Het langdurig hersenspoelen van de bevolking door middel van dreig- en angstcampagnes vereist prudente afwegingen. Dat blijkt ook weer uit een recent artikel in Nature. Zeker wanneer goed functionerende immuunsystemen hard nodig zijn, is dat bepaald niet het moment om eenvoudige burgers te doordrenken met angst, doem en dreiging in een onzekere, ontregelde en vereenzamende samenleving. Daarom is de ‘psychische impact van het bewind’ nader onderzoek waard, mogelijk zelfs meer dan ‘uitgestelde zorg’ . Want slechts een klein aantal mensen heeft in een beperkte periode mogelijk kritische diagnoses gemist. Maar de complete bevolking is jarenlang dagelijks continu, via alle informatiekanalen, bedreigd met een afschuwelijke verstikkingsdood of medeplichtigheid daaraan, mocht het naasten overkomen. Die angst beïnvloedde burgers, waaronder journalisten, politici, bestuurders en influencers die ook nog eens werden ingehuurd om de paniek van de politici versterkt door te geven aan hun publiek. Als dat geen bij-effecten heeft dan ‘vreet ik een beer’, zou mijn vader hebben gezegd.
Brain activity as a choreographer of your health
Both positive and negative thinking affects physical processes, including the immune system. In previous articles We have already seen possible effects of the fear and doom with which hundreds of millions of unsuspecting citizens have been brainwashed by their caring authorities and reliable media. The exact link between such a mental terror campaign on the one hand and illness and death on the other is unknown. That there must be a connection is becoming increasingly clear. A recent article in Nature is about the interaction between mind and body. Below are some highlights.
The Nature article discusses the effects of brain stimulation. For example, activation of the reward center in the brain — called the ventral tegmental area (VTA) — has been shown to trigger changes that lead to a more active immune system and the demonstrable reduction of scar tissue on the heart.
The relationship between psychological condition and the health of, for example, the heart has been researched for decades. For example, one group of mice was locked in solitude and another group in an activating play area with social contacts. Heart tissue from deceased mice showed whether they belonged to the group of stimulated mice or to the control group.
Bij mensen veroorzaakt een extreem stressvolle gebeurtenis niet alleen een verhoogde hartslag maar soms zelfs een hartaanval en die kan in zeldzame gevallen fataal zijn. Puur van de ‘schrik’: een basale hersenactiviteit. Omgekeerd leidt een positieve hersenactiviteit tot betere resultaten bij hart- en vaatziekten en sneller herstel na operaties. Maar de mechanismen achter deze verbanden blijven onduidelijk.
The power of the mind over the body can be used more effectively, is the growing awareness in the medical world. Understanding this can amplify placebo effects, fight cancer, improve response to vaccinations, and it is also reason to reevaluate diseases that have been dismissed as "between the ears" for centuries. Psychosomatics in a new perspective.
Stimulating brain areas could yield powerful therapies.
Not the drug, but the effect
At the end of the nineties, an important additional find was made. An experimental anti-inflammatory drug, intended to combat local brain inflammation after a stroke, was also found to have an inhibitory effect on other inflammations in the body in laboratory animals, while it had only been administered in the brain. No mechanism could be found for this. The drug was supposed to be physically transported from the brain to the whole body — but it wasn't.
After months of trying to find the transport route from the brain to the body, the researchers decided to cut the vagus nerve, a bundle of about 100,000 nerve fibers that runs from the brain to the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and other important organs. When the vagus nerve was cut, the anti-inflammatory effect disappeared in other parts of the body and was limited to the brain, where the drug had been administered.
Conclusion: the brain controls the healing process via the nerve pathways.
Follow-up studies since then have focused on manipulating the brain to trigger immune responses.
Other effects
Immunity works less locally than has long been thought. Of course, this is not entirely strange: certain disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome, can arise due to stress, anxiety and other negative psychological impulses. A range of studies provide fascinating facts:
- Activating certain neurons induced specific symptoms (fever, shivering, fatigue), in the absence of a pathogen.
- Neurons in the insula store memories of earlier bouts of intestinal inflammation. Stimulating those brain cells reactivates the immune response – without any physical cause.
- Among women with breast cancer, those who underwent additional supportive group therapy and self-hypnosis were found to survive longer than those with regular cancer care alone.
- Certain cells in the bone marrow regulate immune activity. Those cells have the ability to suppress immune activity. In mice with lung and skin tumors, activation of the VTA (part of the brain stem) resulted in these cells being activated. As a result, the brake on the immune system fell away and the cancer was fought. Purely because of neurological (brain) activity.
Doctors have long known the effect of positive thinking on the course of the disease. There is more and more substantiation for this anecdotalism. In the Netherlands, Pierre Capel regularly talks about this, for example in his book: The emotional DNA (For sale on to bol.com).
Pierre Capel
This Emeritus Professor of Experimental Immunology has been warning for years about the effects of anxiety on our health. He wrote a book about it in 2018.
