More and more is known about the unexplained excess mortality that we have seen for more than 3 years now and the possible relationship to vaccination. On February 23, 2024 CBS published figures that I had already worked with many times. This graph now seems to be the key to the solution:

This graph (published in e.g. Which vaccination coverage to use) was established by comparing the proportion of vaccinated people at the time of death from random causes (ACM) with the total mortality per week. The proportion of vaccinated deaths is found in the CIMS database. We can compare this with the vaccination coverage reported by the RIVM.
It should be noted that these figures are age-adjusted. Vaccinating an elderly person is much more likely to prevent death from a respiratory disease than vaccinating a young person, who rarely dies from it. So we are talking about effective vaccination coverage, as it were. So let's say converted to vaccinating an average 80-year-old.
We see an increasing difference between these two figures. Part of the reason for this difference is given by the RIVM itself: 7% of the vaccinated do not give permission to include their data in CIMS, but these are stored with only the year of birth, so that it is still possible to calculate a vaccination coverage.
It is essential that the vaccination coverage is reliable and accurate, as it is the basis for being able to correctly calculate the effectiveness of the vaccine, the VE. Based on its own figures, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) has already drawn the conclusion that the vaccine is effective, so much so that it is also effective against death from other causes such as obesity, heart failure or falling from kitchen steps.
Master and Jacobs
It was published more than a week ago report by Meester and Jacobs, in which a lot revolves around the reliability of the figures. One of the conclusions was that the administration of vaccination data in CIMS is unreliable. If we look at the micro level (i.e. at the personal level) then there were very unlikely conclusions. For example, immediately after vaccination, the unvaccinated would die 60 times as often as the vaccinated person linked to it, which is of course biomedically impossible. It seemed that vaccinated people who died shortly after vaccination were not registered as vaccinated, just like that in the UK. The report is very cautious in its conclusions, because the conclusive evidence was not there.
What does the Official Gazette say?
On August 23, 2024, a message from Leon1969, in which he mentions a notice in the Government Gazette of 19 November 2020, entitled Authorisation Decree. This describes the method of providing personal data to the vaccination register. It is a ministerial decree, in which the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations gives permission to implement this. The decree describes in detail which information is provided to the CIMS from the BRP (Personal Records Database) and under what conditions. There is a very important passage in this decision, as it now appears:
The customer indication shall be placed with the list of persons of this registered person if:...
....on the list of persons in the section 18.13.10 "country address abroad" the country code Netherlands is included and the section 06.08.10 "date of death" does not appear...
In other words, in plain English: If the vaccinated person has died at the time of registration, this link will no longer be made. The vaccinated person is in the vaccination register with only the year of birth, but can no longer be found later due to the failure to complete the necessary identifications. So, for the purposes of subsequent statistics, these vaccinated deaths are not vaccinated. This is based on a ministerial decree, as we now understand.
Leon continues....
The missing vaccinations
In a follow-up tweet shows Leon official figures, which are the result of this ministerial decision. A snapshot from April 13, 2021:

Here we see on the left the vaccination figures as they can be found in CIMS. As of April 13, 2021 (a fairly arbitrary date), CIMS therefore has 2,644,383 vaccinated people. An estimate from the Center for Epidemiology and Surveillance of Infectious Diseases (EPI) comes to 3,228,861 vaccinations (they are based on the number of ampoules of vaccine delivered) and that is 584,478 more: a difference of no less than 18%. In other words, according to this overview, 18% of the vaccinated are missing from the CIMS, so we assume also as a result of the choice not to admit the deceased to the CIMS. If there is another explanation, we would of course very much like to hear it from the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport.
Own figures
We started this article with our own graph, in which we showed the vaccination figures from RIVM and CIMS. But now it gets interesting: do these figures now match the figures as they can now be found in the various databases? Of course, we can start by showing the difference between the RIVM and CIMS figures in one graph (why didn't we do that earlier?) and then see the following:

The blue line is the difference in vaccination coverage according to RIVM and CIMS (calculated using the 23 February figures). We see that in 4 weeks time the difference increases to 18% in May and 22% at the peak in May. This will then expire until it is completely gone in May 2022. So, the top of this curve will be reached in May 2021 and we understand that now. Because then fewer and fewer first jabs were given and the second round started. Those who died immediately after the second vaccination were already registered in CIMS and remained so. The personal data remained as usual, because they were already known, no new application was necessary.
So we see that the backlog in registration builds up in a month's time. So that seems to be the administrative time within which a death is no longer linked to the vaccination. The difference only arose in the last week of February 2021. Until then, the personal data seemed to be directly linked to the vaccination data. What happened then? Was the software not yet in order?
The difference will eventually drop to 9% at the end of 2021, which is slightly above the 7% mentioned by RIVM. From the booster shot, it dropped further to 3.5%. This is similar to what the RIVM has stated: after the booster, the administration was back in order. However, we see that it was only after the repeat vaccination in March 2022 that the administration became fully comprehensive.
And then the key question: do we find the same percentage of missing vaccinations in CIMS as the official figures based on the CBS figures? Perhaps not entirely surprising, but that answer is simply YES. In Leon's table, we see a percentage of 18% on April 13, 2021 and on that date we find exactly the same percentage. Calculated in a completely different way, but of course on the basis of the same deceased persons who are behind these figures.
It is clear that, with these missing figures, all efforts to obtain an accurate picture of the level of protection of the vaccines are doomed to failure. All vaccinated deaths during the first 4 weeks are counted among the unvaccinated. Regardless of whether the vaccine has failed to protect or has resulted in death. Based on these figures, we will never know for sure. This was also the conclusion of Ronald Meester's final report, but now we also have better figures to support this conclusion.
Deletion of vaccination data
In the same Authorisation decision of 19 November 2020 It was also arranged that registered vaccinations would be removed from the register after the death of the vaccinated person. Apparently, this part had not yet been implemented when the registration was put into use, because there were no indications that deaths were removed, fortunately. That only happened on May 23, 2022, as Wouter Aukema discovered. Then the number of first vaccinations suddenly dropped from 13,470,992 to 12,878,538 and then it slowly declined. This means that 592,454 vaccinated people disappeared from the register. See his Tweet of 19 March 2024, which shows this graph:

This may have little impact on determining the effectiveness of the vaccine, because there are virtually no more deaths from covid-19. But it is illustrative of the way in which the RIVM deals with our vaccination data. Carrying out analyses based on the existing figures now gives incorrect results by definition, not to mention the incomplete figures for 23 May 2022.
It is also worth mentioning that by decision of the December 8, 2022 the removal of data from the vaccination register has been removed from the legislation. Progressive insight has shown that this kind of removal is not wise. But the damage had already been done...
A ministerial decree seems to have formed the basis for the differences in vaccination status according to the CIMS and the actual vaccination status. In addition to the fact that this also explains why CBS arrives at a much more favourable estimate for the VE than it actually is, it is also a very strong indication that mortality has had a direct relationship with vaccination. After all, the figures excluded from the vaccination file are in fact largely the mortality that immediately followed the vaccinations. Not proof that vaccination was the cause, but immediately following the vaccination.
Don't know if this is a correct thought: "It is also worth mentioning that by decree of December 8, 2022, the removal of data from the vaccination register was removed from the legislation again. Progressive insight has shown that this kind of removal is not wise. But the damage had already been done..."
I suspect that it can now be said that there is no such rule...... In other words, the questioner must be aware that the question must be asked in such a way that the answer is also about the past.
Good for politics, so to speak.
Respect to Anton, Herman, Marc, Ronald, Wouter – and others whose names are less known – for explaining the mess of the government institutions (CBS, RIvM) time and time again. But the ultimate effect is that trust in the government has now fallen far below zero.
People are anticipating the declining life expectancy and the state pension age. Get the impression that excess mortality manifests itself especially in the cohort of fifty-sixty-year-olds. Of course, younger people are also dying and statistically this has an impact within a cohort, but on the entire population in absolute numbers it is small. But another adjustment of the state pension age is imminent and it would be completely undesirable if, for example, the state pension age had to be reduced to 67 years. That excess mortality will be ignored for as long as possible by the vaccinated, the majority of the population. The authorities have nothing to fear from that. But a lower state pension age throws a lot of plans into disarray. We'll find out soon. My prediction. Life expectancy has increased and we are going to 67 years and six months. In the US, actuaries are now charging money for their data. Do you have an idea to compare the turnover in the funeral industry? Apart from the occasional criminal missing person, everyone in the Netherlands gets a funeral.
Vandaag zag ik dit –
waarin Omtzigt dus bijna 2 jaar geleden al meldde dat de gegevens van overleden gevaccineerden uit de dataset werden gehaald. Blijkbaar is het toen ondergesneeuwd …