The stubbornness with which our government virologists continue to deny evidence-based facts has given the impression that we are dealing with a petrified field. Or with an unfortunate selection of incompetent officials. Think of the droplet theory and the zoonosis theory. Where does this tenacity come from, is it really a lack of advancing insight or is there more to it? Spoiler: There's much, much more to it. The drippers and the zoonati serve a common purpose: the virus outbreak had to be eliminated immediately from the very beginning at all costs. We need this to go away. Now. And once such a path has been taken, the point-of-no-return is soon over. So that line is being continued, even now that everything is actually already on the table. The result: fear, lockdowns, curfews, threats, isolation, vaccination coercion, forgery, dirty and harmful vaccines, a legendary economic downturn, the failure to carry out motions and FOI requests, far too many deaths and, of course, billions disappeared, in the Netherlands alone. There must be something underlying this. How does it all fit together?
TL; DR Summary
Zoonosis: Denial of a lab leak
Previous lab leaks have simply been reported. Why did this particular lab leak have to be erased from history as soon as possible? That was the political sensitivity.
- U.S. involvement
- Prohibited bio-military research
- With the knowledge of scientific leaders
- Circumvention of legislation through outsourcing in China
- Sino-American exchange of knowledge
- Sino-U.S. Cooperation on Potential Biological Weapons
- Spending U.S. taxpayers' money in China
- With the knowledge of government officials and secret services
- Failing supervision
- Accumulation of dysfunction by political and scientific bodies
Drip theory: Denial of bungling
It has been known for many decades that infection by respiratory viruses is mainly airborne. Nevertheless, the virologists involved are desperately clinging to contamination via droplets. That's a lot less dangerous. Aerogenic pathogens are many times more dangerous, not to say 'virologically uncontrollable' (opening a window is not virology). That makes aerogenic transmission much more interesting and at the same time more difficult to research because of the safety guidelines. By classifying pathogens as 'non-aerogenic', the virologists are keeping a lucrative market open.
- Justification of an inadequate level of safety in virological experiments
- Safeguarding exploratory virus creations as the commercial lifeline of virology
- Evasion of safety guidelines with global impact
- Keeping Military Interest in Aerogenic Bioweapons Under the Radar
- Shielding accomplices from important clients (in particular governments/defence and pharmaceutical companies)
Disproportionate measures: Making evidence disappear – but yes, that virus...
We know from exciting series the mafia practices of so-called 'waste processors' who dump their chemical rubbish wherever they can get rid of it, often with bribes. Administrators become corrupted, blackmailed and one thing leads to another. Those who are in such a network are not sure of their lives, lie for their own sake, please the capo. That pressure is nothing compared to the geo-bio-military-scientific complex that has arisen around virological research and with which we are now dealing. Exposed by a virus.
Wanting to keep years of criminal dealings under wraps, because that's what you can call it when you play with the health of the world's population, with the involvement of the two largest world powers and with the knowledge of a billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry, has led to the immediate and unconditional wanting, no, must Stopping the impending unmasking. At any price, no matter what the cost.
All the carefully constructed science went overboard and every panic rule was pulled out of the closet. There had to be isolated, lockdown, controlled, vaccinated, the Chinese had all kinds of ideas about that – and they had an important voice. Not only because of their financial support for the WHO, but also because of the evidence they immediately took offline. If they put their medical databases online again, the speculation will soon be over... Quite a nice means of exerting pressure.
That's the basic idea. And a brave little virus that could not be tamed and that could be turned up or down at will with a PCR test. If you find it interesting, read the extensive story below. Or look at, he summed up the article neatly, although he did not adopt the most controversial and conspiracy-ridden element. That is why I have emphasised that essence once again in 'It's worse than you think‘
The why of zoonosi
It will come as no surprise that the zoonosis theory is so popular among virologists. These specialists and their investors in the virus industry (viroscientists, pharmaceutical companies, health institutes, the military) are desperately clinging to a zoonotic origin of SARS-CoV-2 in the lab leak discussion. In doing so, they indirectly defend virus research in which viruses are modified to see if and how they become more dangerous to humans. These viruses are built because in this way we prepare ourselves for combating them, should nature come up with the same idea as the researchers, is the noble thought.
It is worth noting that this is exactly what has happened according to the virologists: nature has fabricated exactly what was predicted by the virus researchers. So even if you go along with their reasoning, it doesn't seem like we got much out of the insider information.
