A one-and-a-half-hour interview with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, shown on YouTube, provides all the input needed for a very convincing deep fake video. The voice and facial expressions are AI-processed, and the system can then render a convincing video based on a tapped or narrated text in which Netanyahu sums up texts such as: "I have offered Bourla to use the people of Israel as test subjects for the Pfizer vaccine." Well – almost convincing then because the choppy videos on 'conspiracy platforms' Rumble and Bitchute are very low resolution and the sound doesn't quite sync. It seems like some artifacts from the AI had to remain invisible. 'Sloppy cut and paste' was already mentioned here and there. But still: if this is deep fake, it's terrifying. See for yourself:
Deep fake…
… of toch echt?
OK, the Prime Minister gives a two-hour interview for a major online channel with nearly 1 million subscribers. However, on the condition that the entire interview is first approved by his Public Communication department, which must check whether everything fits in with the chosen strategy. They agree that a low-resolution version will be sent back and forth for agreement. That's how it's done. After compressing two hours of video, the quality turns out to be poor and the audio falters a bit, but good enough for a substantive inspection. Then it turns out that there are a few fragments about which the communication advisors have their doubts. The above excerpt is one of them. No one really dares to update Netanyahu on the effects of his deal ("we'll explain that to you again") but that fragment is cut from the final version that eventually is posted on YouTube. But: the lowres movie is still there... And a clipped clip is leaked by one of the communications advisers who has his political sympathies slightly different than he said during his job interview.
A controversial position
The video dates from a few months ago, Dec. '22. What Netanyahu is saying is that his beloved Jewish people can be used for medical experiments ("Well, the vaccines are safe after all" I hear many people think.) But of course that's super sensitive – and that's a euphemism: it's a scandal. Precisely to prevent this, the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Declaration drafted and accepted worldwide.
And why don't we hear from CIDI about this abuse of the Israeli population?
Precisely to prevent this, the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Declaration drafted and accepted worldwide.
What we also learn from it is that political leaders have lined up in front of the pharmaceutical companies' sales counter. Earlier I wrote that the pharmaceutical companies might have been pressured by governments. Back then, I underestimated the power of Big Pharma.
It is slightly different: they have had to seduce the pharmaceutical companies with hundreds of billions, revenue guarantees and exemptions from responsibility. As a pharmaceutical company, you then stroke your heart and promise the delivery of an imperfect half-tested product of which you do not even have the mass production in order yet. You're not at risk.
Risks? The lawyers of both parties have to arrange this with each other. Netanyahu saw responsibility for any lives destroyed as a formal afterthought, something that must be legally settled. The decision was made after personal phone calls with Bourla, that's how you arrange things: decisively, in good faith, aristocrats among themselves. Dealing with possible popular whining afterwards is lawyer's work. So that's how you start thinking about people's lives when you have a lot of power.
Would other ministers have been so much different? Think of our Hugo de Jonge, Rutte, Kuipers, you name them all... All borderless trust, not only in pharmaceutical companies but especially in institutions and government and EU agencies such as FDA and EMA. After all, this is where the legs of the ladder are anchored on which they themselves have slipped up. While they must have all felt that what they were doing couldn't really be done. Although: Netanyahu is still proud of it. End of 2022. Their moral compass is simply directed differently. Otherwise, their career probably wouldn't have gone so smoothly either.
The Fake Check
I posted the lowres video on Facebook because I couldn't imagine it was deep fake. First of all, the gestures and intonation were amazingly good, but deep fake is used to make people say things they would normally never say. Is that so? If you look at what Netanyahu says in interviews, that's not the case.
The Guardian:
on Saturday night, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said he had received a commitment from the pharmaceutical company to bring forward deliveries in exchange for Israel's provision of "statistical data" — effectively making the country a massive test case to see how vaccines can stop the pandemic.
"As part of the agreement with Pfizer, we have decided that Israel will be a global model state for the rapid vaccination of an entire country," he said, adding that Israel will share data with the world that will "help develop strategies to defeat the coronavirus." Pfizer has not independently confirmed the deal.
Article from Haaretz.com/israel-news

In short, why make a deep fake video of someone giving a pithy summary of a point of view we already know — or could have known — about them?
