“The mystery of the very rare but serious side effects of the AstraZeneca and Janssen vaccines may have been solved. German researchers have exposed a weakness in the molecular action of these vaccines. The research led by Rolf Marschalek of the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Mainappeared as a preprint this week, a scientific paper that has not yet been peer-reviewed. " We can keep going! That's what it sounds like, in NRC, "solved"...
There was already scientific knowledge about this phenomenon. This seems like unnecessary ramblings about something that was in line with expectations. It now seems in the NRC as if this risk was not consciously factored in when the EMA provisionally approved it and the contracts were signed. Maybe that's why it gets so much attention.
NRC rarely, if ever, takes things from articles that have not been peer reviewed, such as about Covid medicines. An exception may be made for this 'possible solution' of the mystery of an adverse reaction.
Another "discovery", just like the aerosols recently. According to NRC, it is now due to 'the cell of the host' that allows loose spikes to roam through the body. Someone like Dr. Wodarg predicted this six months ago, because the protein often ends up in the bloodstream through the injection. It should enter lung cells through the respiratory tract, not through the blood into all other cells. More extensively described in this blog article from March 2021.
Here also a Podcast (May 28, 2021) in which Dr. Byram Bridle explains (click through to 1:40 where he starts speaking).
[THE PODCAST HAS BEEN REMOVED. Text in English at the bottom of this post]

His summary (Muriel van Koppen made a complete translation, added at the bottom of this page):
"The conclusion must be that we made a big mistake. We didn't realize it before, but we thought the spike protein was a great target antigen. We never realized that the spike protein itself was a toxin and a disease-causing protein. So by vaccinating people, we inadvertently inject them with a toxin, It sometimes enters the bloodstream through the injection and if that happens in some people, it can cause damage, especially the cardiovascular system – and I have many other legitimate questions about the long-term safety in this regard, for fertility for example". [Accumulations have been observed in the fallopian tubes, as well as in the brain. AT]
Dr. Byram Bridle
I came across this on the CVT News site, it shows how harmless the protein was estimated:

And a lake scientific piece on pubmed:
"The COVID-19 pandemic required the rapid production of vaccines [...]. The best-known vaccines stimulate human cells to produce the spike protein against which the body usually produces neutralizing antibodies. However, recent reports have raised some skepticism regarding the biological functioning of the spike protein and the types of antibodies produced.
One paper reported that certain antibodies in the blood of infected patients appear to change the shape of the spike protein so that it binds to cells earlier, while other articles showed that the spike protein on its own (without being part of the coronavirus) can damage endothelial cells and disrupt the blood-brain barrier."
Red flags everywhere. But Pfzier says it's OK.
How serious is that?
If you use the input (the reports) among the Larebs of this world are complete, it concerns about 1 in 120,000 vaccinations. Then you can weigh the health return per age group with unchanged policies (such as maintaining the greatest risks of infection). After all, we know that the disease is extremely age-discriminatory, as is mortality in general.
However, based on previous studies on spontaneous reports of side effects, it can also be 1 in 12,000 or even 1 in 6,000 vaccinations. Reports are rarely made in case of death after vaccination. Especially with unsuspected side effects: something with the heart, something with a brain hemorrhage or something vague, probably old age...
Even then you have to weigh up. If there were a little more openness about this, it could at least prevent unrest - including this kind of speculation.
Translation of Dr. Byram Bridle's warning
I want to warn you and the listeners, that the story I'm about to tell is a bit terrifying, this is cutting-edge science there are a few very important pieces of scientific information that have been peer-reviewed in the last few days that have made a definitive link. So we understand now, myself and some important international club raters, we now understand exactly why these problems arise. The story is quite frightening, I say that to prepare you for it, but I will guide you through it.
The science I'm going to talk about — I don't have the time here to describe all the scientific data exactly — but let me assure you that everything I'm saying here now is fully substantiated by peer-reviewed scientific publications in a reputable and respected scientific journal. I have all this information in my hands and am currently working on putting it all into a document that I hope I can distribute on a large scale. (..)
