From this week, people can be vaccinated with the so-called "repeat injection". These are the new from Pfizer and Moderna that this time not only have to encourage your cells to produce the so-called Wuhan spike protein, but this time also the spike protein, as found in Omikron BA.1 or in Omikron BA.4 and BA.5. It remains rather unclear exactly which jab you are going to get.
The jab for Wuhan/BA.4/BA.5 is only just approved after it was tested for no less than 8 mice (Moderna on 10 mice) and is not expected to have arrived in the Netherlands on a large scale yet. So you will probably get either a jab for the Wuhan variant that has already died out in 2020 or a jab for both that variant and Omikron BA.1. The latter had already left our country last March. Incidentally, BA.5 is now also dying out hard in favour of variant BA.2.75.
Think tank Disinformation
A few weeks ago, the team that has been rummaging through the documents obtained via a WOB request for months revealed the existence of the so-called "Think tank Disinformation". This think tank was already established in 2019 with the official goal of "increasing the willingness to vaccinate among the population". This is in response to the slowly decreasing vaccination coverage among children over the past decade. It concerns a team of about 100 people who make a pro-vaccination sound on social media as well as in newspapers and on TV. From the answers to parliamentary questions about this tank it has become clear that the members do not receive any compensation from the government for their work.
Incidentally, it is not just about making a pro-vaccination sound heard. Members of the think tank are also committed to debunking or pre-batoning information they consider threatening to vaccine readiness. In addition, they focus on the closure of social media accounts and the removal of messages and videos that could be harmful to vaccination readiness. In doing so, the end justifies the means. Whether or not the information harmful to vaccination readiness is correct is irrelevant.
While one might expect this think tank to make a distinction between long-standing vaccines, of which both the pros and cons are fully known, and experimental vaccines, which are only provided under emergency approval in the context of a pandemic, this does not appear to be the case. Despite the fact that a lot is still unknown about the Covid-19 vaccines, the Think Tank Disinformation has been very active throughout the Corona period to ensure that uncritically positive story about these vaccinations and to render negative stories about these vaccines harmless by all possible means.
Propaganda campaign Government
With the start of the booster campaign, the government has started a large-scale propaganda campaign to promote these boosters. Part of this is not only proclaiming the message that the jabs can be retrieved again, but also proclaiming the message via newspaper, TV and social media how incredibly important it is that every Dutch person once again rolls up his sleeve to have himself pricked for a 3rd, 4th or 5th time with an mRNA jab. It is therefore almost impossible not to know that the booster campaign has started. In addition, the members of the Think Tank Disinformation are once again put forward. Although we officially not knowing who is a member of this think tank, some names are so incredibly obvious that there can be little doubt that they are part of this think tank. Last week Anton devoted 3 articles to the debunking of a thread of Volkskrant journalist Maarten Keulemans who jumped like a bull on a red rag on Theo Schetters and himself with regard to the broadcast of Ongehoord Nederland, in which they showed data that could possibly be unfavorable for the vaccination readiness. Television doctors such as Ted van Essen, Bernard Leenstra and Marc Veldhoen are also likely to be members of this think tank.
Today, however, my eyes fell on a propaganda article at the NOS with the suggestive title "Corona experts: new jab is indeed very important". It featured three likely members of the think tank who were presented as so-called "Corona experts". They are 3 ladies that we have seen frequently in the past 2 1/2 years and whose job it is to tell a pronounced pro-vaccination story. It is interesting to see how they do that in order to also give an insight into the working methods of these propagandists of the government. That is why I would like to introduce you to these three so-called "Corona experts":
Marjolein van Egmond – Immunologist VUmc – Downplaying risks
My first encounter with Marjolein van Egmond was in a video of the "University of the Netherlands" in which she made the winged statement "With vaccines, we only see short-term side effects. We never actually see long-term side effects".
This statement made me stand upright all my neck hairs at the time. I may not be an immunologist, but I had gained some knowledge about the immune system in (at the time) more than a year and if you have even a little knowledge about the immune system, you know that this statement is pertinent nonsense. There is a reason that the approval of vaccines often takes more than 10 years.