And what about the interviewer, Jordan Peterson? Had the basic series but now a staunch opponent of the boosters. As a Canadian, he focuses on Trudeau:
So, suppose it's not a deep fake, would Jordan Peterson have been willing to cut out that piece?
Well, well for the public version. Or they did that at YouTube, but that seems strong to me. On streaming service Daily Wire+, the complete interview, including the offending excerpt, is simply behind a paywall. at Jordan Peterson online, time code 1:47:27 to 1:48:27. In passing, Netanyahu also unfolds his plans for a central genetic database that a gigantic industry can work with etc. etc.
If you ask me, those people don't realize what kind of bomb they're playing with. They look like virologists with a virus.
So it's not just Big Pharma that we should distrust. We can no longer rely on democratically elected leaders, especially when elections are coming up. If Netanyahu treats his own beloved Jewish people in this way and thinks he is protecting them and bringing prosperity (and thus winning votes), then that is a sign on the wall. Why shouldn't more politicians feel this way? I can already hear the objections: "That's not happening here." Oh no? With an EU and a WEF where the layers of government seek each other out, pat each other on the back, exchange 06 numbers, scare each other?
WEF? What does that have to do with it?
Well this WEF video for example of Netanyahu at an online Davos-2021 meeting. In any case, watch for a few seconds from 4:40 (short clip on the right). Exactly the same story about his Unique Selling Point: "We have offered to share our digital information with Pfizer to understand the effects of mass inoculation." Admittedly not individual info, he insists, but if such a leader gets it in his head, I still have to see what happens.
The complete WEF video can be found here. The price didn't matter, it just requires personal leadership to get things going, Bibi believes. Twenty-one times called Bourla, you know, the guy who got so excited with Ursula von der Leyen about multibillion-dollar SMS-te. Personal leadership at its best.
In any case, there is no democratic, legal or budget-technical process involved, that much is clear. Now this man may still be somewhat sensible (?) but what if a slightly lesser god, think of a Hugo the Younger, had been in his place?
I haven't heard any worrisome noises from the Davos audience. The WEF talk show host, Børge Brende, President of the World Economic Forum, didn't move a muscle either. It is apparently normal in those circles to deal with populations in this way. The constituency is becoming increasingly unimportant. Supervision and control only get in the way.
The philosophical pillars have largely disappeared in our system, but man is simply a social animal and species seeks kind. The clumping of the power bubble is the greatest danger of our time: concentration of power.
I wanted to end with "That goes wrong once." But unfortunately, it has already gone wrong.
Nothing electronic Deep Fake. It's reality and we're in the middle of it.
"We can't rely on the great leaders anymore." ... Natanyahu great leader? Hhhmmmmm... And besides, that's exactly why serious democracy is so important now.
Those leaders have to. all are kept in check. Especially the ones that have been there for a long time. That seems to me to be at the heart of the idea of democracy. That it is handled in this way 'our' (not mine!) LIJERS is as telling as it is unsurprising in my eyes.
You have a point. I changed "big" to "democratically elected"
An important characteristic of fascism is close cooperation between companies and government without knowing the " people ".
How should we characterize Netanyahu's actions?
@Hans ... what about the WEF? There, the private telephone numbers are exchanged between the two sectors. Humans are social creatures!
@Anton. You are right about the comment that people are social beings and therefore behave socially, but unfortunately that often applies mainly within their own circle (OSM or our kind of people).
Outside of that, (to put it bluntly) anyone can fall dead and, if necessary, a helping hand can be given
Yes, I also make a comment about that in the article. It is precisely because of the disappearance of vertical (compartmentalized) connections in society that people start to clump together on other levels. So that is no longer vertical, across all walks of life (think religion) but rather by class. The layer itself becomes the connecting element.
I am not going to defend any head of government or minister or administrator, certainly not when it comes to the policy and measures during Corona ... but as a politically responsible person you are completely dependent on your civil servants. And there was (is?) the greatest evil. In our country, the influence (say quiet power) of the top (dg's and sg's) is enormous and that will not be much different in other western countries. They can make or break a leader. All Corona measures by Rutte, De Jonge and Grapperhaus came from the official policy chute, whereby the institutes (such as RIVM) were forced to pour a 'scientific sauce' over them.