Why the parties involved continue to deny a possible lab accident is obvious, at first glance: an 'accident' that causes a global disaster, you don't want to have anything to do with that. But there's a lot more to it. The health care agencies (Fauci, NIH, FDA, White House, secret services) absolutely do not want to be exposed for unlawful use of their mandates. Not even for treason. They won't admit at any price that they were aware of a) life-threatening bio-military research, b) for which they gave America's biggest adversary, the Chinese, money as well. Everything happened under the radar, and for good reason. The government paid through an NGO, which in turn channeled the money to China. In any case, that had to be kept out of the public eye. Didn't work.
Acknowledging that state of affairs would not only mean the end of a lucrative branch of viro-science. It reaches much further into the industrial-military virus complex, including the pharmaceutical companies, the regulators and the government officials who operate in it and have contributed – sometimes in a personal capacity. This is where personal liability comes into play and behaviour that can be described as criminal, even involving human lives. And not just a few.
Through all kinds of avenues, from scientific journals to social media, the executors (the virologists) have pulled out the registers from pangolin to raccoon dog: it had to be a natural virus, otherwise it would be over and done with both the American-Chinese collaborators and the livelihoods of the viro-industrialists. The importance of the pharmaceutical companies goes without saying, they profit from every epidemic and in turn fund virological research.
The virologists involved hoped to be able to invoke 'scientific cooperation at the service of the health of the world's population' and why should this not be allowed to be done in an American-Chinese way? After all, it is science, this is not about the chip industry where, for example, restrictions are imposed on ASML, when it comes to supplies to China. Because cooperation with China is a sensitive issue, especially in America.
And military aspects? The involvement and interest of both the American Academy of Military Medical Science and the Chinese Military Academy of Medicine participated, didn't that give you pause for thought?
No, that was no association at all for virologists. Because there were often officials in green uniforms with berets or caps on? No, that's just not an association for a scientist.
The blind panic immediately after the outbreak is quite imaginable. Suddenly, we see people who have been pleasing the world's most powerful conglomerates for a long time and who break out in a sweat after a screw-up of their affairs that they could have known (and actually knew) in advance that things would go wrong.
We knew the panic reaction with which the fire had to be put out immediately. The Chinese had good advice and so all our socially responsible protocols and accumulated knowledge were thrown overboard. The virus had to be contained. That got completely out of hand. In order to get the necessary coercive measures through in the Western world, fear had to be sown, people had to be terrified. The severity of the virus was greatly exaggerated and it remained so, even when it was already clear that the lethality was more in the direction of flu than in the direction of Ebola. The WHO was frightened (Tedros only later realized what was really going on), politicians were frightened – intervene, intervene, intervene!
The vaccine pharmaceutical companies were put under pressure. They therefore started to set conditions such as turnover guarantees and indemnification against damage. Of course, our governments participated, because the EU participated, because America participated. Of course, America had to because it was up to its neck in it, through Fauci and the NIH. Fortunately, the EU was able to arrange things quickly through Van der Leyen's network. The contracts have signed for a turnover guarantee. That would be a waste of billions if a cure were to be introduced in the meantime. That also explains something. That way, everything fits together better than in other scenarios I've seen. I call it a scenario and not a conspiracy because it is not all thought out in advance. It is opportunism under the pressure of enormous forces.
Anyway, I described this scenario in broad strokes two years ago, read the updated version in The Biggest Cover-Up in History
So it's not surprising, this zoonosis hype from a virological angle. Still, the threat could have been exaggerated if they had claimed that the virus could be transmitted through the air, which is really dangerous! But that didn't happen, on the contrary. That, too, can be explained.
The why of the droplet virologists
A lab accident that causes a global disaster is disastrous for a field that thrives on virus tinkering. That game is interesting if you can do a lot of experiments and try out all kinds of things. You never know exactly what the result will be, after all, that's why you do those experiments with artificially composed (chimeric) viruses. That creativity requires leeway, and that leeway is lacking when you have to conduct research at the highest level of security. That would make everything slow and too expensive. And it might not even be allowed because of the enormous risks.
Before we go any further, let's first establish that there is no doubt whatsoever about the aerosol transmission of respiratory viruses, with a few rare exceptions, but even here it is not 100% certain. Otherwise, read the 206 references to scientific studies a piece in Science that is worth reading. Almost all of them pre-2020. Or let yourself be convinced by a simple, clear and amusing experiment from 1987(!), described in Playing poker with infections. Or read the Arguments against aerosol denial by Prof. Jimenez. Or take a look at the list below from 2015.
