This afternoon, 20 February, The Excess Mortality Debate took place. My expectations were not high anyway, but what was shown beat everything. I have co-written something1 With the intention of making a small report but the suds are not worth the cabbage. We have to conclude that we are ruled by institutionalized incompetence.
If you ever read something here, or on or maurice, then you are better informed than these policymakers. It's terrifying, and I really mean it.
The politicians hide political blunders of the magnitude of multiple manslaughter behind blundering scientists, who do not want their work to be evaluated and therefore advise negatively on research proposals, an advice that is gratefully adopted by the politicians. They think they form an impregnable bastion. It is an unprecedented merger of interests.
I don't waste any more words on it. I copy-paste a text here that I posted on LinkedIn at the risk of my own life. Below that are three video fragments from the last fifteen minutes of the debate, then you get an impression
This morning I posted on LinkedIn:
Today at 14:00 the excess mortality debate in the House of Representatives. I am very curious to see if they are starting to realize what is going on in society. The media and the public communication of the institutes are covering it in such a way that many have no idea. Read something about it.
This article for example is about the excess mortality of women between the ages of 40 and 50. In 2024, mortality was 30% higher than expected. THIRTY PERCENT. That is almost a third more deaths than normal. That is bizarrely high.
As a communications man, I am baffled by how this is reported in the media (not) and where the uproar from the scientific, medical and political angle remains. Will this excess mortality debate change that?
We'll see.
And after the debate:
It was a layman's conversation.
De Korte tried everything to push for a broad investigation. Repeatedly repeated are the need for a "Multivariate" study, by which she meant, of course, that the vaccinations should also be included, but that is blasphemy. So no one dared to say that out loud.
If you can't put your finger on the sore spot, everyone casually skips around it.
Karremans made it clear: ZonMW and the scientists who collaborated on the previous studies that are now disputed and criticized by external scientists all advise against external research. Reason for the State Secretary to ignore two motions.
The state is untouchable.
There were disconcerting phrases about 'moments of excess mortality', heat and flu waves, the flattening of peaks, an ex-CBS employee (Pierik) turned out to have no idea of how the baseline is determined, they were going to explain to each other how to calculate excess mortality etc etc.
What amateurism.
Virtually all attendees emphasized that we all know, in line with the scientific consensus, that vaccines work. No further research is necessary and data will only remain available to stakeholders. The correlation between vaccinations and excess mortality is non-negotiable in the Netherlands.
Three short impressions at the End of debateso After approx. 2 hours of exchanging information about the worrying excess mortality in the Netherlands. (There was a break of about 20 minutes in between.). These are the leaders who are in charge of our health. Where is RFK when you need it?
State Secretary Vincent Karremans explains how it works with excess mortality and models and that you have to understand what you are researching. After two hours of debate on oversterte,
N.B.: Pierik was announced as an ex-CBS employee. I can imagine it.
In the last video, Ria de Korte (NSC) once again really her best... But it is not strong.
Just as the cabinet was protected by the OMT, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has ZonMW as bodyguards. The scientists around ZonMW (who are they? OMT relatives perhaps? Those people of those wrong studies and interpretations: Nivel, RIVM, UMCU, CBS?) shield the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. After all, ZonMW is directly under the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, so it is actually incomprehensible that this is even possible under the guise of 'science'. And Tielen makes a slightly tipsy impression, but that could also be due to the adrenaline. That last question about that data too... Attje Kuiken is nothing compared to it.
What. One. Debacle.
Ria De Korte (NSC) asks why a motion has never been carried out. Cites high excess mortality rates
Tielen throws sand in the engine. She finds percentages of excess mortality not scientific: "blanks".
Julius Bushoff m(GL-PvdA): And what about Solar MW?
De Korte argues for research into overall research, "multifactorial".
Bushoff wants to discuss why ZonMW is not being taken seriously – he demands studies from NSC. (?)
The effect of the "measures" is discussed.
The Short mentions the absurd figures from the Nivel study. Vaccination is mentioned.