ADE is never mentioned
One of the major dangers with vaccines for rapidly mutating viruses is VAED. Vaccine-associated enhanced disease. VAED refers to the undesirable situation, in which an aggravated course of a respiratory disease occurs with a higher incidence in the vaccinated population compared to the control group. Vaccination therefore ensures that you get sicker from a virus. The chance that VAED will occur increases when the number of antibodies against the virus decreases and there is a greater difference between the virus against which the antibodies are produced and the virus that has entered the body. And these conditions are met in a respiratory virus with, yes, the passage of time. So after a trial of a few months, it is impossible to know whether VAED will occur with a vaccine. For that, you need long-term monitoring, following both the vaccinated group and the unvaccinated group of your original trial. With the Covid-19 vaccines, this long-term monitoring does not take place at all. Both Pfizer and Moderna, in their infinite wisdom, have decided to vaccinate the control group after 2 months. Goodbye monitoring for long-term side effects.
And for vaed's performance, unfortunately, things are not looking good for the Covid-19 vaccines. One recent Japanese study has shown that Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), a form of VAED, does indeed occur in people who have received a Covid-19 vaccine. The data from The Belgian hospitals, where it has been reported for months that people who have had 2 Covid-19 injections have a much higher chance of ending up in the hospital than people who have not taken those injections, are also a clear indication of VAED.
mRNA is new
In the same video, Marjolein also pretends that the Covid-19 jabs are normal vaccines. "When you get the vaccine, the security guards of the immune system see that there is an intruder and switch it off." She must have known at the time that that is not how these work. After all, both the mRNA and the vector vaccines (AstraZeneca and Jansen) let your own cells first make a part of the virus. A never before widely applied technique for vaccines where no data was available about what this does for your immune system in the longer term. That did not stop Marjolein from making the aforementioned big statements about safety.
But that was my first acquaintance with Marjolein van Egmond. If you have a fair amount of knowledge of the Covid-19 jabs, the video is interesting to watch back. Let's just say that with progressive insight it doesn't look so good. But let's see what Marjolein tells us in this NOS article. She speaks relatively little, but her main message is: 'The protection of previous vaccinations "does not last forever"'. That's right, Marjoram, but that protection normally lasts several years and is not dependent on the disappearance of active antibodies. You have memory cells for that. In any case, Marjolein still understands that young people do not stand in line for a "repeat jab". However, not a word about possible side effects of the mRNA vaccines, although the knowledge about the increased risk of Myocarditis in young people can not be unknown to her. We do not see that understanding for young people in the 2nd "Corona expert".
Chantal Bleeker-Rovers – professor of outbreaks of infectious diseases at Radboud UMC – Fear as the main weapon
Where Marjolein van Egmond tries to remove vaccine doubts by extensively (erroneously) arguing that vaccines have no danger whatsoever, Chantal Bleeker-Rovers always uses fear as a means of pressure.
If you don't get vaccinated, very bad things are going to happen. If you don't wear a mask, very bad things are going to happen etc. It does this not only in this kind of propaganda articles of the government, but also frequently on Twitter where she is accompanied by an army of bots and supporters who like every comment from her and regularly post comments such as "Chantal is great" and "Chantal should be our new minister of health!".
I have to make quite an effort myself to see her tweets, by the way, because if you reply to her with some scientific studies that prove her wrong, you are immediately blocked.
Chantal's hobbyhorse is Long Covid. In this article it comes into play again: "However, young people also have a risk of lung covid, and the risk of cardiovascular disease due to covid is increasing, says Bleeker-Rovers". That vaccination hardly reduces the risk of Long Covid and the risk of cardiovascular disease in young people increases precisely due to vaccination, is of no importance to her in this respect. She also emphasizes the greatly reduced chance of becoming infected after this "recovery jab". Striking, since it is now common knowledge that the Covid-19 vaccines do not protect against infection and transmission and the Omikron jabs here also not tested for at all. Another typical statement by Chantal: "People do not realize enough that the omikron variant is mild because of the immunity we had built up. It will remain high by revaccinating now." In countries where vaccination coverage is low, people die en masse from Omikron. Oh wait, not yet. In reality, there is no data available that shows that Omikron has a milder course on average in a society with a high vaccination rate. The reverse seems to be the case. However, it fits perfectly into the picture that Bleeker-Rovers is trying to paint: If you do not get vaccinated, you will get Long Covid and you will infect your grandmother who dies from it. So vaccinate!
Chantal Bleeker-Rovers at Op1: "If your immune system no longer recognizes the virus because it has mutated, you need more antibodies".
From this it can be concluded: if hitting does not help, you have to hit harder.