Aerosol knowledge dated 2015, list of aerogenic pathogens (click to view)
R.M. Jones, L.M. Brosseau, Aerosol transmission of infectious disease, J Occup Environ Med, 57 (2015), pp. 501-508

You would think that the law regulates how pathogens (pathogens) should be dealt with. When the safety of the citizen is at stake, there are generally clearly defined articles of law to be found. Think of fire safety, firearms, means of transport, you name it – but for pathogens?
There are no laws for biosafety of laboratories. There are guidelines, generally based on CDC Advisories (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). A distinction is made between 4 security levels. At the highest levels (BSL-3 and BSL-4) the work is recognized as extremely risky and therefore attention-grabbing, expensive, slow and much less attractive.
The basic rules for BSL-3 and 4 have everything to do with airborne transmission. If there is only a risk of infection through contact or eating or drinking, then BSL-2 standards are sufficient, largely comparable to what is followed in dental practices: goggles, gloves, face masks, thorough hygiene. However, a dental practice does not work with pathogens. For this purpose, there is a special cabinet with extraction.
How dangerous aerosolized pathogens are estimated to be can be seen from the fact that even lab work with a pipette must always take place in such a sealed cabinet with extraction – because aerosols could be released when working with a pipette. Can you imagine.
Below are some excerpts from the fifth edition of CDC's "Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories." To be on the safe side, I took the last edition before the corona crisis. After all, those were the rules that applied at the time.
For example, we read there:
- SARS is thought to be spread primarily through droplets, aerosols, and possibly fomites. The natural reservoir for SARS CoV is unknown.
- The exact mode of transmission of SARS-CoV laboratory infection has not been determined, but in clinical settings the primary mode of transmission appears to be by direct or indirect contact of mucous membranes with infectious respiratory droplets.
- SARS-CoV multiplication in cell culture and the initial characterization of viral agents recovered in cultures of SARS specimens should be performed in a BSL-3 facility with BSL-3 practices and procedures.
- Inoculation of animals for possible recovery of SARS-CoV from SARS samples, studies, and protocols inoculating animals for characterization of suspected SARS agents should be performed in ABSL-3 facilities with ABSL-3 working practices.
ad 1) The natural reservoir is unknown. In the labs, they worked with SARS-CoV viruses of which they do not know their natural origin. Those viruses may have just been adopted once from a lost pizza courier, but the work is so complicated that such banalities are of course impossible to keep up with. No association with it (reminiscent of 'no active memory of.')
ad 2) The mode of transmission in a clinical setting is mainly through direct contact. That is obvious, they are not there with infected people in poorly ventilated rooms, then automatically fallen test tubes remain.
ad 3) Tinkering with SARS viruses is only allowed in BSL-3 facilities. Assessing Unknown Virus? BSL-3!
ad 4) The messing around with animals that are made (deathly) ill must be on ABSL-3. This is BLS-3 with additional facilities for animal care and safety, such as enclosed cage systems and special ventilation systems. To "keep the employees" but also the animals "safe." Don't overthink it.
ChatGPT provides a summary that corresponds well with what can be found about BSL-2 and BSL-3:
- BSL-2 Laboratories deal with agents that can cause disease in humans, but are not typically airborne in a laboratory environment. Procedures that may generate aerosols or splashes are performed within biological safety cabinets or other physical containment devices to prevent infection.
- BSL-3 Laboratories are designed for work with pathogens that can be transmitted through the air and cause serious or potentially fatal diseases. At this level, facilities implement technical measures such as specialized ventilation systems to prevent aerogenic transmission. Employees use personal protective equipment, including respirators, and work with biological safety cabinets or other containment devices when handling these pathogens.
So it is not surprising that the virologists not only adhere to the zoonosis theory but also embrace the droplet theory as the basis for infectivity. Respiratory viruses are non-aerogenic unless proven otherwise, is their adage. That's just the way it is. According to the virologists, new unknown viruses 'that we know nothing about' pass through droplets, so they don't have to not -contrary to what the guidelines prescribe- to be treated at BSL-3 level. That would be expensive and would slow things down. So those virologists couldn't go to America with that research, it was too tricky. In China, they are a bit more accommodating when it comes to bringing in the American technology with the potential to make bioweapons. So we deviated to that because research could be done there at BSL-2 level.
Clearly, this is no longer about monitoring public health. It is about monitoring 'continuity of research for the benefit of public health'. In direct messages between those involved, it is even said that the Chinese investigation, if it were to take place in America, would have to take place at BSL-4 level. Even a new BSL-4 PLUS level has been suggested.
