What are we going to do in 2024? I have muted Ruben van Gaalen on X because I no longer wish to be confronted with the last convulsions of a misleading government. The man must regularly wake up drenched in a sweat from a dream that he is standing in his bare ass in a full Bijenkorf on a Saturday afternoon, for example.
Anyway, I have carried out that intention and kept it up (it is now January 1, 10:34, so far, so good). Then another time and energy eater: Maarten. Making even less time for him, would that also be a good resolution? And feasible? Unravelling his threads has turned out to be a futile activity. No matter how much it seems that he is 'mistaken' and repeats his mistakes – he has been given authority by his employer. And then the Dutch are soon lying on their backs. For most people, it's not so much about what is said, but more about whom. Maarten's status now borders on the divine, as was evident last week from a letter sent in by a vaccine-victimized Volkskrant reader.
In a letter she submitted, she describes the hell she has been living in since the corona jabs. But what a relief: she gets the blessing of Maarten Keulemans. Recognition at last...

The entire article listing her disabling post-vaccination symptoms can be found in the here But it's about the last paragraph:

If you haven't had a life for years because of vaccine damage and you still value vaccine propagandist Maarten Keulemans – that's an almost cabaret-esque characterization of the ideal MSM consumer. These are the people who have allowed themselves to be pressured by propagandists to be injected and are now crying with gratitude for the reluctant acknowledgment of the (of course very rare) damage that has caused them.
In one of his last Twitter threads, we find -in addition to the usual ad hominems and other fallacies- also blatant lies. I would like to highlight one now because I recognized it from a year and a half ago, when I spent more time on substantiated refutation of state propaganda. He just uses the misleading tweet again; He knows that his followers are too lazy and/or too stupid to see through it. So I repeat this piece of debunk as well, nice and easy.
He accuses Theo Schetters of 'home-brewed, deceptive graphs' and compares such a graph with a CBS/RIVM graph.
Now it has not yet become clear that Theo Schetters was wrong, as Maarten claims. Any investigation into this is sabotaged, frustrated or supervised by a censorship committee of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport that sharply defines the research objective. Targeted independent research is refused by the government and therefore the vaccine damage and mortality has not been officially demonstrated. But neither is its absence.
In this way, Keulemans has already come up with three arguments that would prove the deception. Take a look at them.

ad 1) Schetters omits the margins of uncertainty
So...? Graphs are very often shown without margins of uncertainty and it is not clear why margins of uncertainty would provide a different picture here.
ad 2) He draws lines between the points
A line graph ALWAYS consists of points connected by lines – in fact, this is common in a linear time sequence.
ad 3) Its lowest point is lower than at RIVM
Here Maarten finally has a point: this indeed has everything to do with Data falsification to make. This is indeed fraudulent and shameful, but not by Theo Schetters. There is quite a bit to be said about his graph, but Maarten misses the mark on all three points, also here. The original graph, which does not go lower than -25, is incorrect. That possibility doesn't even occur to this science journalist. He thinks it is perfectly normal that exactly the same value is shown for three months in a row (with different margins of uncertainty) and then also on the minimum of the Y-axis. What a coincidence.
If you take the trouble to look at the accompanying data, you will see that the actual values in Schetters' graph are well represented and that the RIVM is spreading misinformation. This is the deliberate disguise of negative effects.
Below on the left is the graph from the official report, on the right with the values as they appear in the accompanying table. This is what that RIVM-brewed graph should have looked like. Who is using 'graphs bordering on deception' here? It doesn't even border on deception anymore; it is simply a deception. And our media just keeps propagating it.

How on earth do we stop this orchestrated, government-driven disinformation in 2024?
Nog één ander puntje dan. “Na 300 miljoen prikken nog geen enkel bewijs voor massale ‘vaccinatieschade'” schrijft Keulemans in dezelfde draad. Hij beroept zich hier op een rapport van “onafhankelijke onderzoekers, verbonden aan de gezondheidsdienst CDC”. Het CDC is belanghebbende in deze vaccinatie-oorlog dus waar de onafhankelijkheid vandaan komt? Geen idee.
Apparently, it also has to be 'massive', otherwise it doesn't count. Profit/risk analyses per age group are not an issue. If 1 in 10,000 or for my part 100,000 children die after the corona jab or suffer life-shortening heart damage, that is probably not 'massive' enough because children are only a tiny part of all deaths.