See this video from Aug 20, 2020 of
Search Pierre Capel Fear DNA of
Scroll through his rumble videos
Pierre Capel on his website:
It is becoming increasingly clear that feelings are linked to harsh biochemistry. They not only influence the development and course of diseases, but also determine health and even our longevity. Positive and negative feelings have an unimaginably strong effect on the development and course of all kinds of diseases, such as infertility, arteriosclerosis, depression, tumors, diabetes, etc., but also on symptoms such as pain and anxiety. Sports, yoga and meditation can bring about a huge positive change.
At Tel Aviv University in Israel, a research group is investigating whether stimulating the reward system in people's brains before they receive a vaccine can improve their immune response.
But negative mental states can also affect the body's immune response. Specific brain circuits mobilize immune cells in the body of mice during acute stress, both through the motor cortex that mobilizes immune cells and through the hypothalamus — a key responder in times of stress — which reduces the number of immune cells circulating in the blood. The group is now investigating the role of activating these functions in chronic inflammatory diseases and whether this can dampen the growth of tumors.
Stimulation methods
[Note that this is immediately picked up technocratically again. What do we think of social interaction, attention, interest, compliments, love or respect, perspective, living without fear and threat and also imagine that governments would stop through the media do everything in your power to scare everyone, including the corrupting reliable scientists by enticing them to act as propagandists?]
Existing brain stimulation technologies are transcranial magnetic stimulation (magnetic pulses) or targeted ultrasound, virtual reality techniques and neurofeedback with functional MRI measurements.
Potential therapies targeting the vagus nerve are already getting closer to clinical practice. They are working on vagus nerve stimulators the size of a pill, implanted in the vagus nerve in the neck. This includes the adjustment of autoimmune diseases such as Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
This technique is currently undergoing a randomized, sham-controlled trial (sham: the control group receives an implant but no active stimulation) in 250 patients in various centers in the United States.
Stimulation of the vagus nerve focused on the inflammatory reflex modulates TNF production and reduces inflammation in humans. These findings suggest that it is possible to use neuromodulatory tools in the experimental therapy of RA and possibly other autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases.
Among the most diverse specializations, from dermatology to oncology, there is a lot of interest in the concept of mind-body connection. Better understanding may mean better deployment. Doctors often pass on patients with apparent psychosomatic complaints to psychologists and say that nothing is physically wrong. This can be distressing for the person seeking treatment. Just the simple message that there may be a brain-immune connection responsible for their symptoms can make a lot of difference.
Source incl. interesting references: Nature614, 613-615 (2023)
Niet alleen de maatregelen waren fout, zelfs de manier waarop die maatregelen werden afgedwongen was schadelijk. En dat alles onder bezielende begeleiding van een groepje medici en virologen, een OMT dat werkelijk alles fout heeft gedaan. Desondanks wordt er nog steeds geschermd met de huidige “consensus onder virologen”. Die kennen we intussen wel.
Ik vroeg gisteren nog aan een bevriend (gepensioneerd) arts of hij iets kon noemen wat ze dan wél goed hadden gedaan. Het antwoord: “Nou, dat hygiëne belangrijk is bijvoorbeeld en je beter wat afstand kunt houden.” De naam Bergamo viel weer, besmetting in stadions. Ik heb het er maar bij laten zitten: hij is gepensioneerd en werkt graag in zijn tuintje. Naar zijn idee was oversterfte niet zo’n issue want er stond niets over in Medisch Contact of het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. Dat er per dag vijftig mensen meer overlijden dan verwacht kon hij niet geloven.
By the way, this was not the one who made the statement: "What we have learned from the corona pandemic is that we can work much more online." And that was not an IT professional in a hospital, that was a real Prof. Dr. in medicine, head of a department. There is still a long way to go.
The people who are working with vague techniques such as meditation, etc., are not that crazy. The ball of chemicals, hormones and impulses in your head is therefore more than the general processor for physical actions. What a find who would have thought? We can now finally stop bloodletting and bloodsuckers or what is now more popular chemotherapy and pounds of chemicals in the form of pills and vaccines feeding to people with a completely different ailment than the symptoms indicate. For example, a patient with a broken finger who indicates "Doctor everywhere I push with this finger hurts". For headaches you should not take a pill and continue, but it seems to take a break and relax.
But no one earns from that, does he?
A new market is being tapped. A chippie in your neck that can control your VTA. That makes people happy, even if they stand up to their necks...
If Klaas Zwap started just too early, it could have been much easier with the VTA chip.
I think that what Anton describes was exactly the intention and that everything worked out correctly. All those leaders and appointed advisers just wanted people to get scared, that was the only real purpose of the leak in Wuhan in my opinion. And you can say that this worked out very well. The next step is carried out on a digital level. I just think they've taken notice of the fact that scared people often become angry people afterwards. And angry people don't listen well anymore.