[also read the More recent blog article]
Lareb, our vaccine watchdog, says it is not aware of any link between Vector and mRNA vaccines and blood clotting.
The EMA, European Medicines Authority, says it has been investigating whether thrombosis was more common in vaccinated people and found no significant difference.
Yet there are scientific studies that have warned about exactly this connection before.
A causal link with the vaccine is not proven, but is possible and deserves further analysis.
Thrombosis and corona
Thrombosis is observed in Covid patients, everyone agrees on that.
"49% of ICU patients with the coronavirus develop pulmonary embolisms or other thrombosis."
Thrombosis Foundation
Where does this blood clotting by platelets come from? There have been studies and warnings that claimed that it was precisely the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is the culprit. Those studies were only about the virus.
As far as I understand, that protein is precisely the particle that the vaccine generates with our cells. It is the particle that the virus and its fight against it have in common. Isn't that a possible connection to find out?
"A side effect of spike proteins is thrombosis/microthrombosis. Spike proteins that come with the whole virus are normally rendered harmless by the local immune response in the upper respiratory tract during a corona infection.
Wolfgang Wodarg
Coronaviruses and their spikes are dangerous if they get into the blood. Fortunately, this is extremely rare unless the normally effective protective mechanisms in the upper respiratory tract have been bypassed or damaged by treatment or other conditions."
(original text:
Coronaviruses and their spikes themselves are dangerous, but only if they get into the blood!
Fortunately, this is extremely rare unless the normally effective protective mechanisms in the upper respiratory tract have been bypassed or damaged by treatment or other circumstances.
High-risk side effects of genetic “vaccination” are concealed!
The vaccination, however, bypasses the natural barriers against coronaviruses and goes directly into the well-supplied shoulder muscle. It is not known for sure whether the dangerous spike proteins are formed only there or whether other target cells are also stimulated to do so.]
Low incidence: no more often than in the unvaccinated
In any case, Lareb believes that it does not occur often enough to cause concern. How they measured that is also interesting. Compared to the 'background noise' of expected thrombosis, there was no big difference.
To compare that, the vaccinated were compared to the unvaccinated. Remember that background noise in the unvaccinated INCLUDES the thrombosis caused by Covid-19. Or are the vaccinated people the same percentage of people who have already had Covid (possibly in the ICU)? And then still get vaccinated for whatever reason? That would be rude, in view of the side effects.
The argument of EMA/Lareb would have been more convincing if only people who have not had the virus among their members had been compared to the vaccinated. Now you are actually comparing the side effects of the vaccine with those of the virus. And there appears to be no significant difference...?
With some basic knowledge of statistics, you also know that non-significant outcomes are very easy to achieve. That does not show that something does not exist; only that you couldn't find something. Proving that something does not exist on the basis of 'not having found it' is impossible at all. If there are hard indications that there must be a link somewhere, then you can't really sweep those indications off the table with a few days of desk research.
"However, in younger patients there remain some concerns, related in particular to these rare cases."
If there is less background noise in terms of thrombosis in younger patients (that is a suspicion), then the pattern of what happens through vaccination will be better reflected there. That does not mean that it is not going on in other age groups. There it may be more heavily masked, for example by the 49% of Covid ICU patients who developed thrombosis, plus another percentage who did not end up in the ICU but were also treated for thrombosis.
Few reports
The EMA document also states that after 20 million vaccinations, there were only 7 reports of blood clotting. However, a major and well-known problem is underreporting. It has been calculated from the VAERS database (the American Lareb) that of all side effects that occur, it is estimated that only 1% is reported.
There will probably be a reason why the scientifically described mechanisms (via the Spike protein) are not even named by the EMA. They probably think they are the only ones who can read studies on this.
However, it is now assured that all deaths after vaccination are reported.
In an earlier article, I roughly calculated how many people in a certain age group (50-64) die daily. This resulted in about 4000 of the vaccinated people in that age category in America dying every three days. If you then search the notification database for "died within three days after vaccination", you will find 72 reports. That is less than 2% of the deaths that must have occurred. How can you make statements based on that?
As a concerned citizen, can I still insist on further investigation? And a little quickly? And stay with those syringes out of our children!?
Study sept 2020 on the Spike protein as the culprit
Warning and understandable explanation of Wolfgang Wodarg
In addition, archives such as Pubmed contain various articles about blood clotting by these spike proteins and the possible treatments after vaccination. To then write at the end of March 2021 that "a discovery has been made by German doctors"... Science journalism all the way.
[also read the More recent blog article]
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