Also note the word "vaccine injury" in quotation marks. A quoted term as apparently used by others. That doesn't sound like a sincere acknowledgment.
After 300 million jabs, suspicion of vaccine damage and death is growing
Why is there any thought of vaccine damage from the corona jabs that the government agencies and representatives have forced on us under largely false pretenses?
Below are two graphs. The first shows the development of mortality among 65-80 year-olds since 2008. (From Twitter, unfortunately I can't find who made it anymore, I'm happy to post the link to the Tweet.)
For the increase from mid-2021, it has never been independently demonstrated that vaccines have nothing to do with it, even though it is repeatedly requested. In any case, it was no longer Corona, as can be seen in the other graph, taken from an article by Herman Steigstra on LinkedIn that is worth reading. For other causes, such as lockdowns and postponed care – including government measures – the potential impact seems to be much smaller and it is also more difficult to investigate. Let's pick the low-hanging fruit first!
Dear Anton
I wish you a prosperous and healthy 2024.
With a lot of debunk fun,
I am so happy with you and your down-to-earth view on the corona jab scam.
I'm getting sadder and sadder and I'm going to lose a lot of old pricked friends this year.
The first one already on Christmas Day
2 reported in November that they had less than a year to go
1 called me yesterday with an announced death within 1 to 2 months
All kinds of turbo cancers. Ages 75, 78, 82, and 84. Soon they will all be in Herman's pictures. Accident? Or is it that mRNA?
Best wishes Anton! In 2024, continue your superior truth-finding and also refuting the untruths that Keulemans brings up. Your articles are as much needed as ever and are a source of inspiration. Thanks!
Anton, you, and all the other readers here, also best wishes for 2024.
I'll make it a slightly longer post. Just a few thoughts I want to list. I like to think along, and would really like to change the madness a little bit.
In response to your piece: I think the real problem is that we (the citizens) have to find out what is causing an unprecedented increase in mortality, and probably also a huge increase in diseases. It is bizarre that no alarm bells are ringing at the government. In fact, anyone who wants to do something to unravel the mystery is thwarted and ridiculed. To which the usual mass media fully joins in. This alone is remarkable, isn't it? I express myself carefully.
But now that we are in that proof mode, and trying to convince each other of our right through increasingly complicated graphs, I wondered if there isn't a simpler method to determine whether there is a relationship between the -high- mortality and the mRNA jabs, in any way. I notice that it is quite complicated (and the government is happy to contribute to this) to keep all those vaccination statuses apart. Basic series or x boosters, or just basic series etc. And after how many weeks does someone count as 'vaccinated'. Would it be possible to use the unvaccinated group (0 jabs) as a reference? And then compare with the rest (vaccinated in some way). And don't look at Covid infections, because that only says something about effectiveness, but focus on all diseases and deaths. Of course, the best thing would be to divide it into age groups, but maybe that's not even necessary. The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) knows whether people have been vaccinated or not. Roughly 3 outcomes can come true:
-1. (Significantly) more illnesses and deaths in unvaccinated people. Then we have to recognize that the mRNA injections are indeed a panacea for the prevention of all kinds of ailments.
-2. (Significantly) fewer illnesses and deaths in unvaccinated people. Then we have to conclude that the mRNA injections are one of the underlying causes of the excess mortality and increase of all kinds of ailments. That means stopping immediately and investigating further (admit actually, the proof has already been provided) what exactly the cause is.
-3.About the same. Then the vaccines only make sense if they actually lower the risk of Covid, which is certainly debatable with the current variants. So also stop the rollout immediately.
I deliberately keep it simple. I'm sure there's a lot to criticize, but I've learned that 1 clear, irrefutable argument often works better than a deluge of arguments that are all the subject of discussion.
Having said that, surely the data from New Zealand (the Barry Young files) should contain sufficient data to carry out this exercise?
There are still a lot of variables that come into play, and it's hard for me not to mention them, but maybe it's an idea to apply the art of omission. Less is more.
The key is the vaccination statuses, and they are state secrets.
The Barry Young files don't say anything about NL and Steve Kirsch has tried everything with them. https://kirschsubstack.com/
I do see convincing graphs, but also a lot of criticism of the data: incomplete and contaminated.