Exploratory virological research would become practically impossible if it could no longer be done at the BSL-2 level. As a result, the bulk of the better-paid work will disappear. Virologists don't like that. They like to see how you can make bird flu dangerous for humans and whether viruses can also be built that lead to neurological disorders. Preferably by combining not-so-pathogenic virus A with a not-so-contagious virus B. The freedom of a BSL-2 lab offers that research space, even though it may well result in a virus in which the infectivity of virus A is combined with the virulence of virus B.
And if you also develop a vaccine and a test at the same time, you can count on a lot of interest. Wars are going to look very different when you vaccinate your own people and then unleash the corresponding virus on the enemy. "Protecting one's own troops".
Behind the rigidity that surprised everyone, there is a lot more than just an ingrained dogma from earlier times. It has become an omerta, a self-evident culture of silence. The droplet theory has grown out of the same soil in which the lableak was buried. It is the work pass for virologists. Thanks to the persistence of 'droplet contamination unless proven otherwise', they have been able to make a good impression with cheap research that was in many respects highly interesting for wealthy parties: pharmaceutical companies, defense and (therefore) governments. Bottomless funds could be drawn from in a self-regulatory system in which pharmaceutical-subsidized regulators thought they were important.
And the governments, the Dutch government for example? He was almost in the front row with Marion Koopmans and Ron Fouchier in the ranks, so they saw opportunities. It guarantee of health is one thing. You just have to. But it's not supervise of health suddenly offers administrators many more options, especially with an appropriate Public Health Act. That is a temptation that is difficult to resist for a director, especially for one from the D66/Rutte/WEF culture, with the coming climate disaster in mind.
The logic was completely gone. There was no critical ability to identify this. A zoonotic pandemic without air transmission is unthinkable in our Western world with clean water, good food and basic hygiene. Then the virus would have had to become aerogenic first and that didn't happen, it already was. So how can they maintain among themselves that the virus is both zoonotic and non-aerogenic? You tell me...
I asked ChatGPT again. He is often stuck because he has been trained with illogical rules. What the media listen to breathlessly is inconsistent gibberish for a computer. That's why ChatGPT got so attached at one point that influenza, which according to ChatGPT is mainly in large droplets, first had to fall to the ground in order to infect effectively, unlike corona:

But, a little later...

Nicely lined up, Anton! It highlights the important points and provides an explanation behind the craziness. The mRNA idiocy probably needs a whole separate chapter.
What also surprises me: where does this vaccine fascination come from? The idea that a vaccine should be devised for almost every disease. Is it indeed 100% commercially driven? Is it even possible to make vaccines against rapidly mutating respiratory viruses? In any case, you skip an essential part of the immune system -the mucous membranes-.
What do you think: Does it make sense to develop vaccines against -relatively harmless- respiratory viruses? The usefulness of the flu shot has also never been proven.
No, vaccinating against rapidly mutating respiratory viruses is not very useful, for the reasons you mention. Maybe it will help with vulnerable elderly people, for 1 season. In any case, mucosal defenses remain the basis.
In terms of mRNA: The pharmaceutical companies couldn't have a traditional virus ready so quickly. An excellent opportunity to use the promising mRNA process, which in the future will be used to Lego's vaccine at the push of a button by the computer, thanks in part to standardized cutting places. But with safeguards, of course, because laboratory animals were still dying. The governments signed – 'now we have to get on with it!' they had to do SOMETHING, they sensed their fear of death.
I think that time pressure around vaccine development has been debunked by Professor Robert Clancy. I saw that in a Campbell broadcast. Also just an opinion, but he is very much at home in the matter. Of course, most of the time spent developing a vaccine is spent on extensive tests that typically take years. And that's where they've cut corners. I believe that producing large numbers is faster. And much cheaper..... The pharmaceutical industry will not use that last argument to the outside world:-). But that does increase profit margins.
It would be nice to have a balanced story like yours break into MSM. So logical....
Where is the proof that even 1 disease is contagious?
That has been no more than a very dirty assumption for centuries and almost all of us have been poisoned completely unnecessarily since we were born!
There is a lot of evidence of this. This is easy to understand:
Forget those pathogenic viruses
I continue to think it's a scary focus on a virus and a vaccine. Even if we accept the spread of aerosols, we remain stuck in a strict medical narrative.