Alma Tostmann – epidemiologist at Radboud UMC – Misplaced appeals to a sense of solidarity
In the NOS article, Alma Tostmann repeats the old, and long-refuted, rantels: "Moreover, it is a gain for overall immunity if young, healthy people also get vaccinated", "How many people will get sick this autumn depends on the number of vaccinations, especially in the risk groups" and "The end of the pandemic is only in sight if we continue to vaccinate and remain willing to take preventive measures". The picture becomes clear. You still have to vaccinate yourself "for someone else", because otherwise we have to take preventive measures again "for someone else"! Alma is a convinced fan of these preventive measures. If we have her Twitter feed we immediately see which preventive measure is most popular with her: Face masks. Although doctors all over the world now dare to openly admit that universal mouth masks, including FFP2 masks, do not make any sense, Tostmann continues cheerfully. But Tostmann's tactics are clear.
You have to vaccinate for someone else, because otherwise we will get measures including lockdowns again. A combination of fear-mongering and a misplaced appeal to solidarity.
What's missing: side effects and natural immunity
In a balanced informative piece about a "repeat shot", you would of course also expect an overview of the disadvantages of vaccination; The side effects. In the piece of the NOS, however, the word "side effects" occurs exactly zero times. High fever after the jab, myocarditis, shingles, menstrual problems. All regularly occurring side effects of the mRNA vaccines, but the ladies do not say a word about it. You can also see that this is not an informative piece, but pure propaganda. The have to be put and negative words about those do not help with that goal.
What also hardly gets any attention is natural immunity due to previous infection with a Corona variant. This is despite the fact that more than half of the Dutch have already experienced an infection, the majority of which are infected with an Omikron variant. Natural immunity gives a much better protection against future Coronavirus variants than these injections can offer and if you have already experienced an infection, especially if it was with an Omikron variant, there is therefore no reason to go and get this repeat shot. After all, you do not have any benefit, but you do have all the risks including the risk of a serious side effect for which you end up in the hospital. If your goal is to relieve the hospitals, it is therefore at least curious that people are not reminded that they should at least ignore this repeat puncture if they have already had Corona this year. But that doesn't seem to be the goal either. It's not about care. It's not about your health. have to be made. Point.
The noble lie
If we have to rely on their public statements, we have in summary:
- One immunologist who lacks basic knowledge of immunology and is also unaware of how mRNA vaccines work
- One professor of infectious diseases who does not seem to know rule 1 in a pandemic, prevent panic, and does not seem to keep up with the state of science
- and one epidemiologist who also seems to have completely missed two-and-a-half years of scientific studies
Is it really so sad with the Dutch scientists? Frankly, that seems strong to me.
It cannot be that scientists who are so busy with their profession, spout such obvious nonsense without knowing that their statements are not correct.
(Note from editor Anton: That Marjolein van Egmond knows better, may also appear an article that I received from her with the request to make it publicly accessible. That was the first step towards One valuable and instructive booklet, apart from e.g. the stated 15%-20% mortality of SARS-CoV2.)
What we most likely see here are people who believe in the "noble lie". The noble lie or in better English, the end justifies the means. If the goal you are pursuing is a noble one, all means are allowed to achieve that goal, including lying, cheating, threatening, and eliminating opponents in any way. We see this happening not only in the Netherlands, but all over the world. Governments that break laws for the "noble cause." Scientists who commit scientific fraud "for the noble cause". Police officers beating up peaceful citizens "for the noble cause."
But what is that noble goal? That's actually guesswork. I think the disinformation think tank was founded on the idea that childhood vaccinations promote public health and therefore the willingness to vaccinate should be increased. Somewhere along the way, however, the actual goal, public health, has been lost sight of and putting as many as possible has become the goal itself. And for that purpose, everything can give way.
Hopefully, this article has given you a little insight into the workings of the think tank disinformation, whose members act as the propagandists of government. If the government wants to influence public opinion, you see these members of the think tank popping up everywhere. On social media, in newspapers and on TV, both at the public broadcaster and at the commercial channels. Why the government is so committed to pricking as many people as possible with these mRNA injections that are not exactly cheap, while for almost everyone the risks of these repeat injections are greater than the possible benefits, remains unclear.
The work of the disinformation think tank has had the opposite effect on the original goal of increasing vaccination readiness. Where in 2018 the vaccination rate in the Netherlands still increased, it has only decreased since the Think Tank started work. The vaccination drama of the past year and a half has led to many young and expectant parents scratching their heads about vaccinations in general, with the result that vaccination coverage is likely to fall sharply further in the coming years. Like epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff already sad remarked: Governments have achieved more for the antivax lobby in a short time than the antivax lobby has achieved in 50 years.
Virusvaria waits in suspense when these ladies will receive prizes for their efforts, that can not be missed, after Keulemans, van Dissel, Koopmans, Gommers and van Ranst.
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