Then take effects such as the Healthy Vaccinee Effect (https://virusvaria.nl/dimgrr-workshop-het-healthy-vaccinee-effect/) and you can see that it is more complex.
Yes, it is very unfortunate that we, as citizens, cannot view our own health data. Then it is EITHER wait for a Dutch Barry Young, or hope that the current House of Representatives/cabinet will follow through and demand data. And doesn't let himself be steered with a clod in the reeds. The second option (the legal one) is preferred. Not because I'm against some anarchy, but because at least you don't get whining about it like with NZ data.
I continue to find it extraordinary that the entire population is forcibly subjected to a medical experiment and that this is poorly monitored, that the data are not public and that no independent research is taking place.
So the data of the largest medical experiment in the history of mankind is deliberately withheld, so that we don't know what the consequences are.
I think it's fair to say that those responsible are now well aware of the consequences of this experiment and that is why data is not being released.
Anyone need a thesis statement for a dissertation?
The eagerness with which the government ignored the right to privacy in 2021 to be able to distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated people (i.e., to enforce vaccination) is as great as its embrace of the right to privacy in the years that followed not to distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated people (i.e., not to "be able to" investigate the effectiveness and possible side effects of the vaccine).
"If you haven't had a life for years because of vaccine damage and you still value vaccine propagandist Maarten Keulemans ..." ... 🤔 Stockholm syndrome anyone?
My simple reasoning is as follows: a minority of Dutch people have never been vaccinated. If vaccines are healthily healthy on balance, then the excess mortality of more than 15% is mainly in this group, so relatively that will be e.g. 50% excess mortality. And how can that be explained without corona?
Dear Anton and all,
First of all, kudos for your work! Hopefully on to a healthy 2024, in which reality becomes a bit more visible to the 'mob' again.
What is clear to me: the injections have demonstrably very harmful effects on tissues, organs and can lead to very serious conditions. In my opinion, this has been demonstrated very convincingly. If we would finally be able to name the vaccinated as such immediately AFTER the injection, then we would have come a long way. So: get rid of the delusion that you only count as a jabbed after e.g. 1 or 2 weeks... Pure madness, and this has been from the beginning. I have experienced in my own environment that a 20-year-old healthy boy suddenly died 2 days after the injection... Terrible to experience – but an eye opener. Then the revelations of a.o. Trees and Forests on the 'big cover-up', by Agnes K. of LAREB, among others. How to deal with the false definitions of RIVM/CBS?
My New Year's resolution: to commemorate the medical experiment-deaths due to violation of the Nuremberg Code on May 4, in silence and reverence.
There are quite a few.
All the best for 2024!
And keep speaking out, in small, in the big way, by name or anonymously!
I like to read on the site of Maurice de Hond and even then I regularly think "how?"
This is also the case with the reaction of Cdv about Herman Steigstra's graph "not rhyming with vaccinationPLAN PICTURE of the government". That PICTURE was the PLAN, but the execution was different! AstraZ has been jabbed in many healthcare workers and the Volkskrant has even let a healthcare worker speak. Marieke G and many of her colleagues were sick to death of the side effects of AstraZ, but "they did it for someone else"... Lisette is also a well-known AstraZ victim. Just some proof. In the meantime, many of them have had all kinds of things mixed up (not examined and it happened...) and it seems to me that it is indeed best to investigate unpricked compared to pricked. I hope that 2024 will be the year of whistleblowers, because maybe there is still needlestick damage to be repaired with good treatments and all those ostriches will come out of the sand with their heads. I see Nattokinase, bromelain, curcumin as a treatment, but please under expert guidance! And that the next balls will start rolling! It's about the future of our (grand)children!
Best wishes to everyone on this forum and I also explicitly wish that people respond with a warm heart AND with a cool mind. Unfortunately, the reverse is usually the case due to the Corana and related problems. Thank you Anton for the business-like way of putting things in order.
Dear Anton,
Join me with the others here, thank you for your relentless work! Reading how others deal with it helps tremendously.
Just looked up how I ended up on your site: that was in Aug. 2021 after an email to Maurice de Hond – which he forwarded to you – in which I wrote: "in the weekly excess mortality update of the RIVM, I have noticed for months – since mid-March – that excess mortality in the age group 75-79 years has increased or even often increased sharply." It was already summer, Covid had weakened, moreover, everyone was vaccinated anyway ... So it had exactly the opposite effect for this age group all those months!