She asks for a commitment that there will be a new and thorough major investigation. Access to all available data. And the link to vaccinations.
Calculation: RIVM baseline is questioned. Based on thorough scientific research.
Tielen clearly does not want in-depth scientific research. Asks what data exactly should be made available
Bushoff: RIVM has already done research. Why even more research.
Thiadens (PVV): heartbreaking elderly people in nursing homes. Vaccinations have led to fewer deaths. Deferred care is the real problem. I do want the research, with additional research into delayed care.
Transparency about vax data. It is incomprehensible that CBS is hindering this.
Would like to review. Thiadens also uses the vv article by Hans Verwaart. (30% in women between 40-50). Not just post-covid or lockdown stress.
Tielen: Laughing: please fact-check whether excess mortality has never been so high. (a distortion of his words "never before 5 years of consecutive excess mortality")
Covid-19 was bad and vaccinations saved a lot of lives. For VVD, further investigation is not necessary. Makes a bridge to pandemic preparedness.
He does argue for the interchangeability of data (not realizing what that will expose). Also argues for a digital vaccination booklet because she now always has to walk around with two yellow booklets.
Bushoff: excess mortality is of all times. Muddled story about excess mortality, measures, researching causes and measures. Vaccines help, of course, we know that, to put no doubt about that. Comes with correlation-causation story. Something about a flu that has disappeared.
Research into measures ZonMW is useful.
The Short: "I don't want to cast doubt on vaccines because I've been vaccinated too."
Bushoff: more research into delayed care. Would like to learn lessons from the effects of measures. Also socio-geographical characteristics.
Pierik (BBB and ex-CBS employee) Starts talking about aging... 2021-2023 were 'stable years'. Sprinkles with absolute figures. Asks about causes of excess mortality. What tests are needed?
Thiadens: What is BBB's position on the demand for more research? Are RIVM mortality monitor data leading? (assumes some skill, turns out to be misunderstanding)
Pierik (BBB) babbles a bit about excess mortality and importantly, I can't make soup out of it.
De Korte asks whether the ex-CBSer understands that the baseline is being raised. Pierik then starts talking about the CBS forecast. He has no idea, starts talking about heat waves and flu waves again. That man is not good.
Thiadens repeats the baseline question.
Pierik starts talking about CBS forecasts again. (they don't know that RIVM uses different figures than CBS.) Pierik starts talking about population growth and aging again. (It can't be filmed actually, and something like that has worked at CBS.)
State Secretary Vincent Karremans: Excess mortality is decreasing, recovery visible. Lots of data available. Vaccinations have prevented mortality. Consensus. Emphasize: vaccination helps.
We have a broad picture. ZonMw has twice asked for an integrated study. External research will not provide any new insights. CBS and RIVM are keeping their finger on the pulse.
Refers to Cochrane research. (De Korte said that Cochrane also concludes that further research is necessary, is dismissed)
RIVM mortality monitor is the main source (that is the one with the increased baseline and therefore underestimated excess mortality)
Better calculation? No use and necessity to investigate that. RIVM is doing well. Excess mortality therefore decreases due to reference from previous years.
The Short: why not look at foreign methods?
State secretary: RIVM removes the peaks. He talks about a "certain temporary excess mortality"
De Korte is still trying to push through a demographic approach. State Secretary cuts it off.
People are now fact-checking the statement "highest excess mortality ever"
The State Secretary then confuses the weekly bandwidth with long-term excess mortality.
A lot of research has been done. Again about heat waves and cold periods. (the only thing he remembered from a crash course, it seems)
Consensus that external research does not provide added value.
Pierik and State Secretary ping-pong some irrelevant information back and forth.
There is already enough research. Scientific committee advises against twice.
The Short: Cochrane: also calls for uniform analysis methods and multivariate analysis.
SS Vincent Karremans: fences again with the Scientific Committee of highly respected scientists.
Thiadens: Excess mortality 5 consecutive years unique.
Bushoff: starts talking about cutbacks...
