And yes, the time has come. The Dutch crime blunder of the century, perhaps of the medical history in our country has happened: children from the age of 12 are offered a needless therapy, under false pretenses. The government is supported in this by Statistics Netherlands, which provides numerical confirmation of state propaganda. Below first the call of Ernst Kuipers, with consideration. Then I take a closer look at the accompanying support per tweet.
VWS: What the state propaganda claims
(Below was one of the tweets with state lies. These have since been removed, as the government is trying to remove more evidence of their evil incompetence.)
It said:
All 12+ students can now make an appointment for the #herhaalprik. That is wise, because the repeat prick...
➡️ reduces the risk of serious illness
➡️ reduces the chance of passing on the virus
➡️ seems to reduce the risk of long-term complaints https://t.co/ssgEZQJFyT
— Ernst Kuipers (@ministerVWS) October 26, 2022
VV: What happens scientifically
Younger than 60 is next up to 12+. One Pre-print study of John Ioannidis, Stanford University mentions the IFR of SARS-CoV-2. What mortality risk does each age group have?
- 50-59 years: mortality rate 0.129%
- 40-49 years: mortality rate 0.035%
- 30-39 years: mortality rate 0.011%
- 20-29 years: mortality rate 0.003%,
survival rate 99.997% - 0-19 years: mortality rate 0.0003%,
survival rate 99.9997%
For children, the risk of death is negligible, as is the likelihood of serious illness.
The median IFR is around 0.03% for 0-59 years and 0.07% for 0-69 years. This applies to 70-year-olds, which is 94% of the world's population.
"We've known this for a long time, but governments go ahead and cause misery to people with consequences that are likely to take decades or more to recover."
Dr. Paul Alexander, former advisor to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS Canada)
The above figures cover the entire pandemic. In the meantime, herd immunity has been achieved, so the chance of getting sick is minimized. In addition, Omikron is about 10x less virulent than Delta, which was shown in areas with insufficient immunity.
So there is really no danger left for the young, let alone for children. Going to school by bike is more dangerous. It is downright criminal to inject them with anything. Any sense of proportion and humanity has disappeared from our directors.
Reduce the risk of serious illness? For whom? The reduction of infections has been scientifically undermined some time ago, the opposite can also be argued. Less chance of long-term complaints: sucked out of the thumb. A scientist who has to substantiate this will have to tap from other vessels. That's what he's trying to do.
Such a tweet from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport is then accompanied by Numerical Confirmation of State Propaganda that puts the pushed medical interventions in a rosy light. This is done, among other things, in threads: series of tweets. We will cover one, posted on the account of Prof. Dr. Ruben van Gaalen. He previously complained that Ongehoord Nederland had not broadcast an interview with him in full. I will try to this thread step by step. With each tweet I post an alternative text or a short discussion.
CBS: In week 42 (17 to 23 Oct) more than 3300 people died, almost 450 more than expected for this week, there is again excess mortality, especially among people over 65. @statistiekcbshttps://cbs.nl/nl-nl/maatwerk/2022/43/overledenen-per-week-provincie-en-gemeente-week-42-2022... Long thread with numbers and interpretation
VV: In week 42 (17 to 23 Oct) more than 3300 people died, almost 450 more than expected for this week. The excess mortality that has persisted for a year is steadily increasing, not only among the over-65s.
CBS: Mortality among WLZ care users, such as residents of nursing homes and care institutions for the disabled, increased slightly, for the rest of the population this remained about the same as the week before. In both groups there is excess mortality.
VV: Both among WLZ care users, such as residents of nursing homes and care institutions for the disabled, and among the rest of the population, the excess mortality has been showing an uninterrupted upward trend for more than half a year. Increased and unexplained mortality was reported in the summer of 2021 and continues to this day.
The first injections were made more than a year and a half ago. A year ago, there were 30 unexplained deaths a day. We are currently over 60. If that continues, there will be 20,000 on an annual basis. Young people are increasingly starting to count in the excess mortality statistics. It shouldn't be.
CBS: Mortality among over-80s remained roughly the same as the week before, while mortality among people under the age of 80 increased slightly. There is excess mortality in every age group.
VV: Among people over 80, excess mortality remains high, among people under the age of 80 the excess mortality is even increasing. In both groups, excess mortality even exceeds the weekly margins.
CBS: Cause of death data for the past few months will follow; these are known until June 2022.
-~5000 people have already died from C19 until June
-There was a flu epidemic for 13 weeks from the end of March
-There was a heat wave in July See further: (link to previous tweet)
VV: Of the deceased, it cannot be accurately determined without an autopsy whether the cause of death is related to, for example, (after) effects of Covid or of the vaccination. The effect of the heat wave peak is easy to isolate as well as the flu epidemic. Whether the flu epidemic with healthy immune systems would have had as much impact as it does now is disputed by immunologists. On OurWorldinData, 1400 confirmed Covid deaths have been reported from Jan through June 2022. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports 5,000.
I use OWID because Ruben van Gaalen also refers to graphs from OWID. OWID uses RIVM data. So there is a reference to rivm data if that is the case, but in its own country CBS throws a factor of 4 over that when it concerns Covid mortality.
CBS: Cumulative excess mortality per million inhabitants since 1/2020. Mortality in Singapore, Norway, Australia, Denmark, especially New Zealand long-term (very) low.

