The pandemic law is there to legitimize injudicious fumbling. One hopes that it will soon have a retroactive effect: "If those measures and vaccinations had really been so bad, they would never have been included in a law."
So yes.
The counterproductive effect of government policy is attributed by those in power to too little leeway. So they are
- misinformed (=corporationally belobbied) and
- totally lost track of how a free society is supposed to work.
Types like Mao, Stalin and Hitler had a self-developed vision of the future that led to oppression, coercion and violence. In any case, our administrators cannot be blamed for this, they do not have the ingenuity to do so.
Hopefully, therefore, this light version of techno-globalitarianism can still be reversed. Before it's taken care of. The further it goes on, the harder it is to get out again. Reversing a law (such as the pandemic law) is yet another multimillion-dollar process. A waste of all that tax money.
While it was free to jettison substantiated, working definitions and pandemic guidelines – costs wouldn't have mattered. Unbridled headless chicken panic can be recognized in decisions in which cost and disproportionality no longer play any inhibiting role.
Now that there is still no scientific basis for the corona policy and evaluations are feared because of possibly (ten) thousands of unnecessarily killed Dutch people who turn up, some legal cover is very welcome. A law that enshrines all wrongdoing might provide some of that coverage.
What happens if you start facilitating unscientific and undemocratic processes (as has now been done with an emergency law):
- Criteria and definitions are set according to the minister in power:
- Criterion for A disease
- Definition of 'pandemic' and 'epidemic' is malleable
- Definition of 'immunity' ditto
- Definition of 'vaccine' may be misused for short-acting, barely tested and therefore experimental injections
- Measures are copied from totalitarian areas ('at least they have measures there!' – Yes duh!)
- Hand disinfection advice indicated insufficient understanding of contamination methods and led to false safety
- Ditto for face mask requirements which, according to various studies, now have harmful consequences and offer hardly any protection (which ironically is reminiscent of a vaccine). Life-threatening false security.
- Lockdowns (flatten the curve) that hinder immunity, and:
- were deployed too late
- have taken far too long
- have been redeployed at random times and
- have caused more harm than good, health-wise, socially and economically
- Panic-induced, unscientifically based unscrupulous human rights violations, including:
- Physical integrity
- freedom of expression
- Mobility
- Sabotaging the scientific process
- Censoring contrarian expressions, dismissing retrospectively correct dissent, also from a scientific point of view
- Spreading disinformation, false promises and misinformation (disinformation against better judgment, or deception)
- Screens with privacy and violating it yourself (QR pass)
- Administering harmful vaccinations to the vast majority of the population who were less at risk from the disease against which those vaccinations were intended than from the vaccinations themselves. Also children!!! (Example: pricking in the morning, going out in the evening – outrageous grooming)
- Using dubious PCR tests to maintain anxiety and maintain measures
- Data fraud or pseudoscientific money laundering by affiliated (government) institutions and foundations under the guise of independence
And then I must have forgotten something. I am happy to include additional suggestions in the comments in this list.
The mess listed above has resulted in an estimated economic damage of around one hundred billion euros. The future remains to be seen whether this will continue, because the damage is still ongoing: society and the economy have been severely disrupted and it is questionable whether the economy has not been brought to collapse by the unlimited printing of money.
(References on request, no time for now.)
The (very) near future
The individuals and institutions that have brought about this now want a law so that they can do it again, but with less resistance. Their train of thought:
"There was a pandemic so we took measures"
"The pandemic is over so the measures worked"
So it may be added soon:
"If those measures and vaccinations had really been that bad, they would never have been enshrined in a law."
The state's attorney would have an argument because he is not ashamed of anything, as we have seen repeatedly.
With the next infectious flu, someone can shut down society as a precaution, cow and inject people with what it makes the most money for the lobbyists, break up friendships and families and close schools and restaurants, just because they can. Just to name a few. And no one can do anything about it because the law allows it.
Maybe it's weird that I'm so worried about it. After all, without a law, they have already succeeded in causing destruction. Perhaps we should acknowledge that we are at the mercy of the next delirium to blow through the country. If we start showing each other that we don't agree with that, we will automatically become stronger. Please speak up. This is no longer possible.
I know: it's fighting the beer quay. See the paltry 8000 signatures on this action of The smug, arch-depraved, mashed-up Dutchman, quasi-intellectual or practically educated does not matter, that Dutchman apparently does not want better and then he does not deserve it. Pharmaceutical companies, big capitalists: go ahead.
I think that is a great pity. Nothing remains of our cheerful inclusive multicoloredness. We're going from diversity to drab uniformity, which feels safer for most people. But yes, that too is democracy: if everyone shows their certificate of inability (no self-reliance, no reflection, no input) there is a need for tight leadership, strict laws, a guideline to hold each other accountable, a strong man who stands up to set the course. Good luck with that prospect.
Taken from The Other Newspaper:
What everyone can do:
- Draw thepetitionagainst the Pandemic Act on the website ofCulture under attack.