Why not pay attention to the other aerosol-spreading pathogens during the winter favorable for aerosols when the natural immunity (less vitamin D available) against infections decreases.
Perhaps a virus is not even necessary in this case when respiratory infections develop. Let alone a vaccine that is believed to protect us against this.
(Can also be found at Odyssey with images)
Jump out of the medical box! For many, this is still a mission impossible.
Can you name a few other aerosol-spreading seasonal diseases?
I tried to watch the video, 10 minutes and then skipped and watched some snippets. I can't do anything with it. I know that there is an undiscussed problem with iatrogenic mortality. But beyond that?
We shouldn't rely on people who are better at something than we are, I remembered, and Cronkite was an actor. I'm afraid that it will also come down to the fact that viruses don't exist and people can't infect each other. I've had those discussions before, and I'm not receptive to them. There is no evidence for this (but there is evidence to the contrary) and no open issues are explained. There is also no 'more consistent' or 'more conclusive' story.
In addition, this blog was started because of the corona debacle that began to take shape in the spring of 2020 and grew to criminal proportions. I understand that it is not the only abuse in the world (there is also a lot going on with 'Climate', for example) but 'virus varia' is the central theme. At least for now.
Once upon a time..
Let's say it's the beginning of March, winter is almost over.
The resistance of the older Dutch with the possible exception of those who hibernated in another hemisphere (where their shadow was shorter than their length) is at its lowest level.
There is a highly contagious but harmless coronavirus circulating in a lab for humans using animals that has been picked up by the youth.
Young people with a cold are obliged to spend a few hours with their grandparents in institutions and at home.
The heating is high. The air is too dry. The mucous membranes slightly irritated. It is still cold outside and the specific humidity is low, the (nursing) homes are well insulated. After all, a cold by an old person is quickly caught. Draughts are avoided.
Many elderly people with multimorbidity for whom they take many medications, each with their side effects, die especially in those regions where
the air quality is deteriorating and there are already a lot of pneumonia (bio)aerosols due to mega barns with goats and poultry in the air. The grassland has also just been treated with glyphosate.
In a faraway country that is considered a source, a lockdown has been imposed in a heavily polluted city with its region and a gigantic hospital has been set up in no time.
There is panic there or panic is being acted upon with the aim of getting the population (which had previously revolted because of the air pollution at play) under control. Would the
Americans who were involved in the development of said virus
have secretly deployed a truly sickening bioweapon. The Americans are panicking if the co-production could be a
have given a more serious pathogenic variant than expected (could the so-called, fictitious X, made up from PR in the service of WHO and virology, really exist?).
The Western media is completely venting the panic. The weak politics that has long since ceased to serve the general interest and allows things to take their course, sees its chance to finally take apparently decisive action. A wise Chinese Wu Wei is (with the exception of then not yet NATO country Sweden where the independent 'OMT' head has learned from his mistakes at the time of the swine flu), doing nothing is no longer an option.
The mass mortality among the elderly is attributed to the youth visit (that card was a reference to the poker experiment) and a 'life-threatening' virus.
There is no other way. That life-threatening virus has killed them. After all, they are otherwise well cared for under very good conditions.
Because the life-threatening virus can of course affect everyone here, we will quickly go into lockdown here.
We are waiting for the life-saving, safe and effective vaccine. There is nothing else to do.
Once upon a time..
Let's say it's the beginning of March, winter is almost over.
The resistance of the older Dutch with the possible exception of those who hibernated in another hemisphere (where their shadow was shorter than their length) is at its lowest level.
There is a highly contagious but harmless coronavirus circulating in a lab for humans using animals that has been picked up by the youth.
Young people with a cold are obliged to spend a few hours with their grandparents in institutions and at home.
The heating is high. The air is too dry. The mucous membranes slightly irritated. It is still cold outside and the specific humidity is low, the (nursing) homes are well insulated. After all, a cold by an old person is quickly caught. Draughts are avoided.
Many elderly people with multimorbidity for whom they take many medications, each with their side effects, die especially in those regions where
the air quality is deteriorating and there are already a lot of pneumonia (bio)aerosols due to mega barns with goats and poultry in the air. The grassland has also just been treated with glyphosate.
In a faraway country that is considered a source, a lockdown has been imposed in a heavily polluted city with its region and a gigantic hospital has been set up in no time.
There is panic there or panic is being acted upon with the aim of getting the population (which had previously revolted because of the air pollution at play) under control. Would the
Americans who were involved in the development of said virus
have secretly deployed a truly sickening bioweapon. The Americans are panicking if the co-production could be a
have given a more serious pathogenic variant than expected (could the so-called, fictitious X, made up from PR in the service of WHO and virology, really exist?).