The SARS coronavirus 2 has a spike protein on its surface, and that spike protein is what allows it to infect our body. That's why we use a spike protein in our vaccines. The vaccines we use cause our body cells to produce that protein. If we can elicit an immune response against that protein, we can theoretically prevent this virus from infecting the body. That's the theory behind the vaccine. [ You just mentioned the serious reported side effects of the vaccine, and when studying the disease COVID-19 itself, everything you just described about vaccine side effects also comes up, such as heart problems, many problems of the cardiovascular system, bleeding and clotting: also all associated with severe COVID-19.
What has been discovered by the scientific community in doing this research? That is, the spike protein in itself is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system, as it enters the blood circulation. If the purified spike protein is injected into the blood of research animals, they get all kinds of damage to the heart and blood vessels and can cross the blood-brain barrier and thus cause damage to the brain.
At first glance, that doesn't seem all that troubling because we're injecting vaccines into the shoulder muscle in humans. Until now, it was assumed that these vaccines behave just like the traditional vaccines, so that they go nowhere but to the injection site and thus remain in the shoulder, and a small part of the protein goes to the local lymph node to activate the immune system. But this is where advanced science comes in, this is where it gets scary.
Through a request for information from the Japanese regulatory agency, myself and several international staff have gained access to what is called a 'bio-distribution study'. It's the very first time scientists can see exactly where these Messenger RNA vaccines go after injecting. In other words, is it actually safe to assume that it stays in the shoulder muscle? No, it is very disturbing news that the spike protein enters the blood and circulates through the blood of individuals for several days after vaccination. It accumulates in a number of tissues such as the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands, and, one that is particularly concerning to me, is that it accumulates in fairly high concentrations in the ovaries.
Then there's also a scientific paper that has just been accepted for publication that examined 13 young healthcare workers who had received the Moderna vaccine and they found the spike protein in their blood circulation, so in the blood of 11 of those 13 health care workers who had received the vaccine. What this means is that we have long known that the spike protein is a pathogenic (disease-causing) protein, it is a toxin (toxic substance) and it can cause damage in the body if it enters the blood circulation.
We now have clear evidence that the vaccines, which allow the cells in our deltoid muscle to produce this protein, that the vaccine itself plus the Spike protein enter the bloodstream. When the protein is in the bloodstream, it can bind to the receptors on our platelets and the cells that line our blood vessels. When that happens, it can do two things: it can clump the platelets together, it can lead to blood clotting, and that's exactly why you see clotting disorders associated with these vaccines, it can also lead to bleeding. And of course the heart is involved, it's part of the cardiovascular system, that's why we see so many heart problems.
The protein can also cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neurological damage – which is why blood clots have often been seen in the brain in the fatal cases as well. Also, there is evidence from a study that is still in the preliminary stages of publication where it is shown that the antibodies of the vaccine are transferred to breast milk, and the idea behind this study was that this would be a good thing – because it could then pass on some protection to babies. – but – what they inadvertently discovered was that the vaccine is in fact transmitted through breast milk, with the vaccine vector itself being administered in this way to breastfed infants, and that with these Spike proteins that thus enter the circulation – all those proteins from the blood appear to be concentrated in breast milk.
When we searched the Database of Adverse Events Center in the United States (VAERS), we found evidence of infants born to vaccinated mothers experiencing bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. So it now also affects blood donations, at the moment we see blood donation centers saying that they do not want blood from people who have just been vaccinated, because they do not want these pathogenic spike proteins to be transferred to vulnerable patients who receive transfusions with that blood. And this has serious consequences for people for whom the SARS coronavirus 2 is not a high-risk pathogen and that includes all our children and young people.
Basically, the conclusion is that we made a big mistake, we didn't realize it until now, we thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew that the spike protein itself was a toxin and a disease-causing protein. So by vaccinating people, we inadvertently inoculate them with a toxin and in some people it gets into circulation and if that happens in some people it can cause damage, especially in the cardiovascular system... And I have many more legitimate questions about the long-term safety of this vaccine, for example, because it accumulates in the ovaries, and one of my questions is: are we making young people infertile?
Thx for translating Muriel van Koppen