We now know that almost everything about corona is fabled together. But how men and women have sat at conference tables - paid for from our tax money - without lifting a leg in the face of all the suffering that took place before their eyes, it is horrifying. Indescribable. @Leon1969 does it anyway, on X. Time and time again he brings out the black truth. Read below the summary of some minutes, report of how the guardians of our health take care of us. Or rather, for our system. Or even better: for their system.
(link to the tweet at the bottom)
After I saw a document over the weekend that explained the organizational structure around the program in more detail (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3755967-1060180-pdo/document/VWS-WOO-08b-1370981...), ging ik gericht naar één specifiek onderdeel op zoek: de werkgroep WP7 Monitoring & Evaluatie. Long post. Important. Trust me. Really long.
On December 18, 2020 I find a first report of a meeting (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3395155-1032354-PDO/document/VWS-WOO-08-990906...). In that meeting, the Dutch strategy of a central register is undermined with a simple remark. "In England, they just started, without a central IT system." is the comment.
It is in stark contrast to the earlier remarks made in 2020, where, according to Lareb (i.c. Agnes Kant), that central register should be inevitable and Our only hope was promoted. And the minister (in particular Hugo de Jonge) in September 2020 "The only choice" (see https://x.com/Leon1969/status/1829396617289429382...). In England, they had just started. They did have choices there.
The report states that unreliable data has effects on the calculation of vaccine effectiveness. How do we deal with that? is the question. Colleagues from EPI (on EPI see https://x.com/Leon1969/status/1839211449211629943...) would like to connect to this topic, is the comment.
Wash up December 18 positive about the central register, a month later, on the January 14, 2021 (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3477674-1040721-pdo/document/VWS-WOO-08-1043200...), enthusiasm has already waned somewhat. "Haven't been able to download figures in CIMS yet" is the observation, "It's stuck on all kinds of aspects, such as legal and technical. The many systems used by nursing homes and general practitioners are not linkable to CIMS. That has Direct consequences for interpreting for the numbers of allergic reactions."
Public health was endangered by poor information, is what I read then. In January 2021 that was clear and it was discussed.
As an alternative, they had thought of guessing the numbers, of course, which January 12, 2021 (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3477674-1040721-pdo/document/VWS-WOO-08-1094260...) has already been mentioned by a member of the Working Group "Because we don't have any input from registration systems yet we try to vaccination coverage per target group for the time being to estimate obv the approximate size of the of the different target groups."
And during the survey, another striking question was introduced: "Pfizer would also prevent transmission" is the comment. Very remarkable, because two days earlier (see https://x.com/Leon1969/status/1837469279165321450...) has already been noted by the EU's scientific advisors "No data at present on whether the vaccine prevents transmission."
Anyway. The train that was running and we had to dooorrrr.
On January 20, 2021 a new meeting (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3477674-1040721-pdo/document/VWS-WOO-08-1042628...). It has been observed that the "Registration dates, vaccination residents, institutions do not yet have a route to us in the short term." And the question from a week earlier about Pfizer is answered "It is still unknown whether vaccination protects against transmission."
The next day they sit together again. And that report, from January 21, 2021 (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3477674-1040721-pdo/document/VWS-WOO-08-1043086...), begins with a salient remark "Deaths in a care home Compared to the figures from other countries, this is not an extra high mortality rate among these very vulnerable residents."
Remarkable, because the day before It was found that the registration data of these institutions was not available. Rara police cap, on the basis of what data was this comment posted? Furthermore, it is observed that everyone is inundated with questions and that the workload is enormous and things are left undone.
A week later, on January 28, 2021, a new report (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3478791-1040904-pdo/document/VWS-WOO-08-1115051...).
CIMS shall be appointed separately and first: "Downloading figures from other systems is still not possible. The second best option seems to be to make an estimate based on the vaccines distributed (to GGD and elsewhere and then break the latter down again). The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport is putting pressure behind hard figures for the VWS Corona dashboard. The importance of retrieving the data is obvious to everyone.” Ow, and yesterday a lady of 85+ died after vaccination.
On to February 3, 2021. This report (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3478791-1040904-pdo/document/VWS-WOO-08-1115057...) talks about better monitoring of allergic reactions (see above the comment on 14 January ...) that deaths are to be expected in nursing homes, that young people after the 2nd vaccination show more side effects And that people who receive their first vaccine after a covid infection also suffer from more side effects. There is data on 57,000 people in CIMS, but there are Lots of error messages on the dates. At that time, at least 343,881 vaccinations had already been given.
A week later, on February 10, 2021 (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3478791-1040904-pdo/document/VWS-WOO-08-1114984...), Willem-Alexander visited the @RIVM, suprise surprise! The figures are still not available automatically. And because of the different vaccines, manual collection is becoming increasingly difficult. But yes, we have to do something, so it is written down "For monitoring, we rely on the numbers we receive." No numbers, no monitoring.