Because Singapore has known so little Covid, mortality is now attributed to after-effects of undiagnosed Covid. It cannot be anything else because the country has a high vaccination rate. So the conclusion is: people have not noticed that they got it and are only now dying from it.
I can't help but see this as the desperate lifting of cognitive dissonance. The same thing is happening in Australia and New Zealand.

Norway is indeed a miracle. Norwegians have barely had any Covid and also seemed insensitive to the jabs. That not a delegation went there to investigate what they do differently there than here... Eating more cod liver oil? Adjust the ventilation section in the Building Decree for well-insulated buildings?
But that's where things go wrong too:
In Norway, an increased mortality rate of more than 10 percent has been recorded so far this year.
"This is more than we expected. The figures are partly inexplicable," says demographer Anders Sønstebø of Statistics Norway.
NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Cooperation)
The next day there is a government article in the same newspaper. The Norwegian Directorate of Health and Social Affairs states that vaccines have nothing to do with excess mortality.
“We've had a low mortality rate during the pandemic. Those who have not yet been affected by the pandemic have aged and thus become more vulnerable." Does he believe it himself? What about in countries with higher covid mortality rates, is there no excess mortality there?
"Very low mortality." Hmm. With 16.6% more deaths than expected in 2022 so far? "Low"!? In an Australian magazine for insurers I read: Deaths go through the roof in first half of 2022:
The non-COVID-19 additional deaths for the six months to June 2022 include:
- Ischaemic heart disease (900 more deaths than expected);
- Cerebrovascular disease (320 more);
- Diabetes (300 more);
- Dementia (760 more);
- Doctor-certified deaths from causes not specified by the ABS (2,430 more); and
- coroner-referenced deaths (610 more).
More than half 'unspecified'. Noteworthy: "The excessive mortality from diabetes was reduced to an extremely low level". Let me guess: that mortality has moved to Covid.
Actuaries come in at 14% but the official source, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), estimates the excess mortality at 16.6% more deaths than expected in the course of 2022 until the end of May 2022.
Denmark according to CBS: "mortality: (very) low" – well.. green=low, red=high. Period shown: from spring 2021.

Compared to the start of vaccinations, mortality in the Netherlands has increased by 109.56 per 100,000. In Denmark, mortality increased by 100.77 over the same period. That saves 8.79 per 100,000 or 0.009 percentage points. If that has to be a success story... The lines show an almost parallel increase.

New Zealand
Mortality in NZ is even lower than in China, where the government is also the only reliable Source of Truth. I found a combined graph AUS and NZ. Is Omikron deadly there? That wave lasts an insanely long time. Or is it something else, or a combination of both?

[later inserted, 28-03-2023:]

CBS: More recent excess mortality in the Netherlands, also in many other countries, possibly partly delayed mortality of vulnerable people, who were protected by vaccines for a long time (in 2020+2021) and 'stay safe at home' and eventually run into or fall against a virus with new interactions.
VV: CBS suggests that the vulnerable for whom the protection has worked well will still fall over if they are freed from their prison. What a measure that was...
Statistics is a profession in its own right.
CBS: It has now also been shown that corona recoverers, who were already vulnerable, had an increased risk of dying AFTER recovery. In Singapore (with very good test data), all excess mortality was directly or indirectly related to Covid-19. report-on-excess-mortality-during-the-covid-pandemic-18sep2022.pdf
VV: This beats everything. It is a panic reflex to keep the vaccines out of harm's way in the face of unexplained excess mortality. "If people get a SADS (sudden death) then they must have had Covid anyway, which made them extra vulnerable." That is the reasoning in the report with the 'very good test data'. The latest 'P.S.' tweet attempts to brush off this blunder.
CBS: . excess mortality in countries shown earlier is dwarfed by those in countries such as Bulgaria where hardly any measures were taken, majority of the population did not trust the vaccinations.
And where MORE was pricked than here: hardly, no excess mortality.