Thiadens: Are there signs that costs are a barrier to further research?
Ss UK? Not known.
UK says work is being done on better data exchange in healthcare (so not outside of it).
UK: about NIVEL research. Parliamentary question was received too late to answer now.
Starts talking about the digital vaccination booklet under the heading "vaccinations".
(This looks like a set-up with Tielen, who repeatedly diverts attention to the digitization of vax books. Has nothing to do with excess mortality. How else do you fill in the heading "VACCINATIONS" neatly?)
Report Meester/Jacobs not included, is only one investigation. ZonMW studies say otherwise.
The research proposal had already been
a) rejected by ZonMw,
b) not published peer-reviewed (neither are the ZonMw studies, by the way),
c) expertise of the authors (professors) is found to be insufficient (by those who are criticized).
So the State Secretary ignores the research in a "substantiated" way.
Postponed care is coming up again. Adjust measures in the future (also has nothing to do with the current excess mortality).
Bushoff: Is there any medium-term research underway?
UK: yes, there is a large ZonMW programme on the broad consequences of the measures.
Tiadens: So there will be no investigation?
UK: It HAS been investigated.
The Short: Motion for multivariate research will NOT be carried out. Why not? Twice unanimously adopted by the House. "Disappointing".
Bushoff: Confidence in the supervisory committee!
The Short: Political statements are dismissed by professors.
Bushoff: again ad authoritative fallacies.
Tielens becomes personal, De Korte accuses that, as an epidemiologist with a PhD, she is stuck on the same mantra (Strange, because Kamp-Tielens constantly uses ad authoritative arguments: ZonMw scientists know better.). Want to hear a specific research objective: what is the research question?
Tielen is very enthusiastic about himself. Don't want any more debates about excess mortality! On to pandemic preparedness! Starts chatting about her digital vax book again.
Pierik (ex-CBS) closing word: has learned a lot this afternoon. (Apparently it doesn't take much for that.)
Vaccinations are not linked to excess mortality. Deaths are very bad.
UK philosophizes about what excess mortality is and starts talking about peaks again. (The man has no idea of excess mortality definitions or measurement methods, mixes everything up.)
Thalens again mentions the 30% excess mortality among women aged 40-50
UK starts ranting about models, aging and peaks.
I give up. ↩︎
Judith Tielen plays the clown. Give me Pipo and Mamalou at least we could really laugh about that. Ria de Korte of NSC gave a good argument in terms of content, but regularly choked on word choice and had little real substantiation. F.M. Thiadens (PVV) had the best introduction and read from our work, ha ha. And that Cor Pierik from BBB, could that be a brother of pimp Roland? I had noticed before that they had the same last name, but now it became very clear!
Thank you for your report and sitting through and watching this debate. My pessimism won over the curiosity to go and see and listen for myself so I waited for your experiences.
The state secretary is not blundering here at all, but has been hired as a puppet to distract attention from the sad reality.
How long will we allow politics to squander such core tasks in such a way?
Hey now I'm grumbling again grrr.
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In 1 word: sad.
I find it really frightening too. These are the people who have life and death. About the protection of our children. I feel less and less safe under this mismanagement.
I have exactly the same thing, Anton. Will our children still be safe if there is another plandemic??
Of course, everyone is happy with as little in-depth research as possible and hiding behind professors/scientists. After all, all these politicians were pro vaccination. Rather the comfortable lie than the inconvenient truth.
The greatest crime of all time must be denied, misunderstood or camouflaged in any case. But the truth will one day be indisputably established.
Even these parliamentarians are aware of this. That's why they anticipate the eternal excuse "Ich habe es nicht gewusst".
Sorry Anton but I really have to help you out of the dream, if only it were mismanagement.
In politics, people rise to the top because they slime themselves up in the right way.
It has nothing to do with expertise or independence anymore,
We vote for voting cattle who really have no idea what it is about.
In my opinion, this is a deliberately designed system error to give citizens the idea that there is something to choose from. And then a critical citizen may have the idea that we are looking at mismanagement.