Furthermore, incidents, i.e. dead people and so on, are discussed. 1 person died after an epileptic seizure. 15 people had such an attack. In that week (on the 8th of February) the Lareb had 15 deaths published. But in the working group, they knew that at that moment Already 26 deaths had been reported. In other words, Lareb reported lower figures than they communicated internally. And it is found that there are There had been very few reports from the institutions about side effects in the vulnerable elderly group. Have institutions there deliberately kept their jaws shut? It looks like it.
A day later, February 11, 2021 (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3478791-1040904-pdo/document/VWS-WOO-08-1114593...) another consultation. About the South African variant of the virus: vaccine efficacy only 22%. That is bad for people's motivation to get vaccinated (figure 1)! And people are a bit more positive about the central registration, because it is going a little better.

On 18 February 2021 (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3478791-1040904-pdo/document/VWS-WOO-08-1114582...) reports that the estimates from EPI are much higher than the data in CIMS. A difference of 130,000 is reported. And it's about the protection against transmission. "In general, it can be said that we still know too little about transmission. It is known that the vaccine takes effect after 10 days. So we can conclude that we have been too late with vaccination when there is an outbreak."
It is not clear to me what logical steps the official concerned is taking here. Whether the vaccine works against transmission is not clear, so if there is an outbreak, we are too late with vaccination. Huh? How does that twist work?
People were asked a lot of questions about fertility fears, it was reported. "Who can be consulted for refuting disinformation?" is the official's response. At that time, of course, nothing was known about the effects of vaccination on fertility. And yet, such questions were labeled as disinformation.
All kinds of reports are missing from the WOO documents. That's super inconvenient. The following report is by March 11, 2021 (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3661708-1052463-pdo/document/VWS-WOO-08-1227888...). That report shall the Health Council's response to the vaccination of children has not been made public (see Figure 2). Because that has International repercussions. Hmmm.
There is a clear understanding of CIMS. "CIMS is selectively incomplete; f.i. the data of residents in long term care homes. Other issue: % of the people who give consent by GGD is dropping below 95%." The information about vulnerable elderly people was not there and was not forthcoming. Other than that, we were below 95% (see https://x.com/Leon1969/status/1829457755482038370/photo/1...). And institutions did not register any serious side effects with the Lareb (see above).
And when asked about the vaccination rate in those long-term care facilities, they were clear: "A discussed with B as we do not have any reliable data in CIMS, it is a reasonable answer to answer that it is not possible to give a very good limit of vaccination data.“
Yay! Vaccine safety anyone? Somebody? No?
On March 18, 2021 (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3661708-1052463-pdo/document/VWS-WOO-08-1269343...) reality finally dawns on us in all its real intensity. "We are now stuck with all the assumptions and estimates we make to distinguish between target groups."
I'll translate this: We're stuck. We don't know anymore. We sail blind. PANIC!!
Fear was already a bad counselor. Of course, so is panic. Another month of no report to be found and then it will be April 15, 2021 (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3755967-1060180-pdo/document/VWS-WOO-08b-1350230...). Earlier I wrote more about this hugely important period (April 2021) for the vaccination program.
In the earlier reports, it was mentioned several times that the time between the 1st and 2nd injection with Pfizer should actually be increased from 3 to 6 weeks. In connection with the health of the recipient. The Health Council of the Netherlands was of the same opinion. This report states that the minister was not going to adopt that advicebecause rescheduling the appointments caused too many IT problems. So. IT to the rescue, but different.
In response to the specific question received about how long the vaccines actually provide protection, a decision is made: "At the moment, we are not in a position to give any scientifically substantiated advice on protection." Bummer. Did those vaccines actually work? Maybe we can do better @SteigstraHerman ask?
And The monitoring of side effects was now a huge problem.
"And in response to the fact that we are Awkward situations arise due to the (possible) side effects of the vaccines. To what extent should we in this group rely on label information and knowledge from science (such as RIVM) and when do you go to Common sense use?"

Yes When are you going to use your common sense? When do you actually do that? What if your information management lags behind? At the moment that the safety function is at risk (e.g. a month earlier, see above)? When, oh when?
We need to "Be careful that it doesn't become an opinion", the working group notes. No shit Sherlock.
ALL communiqués about covid-19 were opinions.
And then: "CIMS is still not usable. It remains extremely difficult to collect daily vaccination figures. On 09-04-2021, the ministry asked us (via the DG) to adjust the figures. On 13-04-2021, a new report was published. This was done under very high pressure and was an unpleasant process. It is expected that we will have to estimate the data in the next 6 months."
Yes, you were only busy with that for four months, with gambling, so those six months can also be added.
"The minister [wants] to know exactly how many people have been vaccinated. We can only provide this on a daily basis by means of estimates based on the vaccines supplied. There are many snags to this. […] We cannot properly monitor the vaccination programme. […] This is dramatic."
"The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) warned about these problems more than a year ago. […] We can honestly explain the consequences of what is happening now with regard to data and the impossibility of monitoring. […] This has all been communicated to the client and recorded in the minutes of consultations."
Dramatic. We have warned about this. The ministry knew about it. It can be requested via the WOO.
H U G O W I S T E R V A N.
What a huge jerk that is.
Really, dick wallpaperer.
