There are still people who deny the excess mortality in 2021 or who simply want to follow the story of CBS that it is all Corona-related and that there were only certain moments of slight excess mortality. For these people, vaccine mortality should not be a subject of research. The studies that call for 'raw data' are piling up, precisely to be able to exclude vaccination. All statistical analyses show an obvious correlation; so strong that causality is sometimes difficult to escape.

The most obvious is the excess mortality in the group of 65-80 years. But we also noticed a relatively large excess mortality in younger groups at an early stage. In a group in which there should be no to very little excess mortality, it is soon relatively large. Not only in the Netherlands are the data that could shed light on this, carefully protected by governments. Nevertheless, the picture is becoming more and more complete, also through analyses from abroad.
A number of puzzle pieces come together in pierre Lecot's article from last week (March 27), in France Soir. A thorough article in which he statistically substantiates the European and French excess mortality, also pointing to four analyses from other countries. Below are a total of five very short (and therefore certainly incomplete) summaries of these articles, with the emphasis on the 50-somethings.
Pierre Lecot in France Soir: EU, FR and other countries
In a long-read in France Soir, Lecot treats the age group 15-44 years. The first important observation (which will be familiar to the virus variant reader) is that even if the "excess mortality" line is not exceeded, the mortality can still be abnormally high. For more statistical explanation that we were right about this, see the original article.

He then makes various comparison models in which he traces mortality trends. Seasonal mortality (which differs per age group: young people die more often in the summer because of risky behaviour) and population pyramids are taken into account. Whatever method he uses in his analysis does not matter: excess mortality is undeniable, even in the younger age groups. The red bars show excess mortality in Europe, here those of the age group 15-24 years (!):

In France, the Senate Committee has been asked to investigate this phenomenon. That request was refused without giving reasons. The questions that are asked: "What can the Senate be afraid of? Why should the analysis of mortality after injections of safe and effective vaccines be problematic? Shouldn't we have been tracking the mortality rates after the injections for more than a year? Especially before you offer them to children and impose them or oblige them on anyone over the age of 12?"
He then runs the same analysis on other European countries and compares the timing of the red bars with the vaccination periods. Several striking graphs are in the article. He comes to the conclusion:
"The death spikes are too often close to vaccine spikes to be due to chance."
Germany: comparison of Bundesländer (a.l.)
The results (across all ages, including young people) show that both the mortality course in 2021 and the course of excess mortality with some delay reflect almost exactly the course of the first, second and booster vaccination: If the number of vaccinations increases, the number of deaths or excess mortality increases, if the number of vaccinations decreases, the number of deaths or excess mortality decreases shortly thereafter. Some points that emerge from the empirical picture:
- The correlation is very strong: this is shown, for example, by a daily correlation analysis (7-day moving averages) of the German data. For example, the course of excess mortality (increase in mortality in 2021 compared to the average of the previous five years) in the period from the beginning of March to the end of May correlates with the first vaccinations at a level of r = 0.95. The connection pattern is currently being analyzed using more complex statistical methods, and the first results confirm the strong connections
- The link is observed despite different vaccination patterns: an analysis at the level of the individual Länder shows that excess mortality varies according to the state, depending on the specific vaccination pattern of a state.
- Such a correlation can be seen in all other countries that have been examined in more detail so far. A cross-country analysis of 15 countries with available data on booster vaccination and excessive mortality shows a very high cross-country statistical relationship between excessive mortality and vaccinations.
- Exclusion of possible explanations of "confounders" (a third variable): An analysis of possible third variables shows that obvious third variables such as the number of COVID deaths or the number of SARS-CoV-2 infections cannot explain the observed link between excess mortality and vaccinations.
The observed pattern of findings suggests a causal effect according to the usual criteria for inferring causal conclusions from observed correlations in medical research.
So much for the highlights from Germany.
The number of COVID deaths or the number of SARS-CoV-2 infections cannot explain the observed link between excess mortality and vaccinations.
Young adult mortality in Israel during the COVID-19 crisis
Young adults under the age of 50 have a low susceptibility to COVID-19 mortality. Dataof the Central Bureau of Statisticsof Israel show unexpected rise in excess mortality among 20- to 49-year-olds in February-March 2021.
Excess mortality peaks among these young age groups are rarely observed. If it occurs at all, it is with a low number of deaths caused by wars, for example. The increase in mortality in 2021 coincided with the rollout of the Israeli vaccination campaign for the 20 to 49-year-olds. Because similar increases are also observed in other countries, that is reason to pause the campaign and at the same time clarify the underlying reasons for those additional deaths, especially in the context of a low mortality risk from COVID-19 in adults under the age of 50.