- Draw thepetitionagainst the Pandemic Act on the
- Support the action ofI the Burgerand forbid theamendment to the Public Health Act.
- Download and send aLetter to Members of the Senate(on page 3 you will find the e-mail addresses)
- Download and distribute the posterStop pandemic law.pdf
- Order 5 newspapers including posters for €7,50 or 12 posters for €5,- on ourorder page.
Information and news articles about the Pandemic Act:
- On thepageLaw you don't want contains a lot of information about the Pandamie law.
- Culture under Fire –The New Pandemic Act threatens the fundamental rights of all Dutch people.
- The Other Newspaper –Articleon the Pandemic Act of 8 January 2023
- OnEzaz.nlthere is an article on how this law will restrict freedom.
- Vaccine-Free Foundation –What hangs over us with the new Pandemic Act.
- The Biomedical Court of Auditors statedQuestions about the changesin the Public Health Act.
- The Other Newspaper –Opposition to dictorial Pandemic Act is succeeding.
- The Other Newspaper –Government wants to enshrine corona lockdowns in law.

Hi Anton, well maybe one more thing in your list. You can say: "To take such megalomaniacal measures that devastate the economy that only printing unlimited money could keep the economy alive for a while. At the point where the so-called pandemic is about a year and a half behind us, it is only now that the economy is starting to collapse due to all that printing. About which, by the way, the same misinformation is started." Kind of.
I added the 'unlimited printing of money' to that hundred billion.
What a crook's prank. The last official meeting of the current senate is apparently on June 6. So Kuipers is trying to get this dragon of a law through just before the curtain falls? Let's hope reason prevails. The European Championships have already given Kuipers the upper hand.
What I think can still be on your list:
-The PCR test mania. That has contributed enormously to the panic.
-Under data fraud, perhaps specifically mention that vaccinated people were still counted as unvaccinated up to 3 weeks after 'vaccination'. This is perhaps the biggest fraud in the statistical story (see Norman Fenton).
I don't think it's strange that you're so worried about this. Rather admirable. It's weird that so few people care about this.
PCR added. There are countless examples of this data fraud, I will keep it brief. Maybe I'll add more references, then Fenton will definitely be added.
Everything has worked almost exactly as intended. The profits are maximized. The cows, uh burgers, have been milked.
The best way to slow down further domestication by WHO pharma and minions is to organize ourselves from the bottom up.
And stop believing the white coats. The main reason our medical system sometimes works is because they are organized and have licenses that are denied to others.
Take herbal medicine. This could be at least as effective as Rockefeller oil medicine, but recommended dosages are deliberately kept too low in specific cases, warnings too large and bold, and abuses widely reported rather than concealed.
The white coats are brainwashed priests and as long as their products are taken away, Big Pharma will dominate our narrative and the pandemic law will come.
Nicely said, "the white coats are brainwashed priests". The scary thing about that pandemic law, of course, is that, to stay in the same metaphor, it is a law to forcibly club the unwilling citizen into their church. Terrible. Let them squirt their believers upside down for my part, but just leave others alone. What an unimaginable and unscrupulous dystopia in the making this is... brrrr
Great work again, Anton!
It is indeed worrying that so few are rebelling against this blatantly wrong policy. Have we descended into a people of nothing but sheep? And where is the mind in the (first) room? I admire Andrew Bridgen (MP in the UK) who puts things in sharp focus, based on his professional knowledge. Do we have such a person in the Netherlands? What I would add to the list: opposing doctors such as Rob Elens, who applied very effective early treatment.
Keep up the good work Anton, you have our support.
Good work again Anton!
Very worrying ! And especially our fellow human beings who do not see evil
Dear Anton,
I am not an expert but an ordinary resident of this country and I have been following your posts for 1.5 years. I 'discovered' you by chance, after some clicking through on LinkedIn. I deliberately do not follow your messages via your mail alerts (I already get too much mail), but by checking your site almost daily to see if there is anything new on it.
Although I don't always understand everything, I can follow the big picture and I learn a lot from it. It keeps me alert and contributes to my critical opinion formation. Therefore, I thank you and your co-authors for your explanatory work.
Sometimes I distribute a link to your articles via whatsapp to trusted contacts. I know that the recipients also spread them further. Your reach is greater than you might think.
It strikes me that you and others in the comments are regularly negative about fellow citizens who do not (yet) speak out loud. I'm such a fellow countryman and I'm not comfortable with those comments. In my experience, it increases polarization, while as a society we can use more togetherness and understanding for each other.
After all, you do not know what the circumstances of your fellow citizens are, what they may or may not worry about and what they may already be doing. You don't know if they (quietly) reject the public narrative or still adhere to it.
The alternative media are still largely unknown. Their information spreads first in their own circle and then through slowly wider. I haven't seen any national campaigns from that angle. Can you blame your fellow countrymen for falling behind in knowledge?