From July, mortality would remain continuously "strongly elevated" until the beginning of Feb. 2022. After that, the data was presented differently (75+) and this age group was therefore no longer distinguishable.
But it got worse: from Oct. Up to and including Dec. 2021, mortality in 55-64 and 65-74 years was also "sharply increased" every week. This is also what Herman Steigstra mentions in his latest analysis, p. 10: Mainly the many deaths in this group in 2021 brought the Avg. age of death 5 years down. Not a single comment from RIVM in all that time. They could hardly do otherwise, because blame on Covid for the group 55-74 years old - after 3 jabs for most! – could not be done with good decency. And what else to say?
(By the way, RIVM still does not have a "Retrospective" on winter 21/22 and winter 22/23 on the relevant page "Monitoring mortality figures in the Netherlands".)
It was Jillis Kriek who forwarded your e-mail, by the way. We had been in contact for some time and I was already on the trail of deaths with/due to vaccination, which is why he sent it to me. Maurice wasn't ready for that at the time. Your tip was right in the bull's-eye. The article that came out of it, 'Why all those summer deaths', was also placed on maurice.nl (because it is now substantiated with data), ended up with van Haga, Baudet and Omtzigt and led to the well-known motion. Of course, they think Maurice had invented it – but Maurice can't do anything about that either. Herman also dived into it later and we have been in close contact ever since. The butterfly effect...
I think and am actually convinced that people like Maarten Keulemans and Ruben van Gaalen also post comments with face accounts. The response in your example seems to me to be entirely in Maarten Keuleman's frame. Someone who hears voices will not be able to convince you that they are not real, he will experience them as real facts. When you've been following the crime series "perpective" (now on D+) you suddenly start to understand how these kinds of "aliens" think.
A few vaccine critics, including Jan Bonte and Herman Steigstra, are after Wiily Spaan. A vaccine promoter who recently deleted his twitter account.
Another candidate who deserves further investigation is Bernard Leenstra, a general practitioner (i.o.?) who speaks in a rather disrespectful way to critics of the corona vaccines for a doctor. This week again in EW where he is hoeing the Doctors Collective. He himself seems to be mainly a talker who is in the news a lot, but achieves little in practice.
Something for VV (because of good intentions...) to examine Bernard?
Willy Spaan is very bad for my blood pressure. His reaction on Linkedin to the very moderate piece by Jona Walk and Stan Baggen in NRC, in which they call for connection, was shocking. I don't know where he bought his academic title, but what utter nonsense he spouts. I can't stand those twitter and Linkedin discussions. Such a completely different view of the exact same event.
Maarten K (volkskrant) is not only bad for blood pressure but bad for public health. Marc B, with his stories in msm, is also such a danger to public health. Now back to HCQ. It should be about the proven useful use of this drug in early covid infection by primary care. Unfortunately, it is about the deaths in the hospitals who received far too high doses of HCQ and of course Trump must also be mentioned. In early 2020, I was in regular contact with an ICU doctor (circle of friends) and I heard about the extremely high dosage of HCQ in seriously ill, mostly obese and/or elderly people and asked where their minds had gone. The ban on treatment in primary care and other bad things were also discussed in our conversations. "We just do what we want and we don't agree among ourselves, but we can't talk about it because there will be a vaccine that everyone has to take." At the beginning of the summer of 2020, our contact was minimized and I only heard more terrible misses through the grapevine. The messages from Marc B, among others, reopen the wound about the suffering that has been inflicted on so many. In the last letters of an online report in a newspaper it says that it was not a good investigation into the deaths by HCQ and also not done in the Netherlands, but many people do not read that. Dissent is still too small, but with the people here we do have a voice. Many thanks for that!
In a (also French) study from 3 years ago, it was shown that HCQ in combination with Azithromycin is effective in the fight against Covid-19. Also for patients who were already in the ICU.
This is from my heart! I've posted a comment on MdH, and now here. What scandalous press/information officers (MK, MB type) we have in the Netherlands, and how good they are at blocking dissent. Indeed, too high doses, at too late a stage of the disease, in people who are too old. What do you expect? Not to mention the fraudulent HCQ tests done under the auspices of Jeremy Farrar et al.
Hoe krijgen we eindelijk de echte werkelijkheid voor het voetlicht?