There is an inconsistency between the official COVID-19 deaths and additional deaths under the age of 50 as of February 2021. To rule out that that could be because of the vaccinations [apparently they too do not have the necessary raw data], the researchers look at differences between countries with 'mass vaccination' and with 'moderate vaccination' (in the younger age groups).

The death peak among 20 to 49-year-olds in February-March 2021 is therefore unprecedented and even worrying. The researchers refer to a study by Retsef Levi that documents a 20 to 35% increase in cardiac arrests among Israelis aged 16-49 years.
They also decide with
"Such an accumulation of concern should, in our view, urgently lead to a pause in the vaccination campaign, until the reasons for the excess mortality among young people in mass vaccination countries are clarified."
United States: COVID vaccination and age-stratified mortality
[translation of the 'Abstract']
In this study, regional variation in vaccination rates was used to predict all-cause mortality and non-COVID mortality in subsequent time periods using two independent, publicly available datasets from the U.S. and Europe (monthly and weekly-level resolutions, respectively).
Vaccination correlated negatively with mortality 6-20 weeks after injection, while mortality was predicted in the 0-5 weeks after injection. This in almost all age groups and with an age-related temporal pattern that is consistent with the administration of vaccines in the U.S. by age group.
Resultaten van aangepaste regressiehellingen (p<0,05 FDR-gecorrigeerd) suggereren een landelijk gemiddelde VFR [Vaccin DodelijkheidsRatio] in de VS van 0,04% en hogere VFR met de leeftijd (VFR=0,004% in de leeftijd van 0-17, toenemend tot 0,06% in de leeftijden >75 jaar). Dit betekent: 146.000 tot 187.000 vaccingerelateerde sterfgevallen in de VS tussen februari en augustus 2021.
Vaccinatie bij volwassenen verhoogde met name de mortaliteit bij niet-gevaccineerde jongeren (<18, VS; <15, Europa). [verklaring hiervoor zie ik niet] Als we onze schatting vergelijken met de door de CDC gerapporteerde VFR (0,002%), suggereert dit dat VAERS-sterfgevallen met een factor 20 ondergerapporteerd worden, in overeenstemming met de bekende VAERS-bias voor onderschatting.
Comparing our age-stratified VFRs with published age-stratified death rates for coronavirus infections (IFR) suggests that the risks of COVID vaccines and boosters outweigh the benefits in children, young adults, and older adults with low occupational risk or prior exposure to the coronavirus.
We further discuss the implications for public health policy regarding boosters, school and workplace mandates, and the urgent need to identify, develop and disseminate diagnostics and treatments for life-changing vaccine injuries.
The benefits of COVID vaccines and boosters do not outweigh the disadvantages in children, young adults and older adults with low occupational risk or previous exposure to the coronavirus
[In short: only in the case of the vulnerable do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This means that there are slightly fewer deaths from the vaccine than from the disease. Ethical issue: A vaccine that kills 99 random people preventing "natural" virus death in 100 others, are those benefits that outweigh disadvantages? And at 75? At 50...? etc. There was a time when a handful of suspected deaths were already reason to stop vaccination campaigns. ]
Machine Learning analysis of US and EU data
This is a statistically very interesting article that mainly explains how to deal with uncertainties, bias, mismatches in databases, causality and other variables. Bayesian analysis comes along, bias-free machine learning and what kind of influence that can have, etc. While reading, you get the impression that sometimes you'd better just use your common sense!
They introduce a "DoseRate" and a "CaseRate" and contrast them. Anyway, they come to solid findings.
"For the age group of 04-44 years, vaccines clearly have no net gain on excess mortality. The fact that the vaccines have been delivered to a significant portion of the population means that even a small toxicity can be responsible for as many deaths as the disease itself."
and after a few more reflections:
"Nevertheless, the excess mortality of 2021 in the EU is well above the excess mortality of 2020, which in turn is well above that of 2019. It seems that the variable COVID-19 Death-Rate is not sufficient to explain the increase in 2021."
Our variable DoseRate, related to COVID-19 vaccines, apparently explains a large proportion of the mortality observed in the 0-44 year category."
In Australia, One Nation is done with it
One question: how on earth do you think you can get away with this? We will not let you get away with it; we're coming after you. We have the stamina to hunt you down until you have nowhere to go – and we damn well will.
Malcolm Roberts, Senator for Queensland (Australia), in Parliament. Out of his speech to the Senate