Curious about what the vaccine contracts looked like? Well, they are public, at least the contracts that South Africa has signed with the big pharmaceutical companies. South Africa is a civilised country where the rule of law is not yet in the WEF bag of a political party. South African Health Justice Initiative submitted WOB requests and they were granted. That this succeeds there and should not give voting Netherlands something to think about. We are dealing with either boundless incompetence or deep-seated corruption.
At the time of writing, I was not yet familiar with the almost identical content of the European contracts. On pages 48-49 of this PDF:

Complete safeguard for vaccine manufacturers
The contracts are fully in line with expectations. There is no reason to believe that the contracts with the Netherlands look very different. Governments and health institutions were so frightened that they forced the pharmaceutical companies to deliver a product that was far from ready. The pharmaceutical companies had no choice but to refuse or warn, but which company keeps that up under pressure from the government – and then also with beckoning billions? So they relented, but on their own terms: no responsibility for anything and exorbitant profits.
In another way I can The contracts do not interpret. The Pfizer contract can be found at the bottom of this page.
Now I am biased because this exactly confirms the scenario that I described more than two years ago (June 2021) and completed in February 2022. This new puzzle piece also fits exactly into that story. It explains everything, including the shadowiness of governments and related institutions, from summer 2021 when it became clear that disastrous decisions had been taken and excess mortality was downplayed.
That is what they mean by 'State interest': there must be no end to this deception. It's too bad, too destructive. A disaster for the country. So the media is playing nice again.
If this fully penetrates the population, the Ruttetjes, the Grapperhausjes, the Hugootjes, the Keulemansjes, the van Gaalentjes and other career-EU and WEF panters will no longer be fine. xlxtx txix [removed at the request of Mrs. Theunissen]. (Sorry, but can I just scold... I've been raving about that fraud and deception for two years.)
Hopefully there will be objectifying and nuanced pieces, but for me all boundaries have been crossed for a while now, only anger fits here. I argued for controlled radicalisation – well, checking that is a bit tricky now.
A telling excerpt
For example, read the passage below. The 'Buyer' is of course the government:
Buyer acknowledges that the Vaccine and Vaccine-related materials, and their components and constituent materials have been rapidly developed due to the emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic and will be further studied after delivery of the Vaccine to Buyer under this Agreement.
Buyer further acknowledges that the Long-term effects and efficacy of the vaccine are not currently known and that there Side effects of the vaccine may include: action which are not known at this time. Further, to the extent applicable, the Buyer acknowledges that the Product is not delivered serialized. [no product numbers per bottle]

Signing something like that and then using seduction and coercion tactics so that everyone gets injected with that junk?
Proclaiming "safe and effective"?
Prick campaigns, jab cans for children!? Who are these people...?
A pathological sadist licks his fingers. This is not careless anymore, this is criminal.
All those doctors, experts, nurses, those apostles of the medical industry!? What a people.
And then they call FVD-ers 'brownshirts', while they were pretty much the only ones who refused to fall in line with van Haga and were therefore picked on by the sleazy poop in the Dutch administrations and healthcare industry. Mona Keijzer, the only cabinet member who kept her back straight, is seen as a 'litter polluter'. Bah, bah, bah.
No serialization: erasing traces
"Purchaser acknowledges that the product shall not be serialized". Serialization is similar to track and trace and is mandatory for medicines. Each packaging unit is uniquely numbered, so that it is known exactly who has owned which specific product from manufacturer to consumer. This is essential information if you want to review certain deliveries with many side effects. The manufacturers have prevented this. The authorities had no problems with it. No doubt on the advice of their 'experts'. This is downright criminal.
"Follow The Science"... xwxtxnxoxsxzxoxjx. [removed at the request of Mrs. Theunissen]
One of the documents is below. You will see that the pharmaceutical companies are completely indemnified. Whoever signs something like that is not good with his/her head. Perhaps this apparent bewilderment can lead to annulment. We're not going to get along much with it.
