De kwaliteit van de data bleek niet te deugen. Lees hierover the next article in which objections are considered.
With the latest figures from Germany, a turning point has been reached: we can now really speak of vaccination damage and vaccination deaths. The circumstantial evidence is now piled up sky high, only the corpus delicti is still missing: the data manipulation, data concealment, misrepresentation, whatever you want to call it. Our governments have that data in their hands. Only those can provide hard evidence that the vaccinations have nothing to do with tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths in the Netherlands.
I will spare you the German names, institutes and protocols. Protagonists are in any case
- Paul Ehrlich Institute
The Paul Ehrlich Institute is a German federal agency, medical regulatory body and research institute for vaccines and biomedicines. - Robert Koch Institute
The Robert Koch Institute is a German federal government agency and research institute responsible for disease control and prevention. - Kassenärtzlichen Vereinigungen (KV-en)
Health insurers - AfD
Political party: Alternative für Deutschland.
The German AfD presents data here from a kind of WOB request, which is still well honored in Germany. The AfD is considered by many to be (extreme) right. what is it that only the extreme right wants to get the facts out... Or will anyone who wants to see the facts be portrayed as extreme right-wing?
In any case, the data request provided a PDF with 90 pages as below. (At the bottom of this article you will also find links to Excel files). It immediately indicates how outdated our laws are, there should have been a legally prescribed data format for that a long time ago, at least an open importable standard as is often behind download buttons (CSV, XLS, JSON for example). There is no bombshell data behind those download buttons.
Data analyst Tom Lausen (see also previous article) went to work with it and filtered on the codes mentioned by the Paul Ehrlich Institute as important signal values to keep an eye on when introducing new drugs.

Signals of Special Interest
- R96.0 Sudden death
- R96.1. Onset of death within 24 hours of onset of symptoms, with no other cause
- R98. Death without the presence of others
- R99. Other uncertain or unspecified causes of death
These codes do not require any further explanation. And of course Maarten: even without vaccination, people can die in this way. But that can't explain the graph below.

Later it was added: "I46.1. Sudden heart failure" but that is not yet specified in the graph above.
In the earlier article with Tom Lausen, the legal obligations to which the German Institutes have to comply were also mentioned. They don't, through all kinds of delaying tactics. In the Netherlands we have no such laws. We have never before experienced first-hand what a Nazi-like collective can achieve in our own country. In good faith we start from promises and intentions. We still rely on parliament and the nonsensical, incompetent designs of debates, despite the fact that WOB requests are ignored, data is hidden, promises are broken, laws are broken, communication erased and/or painted away, the big magazines are currently the flyerers of state propaganda and the broadcasters serve as soapbox where anyone can stand on who wants to support the state narrative with meaning or nonsense.
It even goes so far that Beau was ridiculed last night elon Musk. That's dust for another blog but I wonder at all those shows how on earth they find those guys together? So united, so in the same tunnel vision... that must become increasingly difficult. After all, the group of good noses in the corona story is getting smaller and smaller. Whoever changes camps leaves the state narrative; never does anyone walk the other way with motivations like: "Oh my gosh – the lockdowns actually seem to have helped and the vaccines have been a godsend after all, a miracle of technology! And contamination just goes through droplets, so masks do work! And hand pumps too. Sorry I didn't want to take that all this time."
Does anyone know of a proven doubter who now supports government policy? Let us know in the comments.
Graphs and tables
These are also based on data from the Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung – KBV Publication of 29.11.2022 / Diagnosis data of approximately 72 million legally insured Germans.