Bulgaria was doing very well until December 2020. But on January 1, 2021 it already had (before the vaccination backlog) a three times as high excess mortality as the Netherlands, so to use that country as a reference seems a bit shabby to me. Derrie-picking. I can do that too, mind you.
"Where there is more pricking than here", I walked through them for a while. The once praised Portugal, then a foreland with the highest vaccination coverage, is doing worse than we are. Then we have, for example, Italy, Belgium, UK, Austria... Below is the mortality in those countries.

One third of the countries with a higher vaccination coverage than the Netherlands do worse in terms of excess mortality. So 'where there is more pricking, hardly, no excess mortality', that is the government communication that should inspire our confidence.
CBS: So: mortality patterns shaken up.
-Despite measures, excess mortality, was/is largely easily explainable, there is also a lot of occurrence!
-Possible long-term effects (e.g. delayed care) and effect of the virus (also after recovery) that have not yet been worked out: research needed.
VV: If you blow away the smokescreen, there is a consistent mortality pattern. Almost everywhere people are struggling with excess mortality and are making frantic attempts to find explanations. As in Scotland, the vaccines are not taken into account because they are safe and effective. (source)
Countries without deferred care, countries that are/were proud that they could continue to function, see the same excess mortality so that cannot be a sufficient explanation. If deferred care is a factor, it is certainly not a decisive factor, even if you calculates what effect it could have.
CBS: PS: The word 'demonstrated' is a bit strong for the singaporean excess mortality study, but there was no "other excess mortality" (besides C19) among the recently recovered, but among the recently recovered. This study shows more direction. More studies needed. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-05325-5
Singapore shows that excess mortality is even attributed to Covid in countries that served as an example of how well vaccinations worked against Covid.
Statistician van Gaalen mentioned that Covid recoverers had an increased risk of death AFTER recovery. That was not correct or again lied to, anyway: disinformation. There is a study that vaccination breaks down the previously acquired natural immunity. He probably doesn't mean that study.
He mentions here a study that is better in the direction. It seems that he did not read it but was given as a suggestion by someone who pointed out his Singapore blunder to him. Some quotes from the study that come in the better direction::
"Naturally infected populations were less likely to re-infect with SARS-CoV-2 than the infection-naïve and vaccinated individuals."
"The significantly higher infection rate in infection-naïve participants than in patients previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 indicates a possible protection from natural infections."
"Our data could not correlate vaccination status with hospitalization and variants"
So they saw no effect of vaccinations on hospitalizations. They claim that they could not measure that because they wanted to break it down by variant and there was too little data for that... Why not report without a breakdown, that at least gives an impression.
I sense from that study that natural immunity is far superior in all areas. Hospitalizations after vaccination have not been reported. Nowadays you have to read between the lines in scientific publications.
If you care about this, please share this article. Most people really don't know that there is another, serious side. They watch Op1 and Jinek and read Maarten Keulemans and NRC. Excess mortality is something baudet's – I have acquaintances and friends from the past who still think that way. If you can't believe that doctors and scientists are so harmful and docile, remember that it's not the first time we've seen this happen. You can read that in this article by Jan Bonte.
Thank you Anton for your analysis and interpretation. Not something to be happy about. Not from the extra deaths, but certainly not from life under such a powerful, pervasive everything and everyone unscrupulous bulldozing government apparatus. The excess mortality will soon disappear, I predict. Because they are just going to include the higher mortality in the expectation figures (so in fact just adjust the norm). And then there is no more "excess mortality". And everything is "neatly" solved I fear. I would like to see an objective test developed for measuring one's conscience function. And we should make that test mandatory for those whom we as a people give the honorable task of running our country. We would have a lot of vacancies in one fell swoop, I'm afraid.
Pricked via gp with Astra/zenica.2x.Was then 83 yrs. Lame reaction, wish it had never happened. A friend (naturopathic) may have known what to do, and so it happened, dog deworming agent, active substance fenbendazole a whole lot of tabl.body weight related and zapping via method Hulda Clark.
Grateful that the help was there !
Is it the age Jan Gérhard that you are so confident by taking a drug on the advice of a 'natural doctor' that is not allowed for human use at all? Fenbendazole can be highly toxic to humans! If I were you, I would have your livers measured as the weeding weather. This deworming agent is even worse for you than those 2 AA injections.