Our government lied and continues to sustain that lie to this day. Incompetence, lobbying, corruption? It started with conflicts of interest from virologists and other experts, it ends with slavish docility of the media and therefore of the population. It is unprecedented abuse of power resulting in manslaughter.
A breakthrough?
It's not the first time I think it should be clear to everyone. But it places great demands on comprehension.
It is almost impossible to imagine such a collective incapacity for action. They all mimicked each other, all those heads of government, ministers, experts, with Netanyahu leading the way, who called Bourla (CEO Pfizer) five times a day and even offered the health data of his people, so Pfizer could learn from it... Really, what are these people doing? Helped by fools like Maarten Keulemans who still don't want to see through it. And the people, they read the newspaper.
It also makes clear why the DSA, the Digital Services Act, central surveillance of information by governments, is being rushed. They think it's better if these kinds of mistakes are not overemphasized. Better for stability.
Media silence
The documents have been online for a week*. Has it been on the news? Big headlines in the paper, surely? I don't watch/read them anymore, I listen to just enough Radio 1 while walking dogs to understand what they want us to think.
What a xcxoxex [removed at the request of Mrs. Theunissen]. And don't count on the fact that other 'big issues' (read: 'billions to be distributed') are in better shape. Timmermans is just as much of an unstoppable glijer who, out of his own injudicious fear, is going to destroy a country, if we give him the chance.
Folks, don't forget that fall jab. And for once, go vote anti-European. Down with those traitors who have persistently wounded the population in the neck. With death and malaise as a result. And the deception continues, also in other areas, with windmills and solar panels. There, too, billions are being pumped out on the advice of a conflicted elite club.
Negative is corrupt, positive is incompetent
Grapperhaus, de Jonge, Kuipers, anyone who knew those contracts, would they have had them take the jab? What do you think? If so, they're even stupider than I thought.
Anyway, it could still be pure incompetence. With an entrance exam for the House of Representatives, you could already solve a lot. But are they really just stupid, do they really not realize anything?
A test would help to get an impression of the sincerity of this and that in the various forums. Vaccinated? Then you've been stupid but sincere. Not vaccinated, but benefited from the circus? Then you are incompetent and possibly complicit in one of the largest attacks ever committed on the population.
I would say: Lifetime face mask requirement with the positive result tattooed on the forehead as a QR code.
Incompetent or corrupt, there are no other flavors.
* correction: the EU's coronavirus vaccine contracts seem to have been online for much longer: as of 17 April 2021!!! How is it possible that this has never been publicized? With such information, everyone is on the wrong foot. I'll get in here this later post on back.
Encore 1: Climate
If you are also interested in climate matters, I would like to see you at this symposium on 28 September. It's like a wasp's nest there.
Alarmism and panic are causing greater disasters than climate change right now, and it's hardly going to help.
If you have understood that, then you will probably question the coverage of the Ukraine issue. Everything is contaminated, it seems... a virus.
Encore 2: Serialization explained
The numbering of each drug package is part of a tracking system. Vaccine tracking systems track all movements of the vaccine throughout its life cycle. The answer to the questions of what, where, when and for what purpose, how vaccines have been treated from production to injection in the individual, including the conditions in the cold chain, is only possible with an accurate vaccine tracking system. In addition, traceability can provide information on whether the cold chain conditions of each vaccine in the supply chain have deteriorated. Vaccine traceability systems, which can be integrated with digital tools during the implementation of vaccine programmes, also ensure transparency.
Thank God there are people like you who continue to bring this genocide into the open. Because that's what it is: genocide, the deliberate and systematic killing of large groups of people. And then keep dry-eyedly claiming that it's all fantastic what they're doing. What a hypocritical rotten mess. Fortunately, the population seems to be awakening somewhat. 26 seats for NSC, that's for a reason. People crave a little honesty and openness. Whether it will help remains the question given that the average Dutch person is, in my opinion, really horribly stupid.
This text is fully in line with slovenian documents.
Would be strange if this text is not the same as that of the Netherlands.
These are, by the way, documents that result from the parent contract.
