The mortality figures of the last few weeks have been adjusted to such an extent that we have to speak of a continuous increase in unexplained excess mortality over the past eight weeks. Last week, that upward trend seemed to have been broken for a while. Those figures have been updated. We are now approaching the number of 1,000 unexpected deaths per week. The number of corona deaths for this week is exactly the same as last week. Of course, this can still change due to small adjustments afterwards.
Covid-19 only 30% of excess mortality
Last week, there was still talk that the unexplained excess mortality was more than double the reported Covid mortality. That is now moving towards Three times as much: 914 compared to 351.
The concern for exponential growth seems to be gone. A possible curve (purple dotted line) will just touch the 1,400 deaths in one week in a few weeks.
In normal times, total mortality per week is around 2,900. So almost half of them are added and we only know a small part why.
We certainly don't know what will happen after the predicted dotted line. Will it drop again? Or will we have reached the 'new normal' mortality level? We will see and experience it in the coming weeks.
7,400 deaths unexplained since June
There is little government interest in these 7,400 unexpectedly deceased grandparents, partners, parents, children, friends, brothers, sisters.
Hugo de Jonge denied the excess mortality three weeks ago. Professor van Dissel muttered something in the House of Representatives like "If you really want to know that, then we have to investigate it". It also seemed new to him and actually of secondary importance. You would rather not see it in his position, of course.
More about the Omtzigt motion and Baudet's efforts to get excess mortality on the map, including Hugo de Jonge's response read in the previous post.
We can learn from the exceptions
Excess mortality is an international phenomenon. The vaccinations are heavily suspected, especially in the Netherlands where the causes of death and exact vaccination status are kept (state) secret. Excess mortality deniers point to some outliers with high vaccination coverage and low(er) mortality. In those counterexamples/exceptions, they find enough evidence to say that it cannot be due to the vaccines.
The assumption is that mRNA vaccines always have the same effect in every population, in every temperature, in every circumstance, at every prevalence, under every route of administration, at any time of the year. Maybe that's not the case. Differences between men and women have already been discovered. Unexpected effects on the blood. The method of administration suddenly turns out to be a factor (aspiration), which could differ per culture or country.
In addition, the virus behaves physically like all other respiratory viruses, but physics, virologists have no understanding of that. Where it becomes virological, in the body, the vaccine is the novelty. The virologists themselves no longer call the virus 'novel' coronavirus. The vaccines, they are only 'novel'! 100% vaccination with 20% of the knowledge.
A few exceptions contradict that the vaccination campaigns are related to excess mortality, as it is observed in most countries.
Exception: Massachusetts
The conclusion of an American study is:
In a state with high vaccination coverage, no excess mortality was recorded during the Delta period. A shortage of mortality was recorded during this period.
Absence of excess mortality in a highly vaccinated population during the initial Covid-19 Delta Period (Medrvix Preprint)
In one state...? Let's hope that's good news, that this state is representative of America or perhaps the whole world and that it's not cherry-picking a state that already looked promising.
Exception: New Zealand
New Zealand also stands out with low mortality and a high vaccination rate. Data on this is extremely reliable because the government has the totalitarian control over it and as the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Arden says: "We will continue to be your single source of truth". New Zealand sounds a bit Chinese or Orwellian. As far as New Zealand is concerned, the data from public databases should be seen as fake news. The government says it's going well so it's going well there...
Exception: Denmark
Counterexample Denmark has already been mentioned in the previous post: lower excess mortality after vaccination than in Belgium, which could be related, for example, to the way in which the injection is given there. This is done with a technique not to inject into a blood vessel. This technique has been abolished worldwide to make each injection as short and painless as possible. But whether that is really the case, we might be able to see by comparing their causes of death with ours. But we are not allowed to know them.
Why don't we analyze our causes of death and see if we can learn from the above countries how we can reduce our mortality here? Instead of just saying: "You see that it can't be the vaccinations". Then irrefutably rule that out.
It's not sexy to hammer on the same point again, but that data has to be released asap. You can do that tomorrow. Because the investigation of the Omtzigt motion: is there already a view on how many months or years that will take?
*Unexplained deaths, what are they
Based on statistics, probability calculations, trend analyses, population structure, regression analyses and undoubtedly a dose of expert opinions, CBS expects a number of deaths per day. This number varies throughout the year: in the summer it is lower, in the winter higher and is sometimes adjusted weeks before the passing date (perhaps also afterwards).
If the actual number of deaths exceeds the expectation, we speak of excess mortality. A period of excess mortality is usually followed by a somewhat longer period of some undermortality. This partly compensates for the excess mortality in the weeks before. In 2021, there was hardly any undermortality. It is difficult to estimate how large that undermortality could have been. This 'reservoir' may also contain some of the unexplained deaths. Without undermortality, the orange curve would probably have been visible a little earlier.
The explanations given for excess mortality vary from "delayed care" to "domestic violence". The most plausible suggestions have been considered by the data analysts of the Eucalyptic Society (See analysis). Further research is needed to calculate to what extent these suggestions may be responsible for the remarkable excess mortality. "We estimate that at least 87.5% of the excess mortality is caused by side effects of the vaccines," it sounds. 😉