On LinkedIn, I saw a very clear shift in the last three-quarters of a year. Many more reactions from all kinds of quarters against the c-policy, the c-story and the governance of the country. Although some contributions and authors are still temporarily removed there, there is a remarkable amount more criticism and dissent to be read. Perhaps (again) a stage for you?
Everyone changes according to their own abilities, in their own way and at their own pace. Some lead the way and others follow later. Let us honour that freedom and support each other in this.
Warm regards from Monique
Hi Monique,
Thank you for your candid answer and your support. I don't blame anyone except the people who, because of their position, should know better or, worse, really know better, but still persist in their error.
At the same time, I am very disappointed in the people (also in my own circle) who dismiss everything, look away, think that the government is infallible, that a professor is always right, etc. etc. Unfortunately, that is by far the largest group and it is that group that I want to encourage by addressing them about their citizenship. I don't think that's so non-committal. You can't just take advantage of everything you happen to and for the rest 'aju umbrella'.
Of course there are people who really can't do anything else because of specific circumstances, but that easygoing group is far too large and everyone can think of an excuse to remain passive.
It may not be much fun of me, but I can't see it any other way. That is a freedom that I then appropriate.
In any case, I think it's great that you think about the 'counter-narrative' and even share something every now and then! And caressing (and therefore encouraging) that it also concerns articles from this site. Please keep doing that, that is important work and hopefully it will seep further and further into the capillaries of society.
As for LinkedIn, my virus variety articles were thrown off LinkedIn as soon as they gained some traction. My most viewed post last year was due to a few shares from important LinkedIn leaders, who also read this site. I'll try again, first maybe.
I understand from LinkedIn that they want to keep their platform clean. At the same time, they are cowards, for example, they could have organized a #coronacrisis hashtag, visible only to those who subscribe to it or search for it. Finally.
I don't think you can deny me understanding: my judgment towards traitors and NSB members has become much milder as a result of this. I now understand how it could have happened at the time. These were people who kept up with developments at their own pace. The rescue had to come from outside and afterwards suddenly everyone was 'liberated'. Whoever had won, those people had simply joined and the NSB had remained the fastest growing (they were then) or largest party for years to come.
It certainly seems like a much more comfortable existence that way, but I can't go along with it.
So I'm a hard learner. But again my thanks and respect for your comment!
Hi Monique,
I like that you have kept an open mind and at the same time I have to admit that in my personal environment I also remain friendly to people who are clearly unaware of the seriousness of the facts. I know them and I like them often. That makes it difficult, and actually undesirable, to risk friendships.
I've often mentioned things around me and have had arguments about it – from the other side that made me look like a 'dangerous, undesirable wappie'. It wasn't like there was much niceness poured out on the "covid conscientious objectors." To say the least. Then you didn't hear anyone tell them to be nicer to us and talk to us. Nevertheless?
No, the water cannon was put on us. The ME and their dogs brutally unleashed on us. Even Amnesty had a word to say about that. We were censored from social media, removed from youtube, shadowbanned. We had to have a stick pushed deep into our noses every day for a declaration of cleanliness.
You name it – and the people who "didn't know" could have known if they had studied it. Also through the propaganda.
Sorry, democide remains democide. In my opinion, there have been thousands of unnecessary deaths in our country (as the tip of the proverbial suffering iceberg). Worldwide there are probably hundreds of thousands. The policymakers knew it. And if they didn't know, they were very unfit for their position.
In the Netherlands thousands of deaths due to guilt and 'ignorance'. What exactly was I supposed to be *lenient* about?? That 'those who didn't know' stayed comfortable walking along and often went the extra mile?
No, sorry. I'm not lenient. They didn't know, but they could have known. Their choice, their responsibility. (Mostly, and with exceptions).
I want to see justice before an independent court. And the pathetic runners? Oh well, they get away with it as usual and life goes on – with each other.
@Alison: poe Alison, spicy words. Spicier than I'm initially inclined to use with regard to those who know nothing about it. But as you substantiate it, I'm shocked to realize how true your words really are. Thanks for this not in itself nice eye opener. Well, let's take a closer look at what Anton is bringing to the attention here. that unapologetic, arrogant, totalitarian abomination law they're trying to push through. Everything you mention that has been done to the covid refusers, all that fascist misery, is made legal in that law.
"If it's offered to you for free, why not? Better save than sorry!"
For example, young adults (19 – 27 years) are encouraged by the GGD to get the HPV vaccination this year. With the threatening undertone that they will have to pay for it themselves next year. It protects as many as 6 types of cancers, according to the report. Cancers that you would hardly ever get without a jab. But a knee-jerk who pays attention to that...
It is roughly about 1500 women per year. I have no idea if those vaccines have as much of a corrupt umfeld as the virologist disease vaccines. NIH just gave another bag of money to Peter Daszak for coronavirus research. "But not in China, Peter!" And he promised.
Case closed. Fauci's third middle finger.