The parent contract can be found on the website of the Italian state broadcaster RAI.
That's between Pfizer and the European Commission.
Pfizer receives full indemnification for material and immaterial damage caused by the vaccines. Think of death, illness, disability, loss of income, mental and emotional suffering. Any claim for damages will have to be coughed up by the taxpayer. Not by Pfizer.
The European Commission has only published the full contract with censored sections.
But there is little reason to doubt the contract on the RAI website.
Moreover, this safeguard is the same as in the United States.
Countries that could not provide immunity did not receive vaccines.
Stateless persons can also not be vaccinated, due to lack of a safeguard.
Unrecognized countries also cannot get vaccines.
It is indeed virtually the same. 'The administration of the vaccines shall be carried out under the sole responsibility of the participating Member States. Accordingly, each Participating Member State shall indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor, its Affiliates, subcontractors, licensors and sublicensees, and officers, directors, employees and other agents and representatives of each of them (collectively, the "Indemnified Persons") from and against all liabilities incurred, settlements pursuant to Section 1.12.6, and reasonable direct external legal fees incurred in defending third party claims (including reasonable attorneys' fees and other expenses) relating to damages, damages and losses as defined in Section I.12.2 (collectively, the "Losses") arising out of or relating to the use and deployment of the Vaccines in the jurisdiction of the Participating Member State."
The frustration is increasingly reflected in your reporting, Anton. I recognize it. Why does one not see this? Leonardo above already mentions Slovenia, he was with just before:-). But I think there's similar data from Australia.
It's maddening that it doesn't get through. Especially when you combine everything. It started with the lab leak, the idiotic measures, followed by an untested 'vaccine'. Hugo is the greatest quack ever.
What's next? Is the tide turning? How serious are Halsema's comments? Has she apologized for beating up unruly protesters, locking people up, excluding them? Or is that just happening in a woke context?
Thanks again for this kind of publication.
I wonder if Hugo knew this (EU signed on behalf of all member states) or realised that this was a life-threatening clause. Halsema: someone who brags about the hiding places she could have had just after the war. But yes, she didn't know.
Link to contracts should be:
Furthermore, exactly the same "telling fragment" was already brought by Virus truth in a lawsuit in March 2022:
Unbelievable, out in the open for so long. I knew about them, 'they are safe', but had never seen that they were actually signed hard for. And when Ursula signs, all the sovereign states hop after it, with no say from those who need to be pricked. Talk about informed consent.
Surely Pfizer vaxx have batch numbers that people were researching (how bad is my batch)? So not untraceable or anything.
Serial number would add even more detail, but Occam's Razor seems to me to simply cut corners where possible to deliver (earn) as quickly and cheaply as possible. In my opinion, governments were also free to stick serial numbers themselves for issuance.
First of all, it is an obligation that has been circumvented. They make rules that they easily evade themselves. That is not a good example. If they were already free to number themselves to sharper monitoring, they clearly didn't like it.
Batch numbers are about hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions of doses per number, you don't signal a spoiled sub-batch with that. Of course, that saves hassle because without that data you keep possible misery under wraps.
No one has died from the vaccine. In the Netherlands 10% of the population is wap, why didn't they hang themselves, then they would have won?
I don't quite follow your reasoning, but then you have a vaccine or at least a vaccination policy that causes 10% of the population to commit suicide. Not nice either, right?
The fact that no one died from the vaccine is carefully kept secret, so unfortunately we don't know that either. Neither do you. That is where the concern about the quality of the vaccines comes from. At Lareb, the institute for reports of possible side effects, there have been 748 reports of death after corona vaccination so far. Wouldn't that include one death from the vaccine, do you think? And would all vaccine suspect deaths have actually been reported? I know of three cases of totally unexpected deaths after vaccination in my own circle of acquaintances, one of which has been reported (a relative had approached me about this and later confirmed the report). While the causes of death were related to cardiovascular problems in all three, in healthy people.