Reports of death. How do we look at this? It seems that the longer the jab has been suffered, the fewer people link a sudden death to the jab. After 42 days I can imagine something. But not within three days.
For example, look at 18-59 years. Between 30 days, about 2.1 deaths per day have been reported.
Day 1 after vaccination: 85 reported! On day two: only 44. On day three, only 15 more will be added. A sudden death within three days is just as suspicious for relatives as after two days, or even within 1 day. The drop from 85 to 15 is not because people have forgotten that someone has recently been vaccinated.
The first quarter of 2022 does not look hopeful
See also the video on Odysee: Press conference of the AfD.
The course of myocarditis and pericarditis, compared quarterly over the last seven years.
Percentage increase in various complaints and disorders first quarter 2022 vs first quarter 2019.
- Stroke up 6%
- Headaches: up 25%
- Acute respiratory infections: up 60%
- Lung cancer: 93% up
Germany is not the Netherlands...
That's right, in the Netherlands similar research is not allowed, the data are state secrets. No doubt it is also a drama here. How long will government agencies and media succeed in hiding this from view in the Netherlands?
It is understandable that Elon Musk's transparency initiative is being convulsively sabotaged by the media, health initiatives, governments and the EU. After all, when the truth comes to light, state security comes into question, hence the blackening.
Unfortunately, shaking up the state order is entirely justified. The State should be there for the citizen and that time is clearly over. Health care ditto and the media that should be controlling have been pushed into alternative corners.
It is an incompetent clump of power that needs to be thoroughly revised. And then 'incompetent' is the most gentle qualification I can think of. And vaccination is still encouraged for everyone from the age of 12...
The PDF does not make it easy to check the data. Critical reviews are now also available. The data also remains intact in the fact checks.
If you want to check the source yourself: in this discussion of amidwesterndoctor there are links to Excel data.
And yet another, "Citizen Scientist" is with that again got started.
No matter how they turn it, the image remains consistent with Lausen's presentation. Tom Lausen is certainly not a cookie cutter.
I notice that you are getting more and more indignant, Anton. I recognize it.
But fear you're right. This is also probably not going to make it in the MSM. Now it's AfD again, and that will be the main argument of the debunkers. Do not respond to the content (because it cannot be refuted), but play the man. You see the same thing happening with Maurice. It is burned down on completely different files.
It's great that you bring this kind of thing to the surface. Hope it goes viral one day.
Nothing more helps with the Redpill in the Matrix. At Men In Black they had found something to reset people.
Within my family in 2nd 3rd and 4th line and in-laws near and further away, most are fully vaccinated. Of this relatively small group, almost all of them are averagely healthy people, the vast majority have experienced severe covid problems very recently. Recently, serious lung and respiratory complaints have also been added. The latter already had health problems, but these complaints are completely new. We ourselves are not vaccinated, but we are confronted with great long-term tensions and insomnia. At our age not conducive to health, but covid complaints we do not know, have never done visitation restrictions, but do take vitamin C and D supplements. We also belong to the so-called risk groups because of age and I have been given a stent because of heart problems in the past.
We won't fit into the official statistics, I think
FYI: In this blog there is a link to an Excel file that someone has made of it:
Thanks, I had seen it too, added a postscript half an hour ago!
Good article!
However, I am afraid that they will never admit that the vaccine is the cause. Look at the reaction of the MSM in Germany. Instead of objectively having the discussion, they immediately (within 1 day) go on the counter attack.
In my eyes, they have lost their credibility, but the average reader does not see that.
Sylvain Ephimenco, a long-time columnist at newspaper Trouw, is a critical observer of government policy on. Corona, somewhere in mid-2021 completely turned into a slavish follower of the government irritant. There is no turning back for him either, because the Spike proteins with the LNPs are in that unwieldy body and you will never get them out again!
Ephimenco has long been a loyal follower of the frame of power. Although he moves to the edges of it, he knows flawlessly where the boundaries lie. That goes without saying, otherwise he would never be able to hold that position within the MSM for so long.
He is de facto just a poseur, nothing more and nothing less. As if by itself, he automatically falls back on a pose. His words are a cry for attention. He wants to please to be admired. The opinion itself does not interest him, only the effect it produces.
It remains remarkable that practically no journalist within the dominant propagandistic media "converts" and that also from somewhere. Are these people so afraid of their jobs that they even completely jettison their integrity and credibility in the future? What moves these people and how are they kept in a very strict "truth lockdown"? How can they still live with themselves in such a profession? It seems as if they are controlled by a "security service". What moves people to let themselves be pulled in front of a dark cart without any problems. You hear a little bit of sound from an ex NOS boss by exception. I don't watch a single TV talk show with celebrities like Beau and Jinek anymore because it makes me nauseous. Surely there are many more journalists who are retired and find the current state of affairs worrying? Fortunately, doctors do it in large numbers. I could conclude that journalists of today are just Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter message reproducers, they are actually worth nothing anymore except for the few who do open their mouths of course. And they are not even tacitly tolerated, but fully attacked. Too bad not everyone just cancels their subscription.
Already last year I repeatedly asked the newspaper Trouw to be aware of their origins: a newspaper that originated in WWII that did not respect the then existing power.
Unfortunately, it has now become a call horn of government policy. Deeply sad that they deny their origins in this way and throw them away (for how many 'silvers')