What ignorant people and what incompetence. How many words do you need to talk so much nonsense. Karremans thinks independent research is a waste of government money. Hmm??
In any case, I think that these kinds of politicians and ill-prepared meetings are an obvious waste of taxpayers' money.
They have an assignment and they carry it out. It is one big puppet theater. Scandalous!
This week two funerals of close family from group of friends. Male, in his thirties, turbo cancer. Woman, in her mid-fifties, perfectly healthy, heart failure.
In short, "they" say it is safe and effective and try to prove that it is not, without letting go of source data. And if you admit that you don't trust us, that's incitement. Vance is right: we don't live here is a democracy.
Thank you for this concise overview. Deeply sad yes. A Secretary of State who makes it very clear that he does not understand it properly and does not intend to change it, and then makes a decision on the basis of his ignorance, that is worrying!
'And making a decision on the basis of his ignorance, that's worrying!'
In 2020, Rutte echoed the mantra that you had to make 100% decisions with 50% of the data.
Nothing has changed since then. Though...
Today, 100% of the data is available, but people (from the room to zonmw to the academy) still do their utmost to make 100% decisions with 50% of the data and to approve them (afterwards).
It is as old as the world. It's how miracles come into the world. They are also called half-truths. And a half-truth, as we know, is still a fallacy.
The reason why the belief in half-truths, let's call it that, is so persistent, I think has a psychological component. There has been so much faith in it, so much invested in it, that there is actually no way back for all those people who were on stage at Nieuwsuur, de Volkskrant, the chamber and other likes... talking clubs were preaching the passion. They really believed it, up to the exclusion of entire groups of unvaccinated people from society. They have not shown the best side of themselves, despite all the honorable ranks and positions that these people have held in the course of their lives. together.
Anyone who sees the covid drama in its true essence must conclude that all those experts, politicians, scientists and you name it at the time were insane. But that's not how those people want to see themselves. That is out of the question, and that is why they live on in the delusion that you can make 100% decisions with 50% of the data. These people are half-truths themselves.
And since the majority of those people are (or already are) approaching retirement age, they hope that by singing it out for a while longer, they will disappear into the grave as the great politician, scientist, which role they played to themselves in 2020-2022. People know better, but they don't dare to acknowledge for themselves what they really were around 2020-2022. Poor relatives who in x number of years will be allowed to explain to the news reporter why the late father, mother, grandfather or grandmother acted so insanely and never came back to it.
That decisions made by the insane always lead to misery, I think has been proven once again. You would like to give these madmen some courage and guts and from time to time (believe me) I try to do that too. It is not completely without success (I believe) but all in all and in conclusion a huge effort with (very) little yield.
Fwiw: Anthony Burgess has written a book about it (it's been a long time since I've read the book) in which miracles of God happen by means of concealment of facts. The book (earthly powers) was/is dismissed for its scandalous homosexual character. But even that is only half the story. That's how it goes with those things everywhere and always. It's nothing special.
Dear Anton,
Thank you for your impression. To cry indeed. Who has also failed for 5 years are the pranksters. That was different before Corona, see Arjan Lubach about ZonMW: While the need is now a lot higher.
True. There were a few for which kudos! Know someone personally and they asked for secrecy from me, among others. The person received a bag of money and recorded some videos with the assignment to make corona measures normal, also for children. This person suddenly realized that there was more to come than the measures in the spring of 2020 and it apparently ate away at the conscience... Motivation: Lost another job, mortgage and young family. The contact is broken but betraying them is next-level. I myself also remain more or less anonymous on the internet at the request of my loved ones.
"betray them"? What do you mean, he just accepted a production order from the government, didn't he? What can be betrayed about that? I don't see any harm in making information videos, especially if you don't yet understand what's behind it. But I have also worked in advertising, in terms of ethics I have seen that chafe more often.
Of course, it is about those who commissioned it.