(sorry, I was reminded of the heart attacks my eldest two sons had after being pressured by Hugo to get vaccinated)
A month later, on May 20, 2021 (https://open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WOO/3755967-1060180-pdo/document/VWS-WOO-08b-1349878...), I found the last available report (there must be dozens more, perhaps even hundreds).
The estimation of figures, the flawed security function, it has now sunk in a bit more with the civil servants. People have calmed down a bit, so to speak.
This is how one writes about the duration of protection of a vaccine "It is estimated that Pfizer and Moderna protect for 12 months (without having seen any study or data). This seems optimistic, but anecdotally it is not achieved." Wet finger work, just do 12 months dude. Who then lives, who dies.
"The assumption now is that vaccination protects against severe Covid. The circulation of and infection with Covid afterwards can further stimulate the body to produce antibodies. But we don't know if it actually works that way."
On May 20, 2021, it was not known within this important working group whether the vaccines helped against a severe covid-19 infection. So that was not reflected in the figures. What did we do it for again?
Two months later, children began being injected with an experimental drug that had not had a safety feature in the previous six months. They gambled that it would be all right.
At the end of 2022, we had an excess mortality of 300 in the young age. There were ZERO deaths from covid-19. ZERO.
Finally. Sorry for the long post. Sorry for the swearing. I am so terribly pissed that there has been no clear disclosure about the problems that people had. They had their hands tied, they were blind and deaf to all the signals that were there. Public health has been gambled with instead of using their common sense.
Public health was and is at risk. In great danger because the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has shown that it can NOT handle the surveillance of Public Health.
Lift them. All. Lift them. Send them home. Don't listen to anything they say anymore.
Because it's just an opinion.
They write it themselves.
(Everything in this post is not an opinion. It's true. and painful. Swearing is allowed in the comments. But don't do that on the person, I've already done that above)
The woo documents give a shocking picture of what those hotemetootjes are doing in our highly-paid institutions: fulfilling their role in The System. This document is completely self-explanatory. Weeping to heaven too. I'm starting to understand better and better how the Germans of 80 years ago were able to organize it. The 'woke' of the 1930s is revived.

Rampant inanity/irresponsibility of the people in charge; arrogant chatterboxes who "set over us"
And where is a reaction from the Lareb and the chief working there?
Alas, alas, a confirmation of everything we already knew.
And if you have made a mockery of the truth often enough, you may go to Zeeland to do a blessed work there.
Agnes Kant does indeed deserve some journalistic attention.
Well, I didn't really follow Lareb. I belong to the group that did not trust the government from the start. Have experienced their harmful lies before.
But, isn't it true, that Agnes presented to the outside world for as long as possible that there were no really nasty side effects (dude, a bit of pain in the arm, a bit of fever, don't whine, plaster on it, done)?
If Lareb already reported internally about serious side effects and she has kept her mouth shut for political and career gain; Isn't she an accomplice to conspiracy resulting in death?
Which lawyer/judge/journalist who is about to retire (because after that you will irrevocably lose your career) dares to investigate this further?
My condolences to all concerned! Strength, disease and misery cause but in my opinion it is now even more dangerous because putting all systems in order means even more control, pressure and coercion. First the recognition and punishment of the people who were responsible for this and only then the setting up of working systems with freedom and privacy guarantees! So beware, because they will use the rumblings to convince people that there should be one system, for example linked to a credit card-like passport 😱
Strength = Mortality (unfortunately to be experienced in my broken family, both because of the jabs and because of the measures).
"I'm starting to understand better and better how the Germans of 80 years ago were able to organize it. "
Bonhoeffer von der Dummheit
In English: Bonhoeffer on Stupidity
If you read this, it seems that the start of the vaccination campaign and the associated vaccination administration (CIMS) has been handled very amateurishly. But was it really that amateurish? It happens to be very convenient for the authorities that the CIMS administration did not want to get off to a good start in the beginning. Elderly people who died shortly after the first or second vaccination never ended up in the vaccination database in this way. After all, deaths did not have to be registered in CIMS. As a result, they were wrongly counted as unvaccinated in the excess mortality statistics.
And voila, on paper, the vaccine suddenly seems very 'safe and effective'. That's just as convenient.
This so-called administrative tinkering is in stark contrast to the rest of the corona policy, especially the communication policy. It was perfectly organised and in sync with what was happening abroad.
I personally have the feeling that from the outset, a conscious effort has been made to cover up vaccination damage as much as possible and to keep it out of the picture. (I myself am one of the victims.)
Vaccination victims were silenced in all kinds of ways. They were complaints after vaccination and not before. Causality had not been proven. You didn't get medical help, because that would mean recognition. It was called psychic or a nocebo effect. If you did seek publicity, it was immediately framed as fake news and anti-vax. The media and politicians worked very this: "there is no such thing as vaccine damage" most of them said. Even friends and acquaintances began to parrot this nonsense.
Most vaccination victims are so intimidated that they no longer dare to go public. You get all kinds of rubbish thrown at you. Moreover, you are blamed for the fact that childhood vaccinations are decreasing, partly because of you.