The warning of the loss of 520,000 QALYs also came from the official box.
With 'personal leadership', that has been set aside, as well as motions, fire letters. Those in charge had a blinkered policy on the signals they didn't want to see. That distracted from the goal they had set for themselves.
The civil service cannot suddenly be mobilised in a different direction. Unfortunately not. Whoever is out of step there also has a problem.
The report on the 520,000 QUAY's is a perfect example of the influence of the top officials. It is an internal document, drawn up by EZK, which was handed over to the Minister (Wiebes), with the ADVICE not to discuss this in the Council of Ministers or the OMT. And so it happened...
"with the ADVICE not to discuss this in the Council of Ministers or the OMT" – did that come from a WOB request or something? I missed that. Do you have a link to this?
@Anton: Not a document, but your own interpretation. If a piece goes into the minister's bag, there is always advice on how to act with it politically: 1. do/do not discuss in the Council of Ministers 2. do/do not inform the House of Representatives. Since neither has happened, my interpretation is that this has been negatively advised.
Below is a link to article from the New York Post about the influence of officials on the corona file. Things will not have gone any differently in our country than in the US, I suppose.
Well, you can also interpret that RIVM or Kaag has gone for it. Or Grapperhaus. Why not the Young one himself? "We just can't use that right now. Just unrest."
In the NYP article, I only see a list of ignored science by "Public Health Officials":
"When a study did not support their policies, they dismissed it and censored opposing opinions."
I don't read anything about officials advising to do something a certain way. Am I overlooking it?
Victims sometimes become perpetrators.
You are absolutely right about that. I'll be lectured below. I should be ashamed. But Tiergarten 4 was not carried out by the Nazis but by the German medical profession. This led to the murder of the mentally handicapped, the physically handicapped, psychiatric patients and forced sterilizations. Hitler was absolutely clear that Germans with heart and lung problems would also fall under this type of program. Eventually, this culminated in a low point of medical experiments in concentration camps. The Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki protocal are a reaction to these crimes committed against Jews in particular. The fact that 80 years later a prime minister of a Jewish state is subjected to a medical experiment can be called a gospe. And why? It will be about money and power again.
Umwertung aller Werten. The Jews became the Nazis. Otherwise, I can't make sense of it.
"The Jews have become the Nazis."
Getver @Leonardo, bit scary statement, where's the nuance?
Shame on you!
Netanyahu used his deal with Pfizer as an election tune.
He obsessively called Bourla 30 times.
"Bourla had given Netanyahu a political lifeline.
Faced with rising Covid-19 cases and elections in March, the prime minister stuck to Pfizer's vaccine as his best hope of staying in office.
By Stephanie Bakker,Cynthia Koons and Vernon Silver
4 March 2021
"It's not every day that a government leader goes to the airport to greet a cargo shipment, but the pandemic has changed a lot of things.
On Jan. 10, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu drove in a motorcade to Ben Gurion International Airport, southeast of Tel Aviv, to watch a shipment of 700,000 vaccine doses from Pfizer Inc. come out of a blue-and-white El Al Boeing 787-9.
As he stood on the tarmac, he boasted that 72% of Israelis over 60 had already been vaccinated, thanks to shipments that began in early December, and that more doses would soon be coming.
That was because he had made a deal with Bourla to use his country as a test case for Pfizer's vaccine.
In the end, he won that race.
Thanks to the deal with Mr. Bourla, restaurants and bars, concert halls and sports stadiums in Israel began reopening, three weeks before Israelis went to the polls.
And as they opened, public approval for his handling of the pandemic also began to rise.
The distribution of vaccines still has the feel of a zero-sum game.
Five days after Netanyahu's victory round, Pfizer told other non-U.S. customers it would halt deliveries in the short term while briefly closing its vaccine plant in Belgium for an upgrade.
When the vaccine began to have its liberating effect, Israel was deep into its fourth election season in less than two years, and the jabs were at the heart of Netanyahu's campaign.