That person knew about the second series of videos but did not refuse the assignment. And so there were (are) many... Today, I don't know how to deal with friends whose children continued to perform deadly protocols while knowing the consequences. A number of them did not allow themselves to be cvaxxed and did not openly... Proud of my whole family, they have looked for other work and really not the nicest and/or just as well-paid work. With those abrasive commercials there is still the advertising code committee 😉, well you would think that they should also take a big action.
You can't betray a bank that transfers government money either.
Betrayed may be the wrong word, but that's how this public person described it. I have no proofs to hand over... I had sent evidence about how "long covid" was going to be put on the map and very early in 2021 to, among others, Mr. Maurice de Hond. Banks have their own approach, if you don't hobble along, they threaten to take away your bank account or really do it... Sorry that my stories are not more hopeful, but it really messes around.
With what is coming up in the USA, among others, these people are going to have a very difficult time. They can, and should, be considered complicit in genocide.
The greatest crime of all time must be denied, misunderstood or camouflaged in any case. But the truth will one day be indisputably established.
Even these parliamentarians are aware of this. That's why they anticipate the eternal excuse "Ich habe es nicht gewusst".
Around the covid period, I started following debates in the House of Representatives for the first time and I was quite shocked by the level. It actually made me so sad and despondent that I don't dare to look anymore. Lately it has happened to me that I am genuinely surprised when things go well in this country. For example, that a water pipe is properly constructed or a road. Then I just hope that there is still knowledge and expertise available in executive organizations.
De kwetsbaarheid van de mens geeft de beperking. Dat is precies de kern en rode draad van de Coronacrisis.
My father once said: "we are ruled by fools". I do not think there is any better evidence for this statement than this disgrace in the Chamber. And then that name, Karremans, where do we know it from. I am now deeply ashamed to be Dutch... what an ignoramus, Thielen in the lead.
In fact, the cause lies in the one-sided and misleading information provided to these politicians by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. These politicians have been 'nudged', or steered in a certain direction with the help of persuasive communication techniques.
The Nivel researchers themselves know very well what is wrong with their research and the interpretation of the results. They are not that stupid after all. Probably this conclusion had to come out, otherwise they would not receive research funding or they would not be allowed to publish the results.
I haven't watched any debates since the fall of 2020. The level is really below 0, regardless of which cabinet "governs". The only one who rules is the ignoramus.
How could it ever have come to this?
I too am deeply ashamed to be Dutch these days...
Gidion van Meijeren is an exception I think?
As long as the ministries are still in the possession of the communist party D66 which has had crucial positions taken everywhere by people (read criminals) they have bought through consultancy firms, nothing is going to change, and certainly not with the ministers in the current cabinets, if we don't make drastically different choices as a people, it will stay that way. And the people sleep on, see it all around me.
My God, my God, where has common sense gone in the Netherlands? and for example
With so much ignorance in the House of Representatives and in our government, our country is "governed"..... Pffffffff.
By the way, fine, Anton, that you still keep your finger on the pulse... One of the few in this sleeping country. Why is NO ONE looking at what is coming out in America?
Good Anton
"My expectations weren't high anyway"
Isn't that the overstatement of the year?
Please allow me to refer to my earlier post (under 'CBS gaslighting') in which I let historian Mathieu Segers speak, who had previously observed that in Dutch political culture (and their media) the attention in problem analysis and policy approach has shifted from causes to effects, with literally and figuratively 'killing' effects for citizens.
The consequences that the political attention is focused on in this case is NOT the excess mortality. But it is the chopping block of their political heads. And THOSE consequences must therefore be avoided, if necessary at the cost of many civilian deaths. This is the serious ethical shortcoming that Segers pointed out (not to mention the minority of integrity).
Therefore: see how political issues are dealt with politically in the Netherlands, also known as 'problem areas' or crises, such as global warming, nitrogen emissions, agriculture and food security, housing shortage, immigration/refugees, growing distrust of government and its institutions, disinformation or undermining of 'democracy and the rule of law', etc. The highest priority seems to be that the chopping block for political heads should be AVOIDED by focusing primarily on (counteracting or covering up) consequences instead of (tackling real or unmasking false) causes.
