about Pfizer's unique research, as they were only too happy to put it out two years ago. However, that story no longer fits so well with the company profile that they want to radiate nowadays.
The pharmaceutical company has therefore decreed that all information about the protagonist in the video from Google /YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook had to be removed and that the media and politicians must completely ignore the entire incident.
These orders were of course executed immediately.
That's saying something.
He still stands here and there as co-author Listed.
Of course there was someone somewhere again just a little faster with downloading a lot of the stuff. Most of the pages mentioned there are now foetsie. As I understood from Robert Malone, many pages in Wayback Machine have also disappeared – and I find that really frightening. If anyone has been able to figure out if that's really the case, I'd love to hear it in the comments.
Unheard of the Netherlands on D66 sanctions list
All unheard of news. So that would be a suitable item at ON. In the Netherlands they get that broadcaster, Ongehoord Nederland, but not under the thumb. But we are working that.
Kaag has mobilized an army that will be doing a lot of work on the socials against unwelcome information, to be labeled as 'disinformation' and / or 'right-wing extremism'. The medical establishment already has them in the bag (or vice versa) and so does the national media – except FOR ON. Those national media shout that ON does not adhere to the journalistic definition of "disinformation" and thus breaks the "journalistic code". With this, ON would disqualify itself as an interlocutor.
So: first say that we are right, then you can talk to us. This is a state of affairs with which we could always accuse other regimes of communism, fascism, anti-democracy, totalitarianism, nepotism or dictatorship. This is how we are currently doing in the Netherlands.
You might say: fight the nonsense with facts. Unfortunately, the facts fall short, so we have to conspire to bully the mischievous boy (in my time there were few naughty girls) out of the classroom.
We see a sudden information tidal wave, a true media offensive, starting on the day of the first ON broadcast of 2023. That should be a controversial broadcast given the Dutch fatalities that are central to it. That is really of a different order than squabbling between journalists.
What is now being heavily focused on: Unheard of the Netherlands must be abolished. Everyone thinks it because they are wrong. Tjeerd de Groot even used the word 'fascist' before. That line is extended and blown up.
Tjeerd de Groot later tweeted:
"As a member of parliament, I should not have said this about a reporter."
And as a human being, Tjeerd, could you have said that as a human being? About a reporter? And about a scientist? And about a worried Dutchman?
Difficult substantive discussions are unanimously excluded. The Truth™ or Science™ should not be questioned because that is what independent journalism has committed itself to, forgetting that Truth can only prevail with a journalism that has broken free from such commitments.
This is so worryingly wrong, it is incomprehensible that people look away from this. Or perhaps that is why, we have seen that before in history: The intention is good, isn't it? Don't read newspapers?
Putting away unwelcome noise in this way shows... I tend to say fascist thinking. But accusing fascism is also wrong in itself, so let me make of it: totalitarian thinking.
The language of D66 members does not lie, nor does the collaboration of NPO, ombudsman and various Councils and other selective media that present their rhetoric as news.
It must be about the journalistic process, the method, not about a disputed or undisputed fact that is collectively adapted as "journalistic code", or fundamental disagreement that is labeled as "lack of journalistic cooperation". The adapting itself is the problem, demanding unanimity. Why do all these media want to sit on each other's laps? Where in the platoon of journalists have the freethinkers gone, the polemicists, the class boxes!?
The note from Jan today makes things succinctly clear. Read it.
In short: the media bombards us with big cucumber news and both the Pfizer commotion and the Excess mortality special snow under.
About the Pfizer debacle: see their advertorial at the time and project veritas' (preliminary) videos on
On yesterday's excellent ON broadcast and the points that I have something to say about (I do not always agree 100% with Theo Schetters nor with Herman Steigstra on details) I sometimes come back later, when the ON dust has settled a bit. We need to get a discussion going.
Here is the link to the broadcast: Missed unheard of news? Start watching on NPO Start and the more extensive substantiation of Herman Steigstra.
Hold out!
If you want to know more about possible personal drivers behind these forces or simply interested in conspiracy or plausible connections, see the article Oekraine => US => Biowapens => Farma => Corona

"If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism." Not a fan of Reagan. Certainly not, but he was right about this.
Sigrid would probably have acquired a prominent career 90 years ago. Who knows, maybe she had become responsible for public health.
So vote F66! For full BSO's, empty music schools and 'the stackable child'. F66 for mandatory jabs and NewSpeak!
Pages of the Wayback machine disappeared? I've been afraid of that for some time, that that would happen. Very serious if that is 🙁 true
But to be read as a form of self-incrimination.
Hello Anton,
I don't know if you highlighted this yet, but I saw an interesting blog and article about the effectiveness of the vaccines. The protection against omicron is 70 to 50% after the injection and drops to about 10% for 4/6 months and then after 7 months you run 10% and more likely to get sick earlier from the vaccine.
Data is mainly about Qatar, but I don't think the effect of the Vaccine will be much different with us.
Now I do have reservations about all those studies into the flu and Covid.
For example, if you measure the effectiveness of, for example, a flu shot during the flu season, it will seem less effective than if you measure it after the flu season. Do we give vaccines a season in advance, we immediately start measuring (70% effect) and then the effectiveness decreases in the flu season, or does the vaccine actually do nothing or very little? It is also not a given that you would get the measured flu at all, or whether the flu that is prevalent there is easily or more difficult to spread, severe or less severe, that depends on the resistance of those involved. Omicron seems to get everyone, but the general resistance determines the risk and not the Vaccines, even "measured" that becomes visible.
In retrospect, for example, if a flu infects fewer than expected (?) people, we say that the flu shot has worked well. But can't it be that those flu shots do nothing or very little at all and that the general resistance to this flu was just high? So are we actually attributing properties to vaccines that are actually not there at all? How do you know? Trusting the pharmaceutical industry? Other vaccines such as smallpox etc. have actually been proven to make a difference the protection is 100% or 99.9%. I do not believe in a flu shot at all because it has been proven that it does not work and that I think effectiveness is attributed to the vaccines that are not there. And isn't the proper functioning of these flu vaccines dependent on a good immune system? In other words, in someone with a very well-functioning immune system, is the Vaccine 100% effective? Only now he can die from the side effects of the vaccine.
Effectiveness is determined by comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated. If there is no flu, no one gets sick, then there is no difference so no effectiveness. If there is a lot of flu, it is easier to see what the differences are. Ideally (to measure) 50% is vaccinated and 50% is not and the groups are of similar composition so that you can see what the results are per age group. For example, in both groups of over-80s, the things you mention are similar, normally. Whether many or few people get sick does not say anything.
The only global open medium we still have is Twitter, since Elon Musk took over the case, the censorship has subsided somewhat, but there is still a lot to do. It is important to combat all the negative noises about EM that are now also emerging in the MSM. Give him the chance to finish 'his' village square and redesign it and make it profitable. Cost that poor boy 44 billion.
For myself, Twitter has recently become the leading source of information. If you set up your 'bubble' well with people you want to follow, you will see startling things on your timeline. I can recommend it to everyone.
"... poor boy..." 🤣 ... pun intended I suppose? 😉