Fortunately, Lareb has not received any complaints about heart problems, a side effect that was added to the Pfizer leaflet some time ago because it was actually too common to simply omit. At Lareb, therefore, not or at least very little, because it is not mentioned anywhere. The deceased at Lareb died mainly due to reactions at the site of the injection (pain, redness), fatigue, headache, feeling unwell, fever, muscle pain, pain in the joints, nausea, vomiting, chills and diarrhea. These are the most common complaints. If that were the case with the deaths, they would have said so.
Health Minister Frank Vandenbroucke has responded in 'The Seventh Day' to the striking statements of his German colleague last week. He said he wants more research into the consequences of the corona vaccine. However, Vandenbroucke sees little reason to doubt the safety of the vaccination campaign: "In our country, four deaths may be related to the vaccine, but on the other hand, the vaccines have saved thousands of lives."
June 2023
“COVID-19 vaccines were developed and approved rapidly in response to the urgency created by the pandemic. No specific regulations existed at the time they were marketed. The regulatory agencies therefore adapted them as a matter of urgency.
Now that the pandemic emergency has passed, it is time to consider the safety issues associated with this rapid approval.
The mode of action of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines should classify them as gene therapy products (GTPs), but they have been excluded by regulatory agencies. Some of the tests they have undergone as vaccines have produced non-compliant results in terms of purity, quality and batch homogeneity. The wide and persistent biodistribution of mRNAs and their protein products, incompletely studied due to their classification as vaccines, raises safety issues.
Post-marketing studies have shown that mRNA passes into breast milk and could have adverse effects on breast-fed babies.
Long-term expression, integration into the genome, transmission to the germline, passage into sperm, embryo/fetal and perinatal toxicity, genotoxicity and tumorigenicity should be studied in light of the adverse events reported in pharmacovigilance databases.
The potential horizontal transmission (i.e., shedding) should also have been assessed.
In-depth vaccinovigilance should be carried out. We would expect these controls to be required for future mRNA vaccines developed outside the context of a pandemic.”
What bold statements, Henk. No one died from the "vaccine"? Would like to know what that statement is based on. It is now clear that the mRNA 'vaccines' can cause inflammation throughout the body. The LNPs (Lipid Nano Particles that are the carrier of the mRNA) have been found throughout the body in all kinds of organs. There they then make spike proteins to which the immune system should respond. And this does not always go well, and can lead to major problems. But you'll find that a bit of talk and you won't bother to think about what you're going to squirt into your body. You rely on 'science' and on great thinkers such as Hugo de Jonge, Mark Rutte, Marion Koopmans and the like?
Oh yes, what you call vaccines is in no way similar to what was meant by vaccine until 2020. These consisted of dead or diluted virus material (vaccine comes from the French name for cowpox). The mRNA injections that have now been rolled out worldwide are in no way like that. No one knows the long-term effects. There are entire facebook groups where people are trying to get compensation for the vaccine damage that has been done. Including relatives of people who died from the jabs.
10% of the population is WAP? What do you mean by that? That they don't blindly believe in the government narrative and strangely want to express their own opinion?
Be sure to read the other post on this site about the relationship between vaccination and IQ. Seems instructive to me.
I am also curious about the arguments of the other negative thumbs on this page. What is the background? What is wrong with the information on this page? I see a lot of positive reactions.
Good work, Anton.
Maddening indeed. I wonder if this kind of news would still get through to pricked people anyway. There is a cognitive madness that is unparalleled.
Someday, someday, people will appear in court. The corona tribunals, the CBDC tribunals, the Ukraine tribunals, it's too much to fully understand... 😡😩
In the UK, I think it has now become clear that the syringes are wrong. We are now waiting for the moment when other countries can no longer ignore it either. And Janssen has now completely stopped the Covid spraying, if I have been properly informed.
In my small circle two deaths of otherwise healthy people, 1 and 3 days after the booster. They took the jab, because they were globetrotters. None of these cases have been reported to the Lareb. I think there is more that is not being passed on to the Lareb.
That is a fact. I calculated that two years ago.