Hence Segers' concise characterization of the degenerated Dutch political culture.
"Speaking is silver, but Silence is golden." Where instead of 'Conceal' it could also have been 'Avoid'.
That's how it is indeed...
institutionalized incompetence...
That comment is still too good for reality.
I don't want to grumble because that's not good.
I don't know what I'm doing right anymore.
Only now, while no one is paying attention, is that worthless research being withdrawn.
Plus if HCQ works, then an authorisation on the condition for an experimental vaccine is not permitted. In other words, a manipulated study was deliberately abused to inject experimental rubbish en masse. The fact that no research is needed into this is because it is becoming increasingly clear that those experimental syringes did not work. Because ppk is becoming increasingly clear that those experimental unknown injections do have some side effects.
A little more than frikandellen, so to speak.
And poop, now I'm grumbling again.
Unfortunately, the willingness to find the truth among our politicians is hard to find. Unfortunately, this applies not only to the excess mortality file, but also, for example, to the war in Ukraine.
At the moment I am reading Naomi Wolf's book; The pfizer Papers. This is about an analysis of the nottos made by Pfizer itself during the development and rollout of the Pfizer vaccine. Pfizer assumed that these nottos would remain secret for 70 years, but this was stopped by an American judge. These data were not recorded by conspiracy theorists but by Pfizer's scientists themselves. It shows that Pfizer already knew in December 2020 that the vaccine did not help against covid and that there would be a high vaccine mortality. This was of course kept secret in order to obtain approval. All researchers don't have to do much research anymore, it's all in the Pfizer papers, a book is freely available and can be purchased by anyone. The content is indisputable, and the crime is clearly demonstrable.
The drug authorisation authorities – FDA, EMA and others – have issued and renewed the provisional approval on the basis of, among other things, these Pfizer trial data. So they knew in advance that the corona vaccines would cause serious side effects and deaths. Still, they have advised the society-wide vaccine rollout, even for children.
How should you characterize this? Corruption? Murder? Or do they get away with: "We should perhaps have informed the population a little better, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages"? (Which, by the way, cannot be proven either.)
There is far too much conflict of interest between the authorization agencies and Big Pharma. This way they can always pass on the responsibility to someone else.
In any case, the Pfizer papers show that the occurrence of excess mortality as a result of vaccination could be predicted. The empiricism shows – thanks to Anton and Herman, among others – that this excess mortality has actually occurred. This combination of facts is much stronger as evidence than the tinkering of the RIVM and NIVEL.
Democide cover-up. Word of the year?
I understand that this ancien regime does not want it. History catches up with them. But unfortunately we don't.
Just like with Jimmy Savile.
(a) They have to get their booster, just because it works (for the Darwin Award);
(b) mRNa bereikt de hersenen. Uit welk zwakzinnigen instituut hebben ze Karremans gehaald?!?
Vaccins zijn een geloof, en wij leven in de Pharma-middeleeuwen. Met gelovigen valt over hun geloof niet zinnig te praten.
It would have been appropriate if Karremans had said at the start of the debate: "there are no good guys and no bad guys in the cabinet, VWS and health care".
Unbelievable this. Always distracting from the core. But it is also a pity that the core is not repeated over and over again. More people are simply dying than would normally be expected. How is that possible? And why do we see this excess mortality pattern in the countries where there is a lot of vaccination, but not in countries in Eastern Europe or Africa. We should want to know how this is possible? It's about our loved ones.
Hi. Thank you for writing this article.
I do my best to filter out the forest of information to see what is true and/or what I want to believe.
I always find these kinds of sentences in an article difficult: "I copy-pasted a text here that I posted on LinkedIn at the risk of my life."
I then tend to believe the content of the article less, because I label these kinds of sentences as 'drama' or 'exaggerated'. I don't want to trivialize it, just indicate how I experience it. Is such a clause true, because it is very serious and how do you notice and experience that danger?