The Western media is completely venting the panic. The weak politics that has long since ceased to serve the general interest and allows things to take their course, sees its chance to finally take apparently decisive action. A wise Chinese Wu Wei is (with the exception of then not yet NATO country Sweden where the independent 'OMT' head has learned from his mistakes at the time of the swine flu), doing nothing is no longer an option.
The mass mortality among the elderly is attributed to the youth visit (that card was a reference to the poker experiment) and a 'life-threatening' virus.
There is no other way. That life-threatening virus has killed them. After all, they are otherwise well cared for under very good conditions.
Because the life-threatening virus can of course affect everyone here, we will quickly go into lockdown here.
We are waiting for the life-saving, safe and effective vaccine. There is nothing else to do.
It is said that the goal of gain-of-function research is to protect people and pandemic preparedness. Making protocols and scenarios for what countries should do in the event of a pandemic/bioweapon outbreak.
But what happens if a pandemic is declared in early 2020?
* The decades of accumulated knowledge of research into corona viruses was not shared to save people.
* The 'experts' deliberately steered the media and politicians in the wrong direction as to what kind of corona virus it could be (from market/animals instead of from lab). And so let the population suffocate, literally and figuratively. As a result, appropriate care was postponed unnecessarily for a long time, because people were looking for the wrong kind of virus.
* the carefully crafted protocols and pandemic playbooks that were at WHO for such viruses were already thrown in the trash at the beginning of the pandemic. And the opposite measures were introduced everywhere
So gain-of-function research is useless.
On the website, virologists sign their vision (and importance) about their work. When asked about the origin of the Sars Cov 2 virus to these virologists, a number of :d they "believe" in the zoonotic transmission of Sars Cov 2 answer. Not once was a scientifically (science) substantiated reliable argument/fact or a reliable publication indicated to confirm their belief. The interested reader of the reports of, among others, Anton's report will be able to conclude by checking the data that virological (science) science is in a degenerative state.
Brilliantly written. Unfortunately, despite the seriousness, I also laughed.
In fact, the BSL level only matters for when the inevitable happens. Take the nuclear calculations. I was assured decades ago that the statistical probability of an accident is negligible, even infinitesimally small. Hmm, let's see, in "50 years" at least 2 very big accidents (Chernobyl and Fukushima), at least 1 big one (3 Mile Island) and an unknown number (because disappeared in the radioactive cover-up) "smaller ones".
Back to BSL-X safety calculations: same wishful thinking calculations. Kul, who puts the cart before the horse.
Those accidents are coming. Whether it's GOF-Ebola from a Colorado lab, the latest metamorphosis of an IS Strangelove genius, or the wet dream of M. Koopmans and R. Fourchier. Those accidents are coming. But even that doesn't matter much.
Why? Because the proverbial back door is wide open.
GOF research is only carried out under safe conditions for human pathogens, but not for the earth beneath our feet.
Organic farms are making and releasing GMO bacteria into our soil soil, without any significant regulation. It only takes one to destroy plant life and our fate is sealed. This has already happened by a hair's breadth with a bacterium that was supposed to convert biomass into alcohol. At the very last minute, it happened to be tested on living plants by a relative outsider – all of which died instantly.
"Wars are going to look very different if you vaccinate your own people and then release the corresponding virus into the enemy. "Protecting one's own troops". "
Dat heeft China dan goed gedaan, want ze hadden heel lang maar 4.800 en uiteindelijk dan ong. 14.000 doden – op zo’n 1.4 miljard inwoners (zie Our World in Data).
Perhaps there is another explanation for the rigid attitude: the measures were not the means but the end. And to do this, science had to be bent towards that goal.
In recent years, we have seen more and more indications that the direction of the measures was in the hands of the national counter-terrorism agency NCTV, which then instructed the OMT to cover these measures scientifically, the government to announce the measures and the media to explain the measures.
In other words, the world turned upside down.
I don't think so. Of course, the NCTV has been called in as coordinator. The fact that he then takes over the direction and the decision tree is because those hotemets were just doing something. They had no idea about the severity, transmission, vaccines and only questioned each other, so there was no knowledge.
Where is the proof that even 1 disease is contagious or that those 'contagious pathogens' actually cause disease?
That has been no more than a very dirty assumption for centuries and almost all of us have been poisoned completely unnecessarily since we were born!