In the previous post, who dealt with remarkable interpretations from CBS through Ruben van Gaalen, I briefly touched on the Australian excess mortality. Van Gaalen mentioned Australia as one of the countries where there is a lot of vaccination and yet (very) low mortality, so the vaccines could not be. Below is the translation of a recent article by Joel Smalley with more recent and comprehensive figures. The nice thing about Australia is that they have experienced little Covid there, so excess mortality as an after-effect of (Lung) Covid cannot be used as an explanation there. The mortality does go through the roof there. In contrast to Sweden, which is actually the only good example of high vaccination coverage and low excess mortality. It is also the only country where the disease has circulated normally. You could almost say that the Swedes have built up protection against the spike of the Covid vaccine. The upside-down world.
The unexplained excess mortality in Australia is 3 times greater than the COVID excess mortality (after compensation from flu, pneumonia and chronic lower respiratory diseases) and all exceedances occur since the beginning of the mRNA experiment.
Younger than 45 years
Deaths under the age of 45 in Australia have not been uncommon since the beginning of the global COVID pandemic in January 2020. Sure, there's been a rebound since October 2021, but fortunately we're still in a negative surplus:

Fortunately still below expectations)
45-64 years
The same can be said of the 45- to 64-year-olds who were apparently not affected by COVID. In fact, throughout the "COVID era" until April 2021, when the mRNA experiment began Down Under, mortality rates in this age group were negative.
Although the experiment began in April, this age group was not included until later in the campaign, so that mortality does not increase until November, albeit still negative overall, as in the younger cohort:

Fortunately still below expectations)
65-74 years
For 65 to 74-year-olds, the natural, pre-mRNA COVID is also associated with a negative mortality surplus.
Conversely, this age group is already starting to die strongly again a few weeks after the start of the mRNA experiment and by the end of July this year the mortality rate has been exceeded by a large margin:

Now at the highest level since 2015.)
Unfortunately, that's actually the relatively good news.
75- to 84-year-old
Among the 75- to 84-year-olds, again after an absolutely nothing to do with natural, pre-mRNA COVID, this older cohort is now being destroyed, with an additional 8,000 deaths since the start of the mRNA experiment and late July of this year:

5x as high as the highest level since 2015.)
Older than 85 years
And unfortunately, the picture is the same for over-85s, with an additional 8,000 deaths, bringing the total to 16,000 for over-75s:

2.5x higher than the highest level since 2015.)
But what is the cause of all these deaths?
Is it the late arrival of COVID, the most deadly plague since the Spanish? Fact checkers say so, so probably not.
But, for sure, COVID is responsible for nearly 9,000 deaths, more or less arithmetic half of the additional deaths among over-75s.
In any case, it is abundantly clear that more than 85% of these deaths occur after the start of the administration of the "drug" that is supposed to be safe and effective™. Fact check that for me, please!

Descending lines: causes of death supplanted by Covid
In addition, 5,000 of those deaths simply took the place of the usual deaths from flu, pneumonia, and chronic lower respiratory diseases:

We're getting to about 4,000 COVID deaths on top of at least 12,000 non-COVID deaths. So, what are they?
Rising lines: additional deaths
Well, diseases of the circulatory system have increased tremendously1, 2. Ischaemic cardiovascular disease accounts for 3,000 of the 12,000 non-COVID excess deaths:

Cancer has also increased3, right since the beginning of the mRNA campaign, so hard to attribute that to missed diagnoses and early treatment? Another 1,000 deaths:

Diabetes is the only major cause of death that has increased during the natural COVID era. Surely the professional pathologists can do something with that? But nothing like the rise in the number of deaths since the beginning of the experiment. There you have another 1,000 dead:

And then finally, dementia. Another rarity. Hardly back on level terms after a negative surplus in the COVID era. Doesn't that invalidate the idea that we're just dealing with the additional aftermath of the non-pharmaceutical intervention experiment that came before the mRNA experiment?

These are the facts. But, remember, correlation is not yet causation!
Just a bunch of people (mostly old ones) dying because Australia reopened the prison camps, which were apparently for their protection, because now they're all dying. Do you see if it worked?
What, if it were even a little bit true, is something to watch?
Stay safe! Get your booster! Wear your mask! You know that helps, don't you?!

It doesn't seem as bad as vdBossche predicted... So...
It doesn't get that bad. Otherwise, evolution would have made short work of us much earlier. Or that has already happened, but a few remained.
Unless another lab leak happens, but a really nasty one. In Boston, they are already well on their way. (see article about Fauci's middle finger)
I didn't know there are so many sheep in Australia... all the information in-your-face and then just bleating on. Although I am very people-friendly, sometimes the thought comes to mind that it may be good that people have to carry the cross of their ignorance. In the meantime, I have been scolded, excluded and even denounced by the government because I have no confidence in the injections...
Who am I to mourn vaccine damage, vaccine disease and excess mortality? But at the same time I see my family members who have been injected blindly (despite my reservations) and now have to bear the adverse consequences. You're not going to stab them to death with Told You So.
Today, Dr Mercola published an article on his website in which he describes research that has shown that the chance that the Covid virus would come from a bat is less than 1 in 100 million. As the right-thinking part of the population has long suspected.
The article can only be seen for a few days without a subscription.
Ruben van Gaalen mentioned last week as a possible explanation of the excess mortality in the 65+ group in the past period "that people who would 'normally' have died in the winter, for example due to an infection, then continued to live because they protected themselves extra because of the pandemic. They may have died later. According to Van Gaalen, that hypothesis is difficult to prove, but "it is a pattern that we recognize from major epidemics," he says.
Is that really hard to prove?
You would expect an under-mortality for that group in the current period, wouldn't you?
In Sweden, many more elderly people have died from covid in 2020 compared to Norway, Denmark and Finland. They can no longer die a year later from, for example, graft damage. Then there is under-mortality. Elderly people who have survived do indeed have proportionally much more antibodies etc. against covid than in other countries. This much higher percentage was, I believe, already mentioned sometime at the end of 2020. They can like Antin already
suggests, more easily survive a covid injection.