Footnote to Norway, cod liver oil, vitamin D suggestion:
Large, thorough study in the UK shows no preventive effect of vit-d.
N=6200, careful design, random, control group, etc
Cod liver oil specific: no preventive effect
even larger study in Norwegians on effect of daily dose of cod liver oil
n>34000, geblindeerd, random, controlegroep etc.
It's great that research has been done on it in any case.
Perhaps the effect of VitD deficiency can one day be better mapped. The small study tries to do that, but that is too small, especially if the research runs in a virus-free period (?) with a disease that already causes little serious illness. (which variant?)
I didn't see it so soon but I might have to read it again with more attention.
I also saw (in the big study, I think) that predetermined expectations were not met. Those expectations seemed very high to me. In some ivermectin studies, this also happened: one expects many more patients and then does not come to significant results.
To be continued (hopefully).
3200 IU is not enough for many people, certainly not with overweight, certainly not with a shortage.
If they had started with 100,000 IU or 10,000 for 10 days and then 4,000 it would have been a bit different. Blood values above 120 nmol/liter.
With half a year of swallowing 3200 you are not there. What a pity. But the umpteenth study where structurally too little is given.
Thanks, for this article. CBS is failing as a watchdog. They themselves define a threshold above which they call mortality excess mortality. Of the past 30 weeks, 28 weeks has excess mortality. The excess mortality in 2022 to week 42 is now higher than the excess mortality in 2020 and 2021 up to week 42. But no alarm signals from CBS. The dashboard is lit up by all the alarm lights and the driver says; "nothing to worry about, drive on!"
Few notes;
In Norway there is also excess mortality. (see OWID) They have even overtaken Denmark.
Another characteristic of this excess mortality is the constant excess mortality in the summer. This indicates that it is not a virus. Countries with sufficient care capacity also have this increase in mortality. So no delayed care. Even countries where there was almost no COVID-19 now have this increase in mortality. So no after-effects of a disease.
Nicely filleted that story, Anton.
I had already seen it on Twitter. There is one positive note: The reactions to Kuipers' Tweet are quite unanimous: By far the majority of the reactions indicate that they no longer participate in this circus. I get the feeling that the resistance is getting bigger and bigger.
Here is a recent article from the Norwegian state broadcaster that talks about a 10% increase in mortality rates this year. One hospital has already treated the number of patients they did not expect before 2025:
And here's the successor, where a government representative claims it has nothing to do with the vaccine:
I hadn't thanked you yet, super contributions! I have incorporated them into get article.
Thanks Anton!
Regarding vitamin D: the conclusion of the following study is that a high dose of vitamin D prevents mortality from corona, right?
That does mean a preventive effect of vitamin D!
In this study it is, but not in other studies. Those other studies are about administering a supplement and then measuring the effect of the level in the blood. Then you almost assume that taking pills for a few weeks / months is enough to become invulnerable – I charge for a while. But supplements are not nutritional substitutes.
What I find strong about this research is that they measured Vit-D levels prior to the infection or on the day of admission. Then you have a chance that those people had enough Vit-D for years, which may also indicate a healthier lifestyle, better eating habits, more outdoor air and sun – etc.
You can even imagine that the supplements do not help, that is also possible: you just have to eat healthy and varied, walk in the sun etc. – and your Vit-D level can be measured whether that has succeeded. Who knows, maybe the efficacy comes from a combination of other substances. If you look at it that way, both studies are correct.
I myself tend towards structural Vit-D deficiency as a strong risk-increasing factor, which makes me wonder whether a sudden increase via supplements can be compared to it systemically. The impact on the immune system may need more time, perhaps a few infections in a situation with enough Vit-D, so that the immune system learns to use Vitamin D in the defenses – note: I fantasize in line with the knowledge I have gained in recent years. There is now so much of everything I have written that I now dare to suggest something like this. After all, so far everything is more complex than scientists think. Who knows, maybe one day it will become a hypothesis for research.
I think the people who die from deferred care will also run out at some point. They have all died or it has to move forward like a bulldozer that there are always new people with delayed care. I can only hope that Dutch healthcare is so competent as to have cleared the backlogs by now. That argument can be consigned to the trash in 2022.
Yesterday I received another question on a birthday if I had already been turned on (had taken a vaccine). I only replied that I have probably had Covid 21 2 times by now and I did not die from it and that there was no need to vaccinate. Have mentioned that I prefer to rely on my own immune system and strengthen that where necessary.
Then we had a whole discussion about the war in Russia. What is clear to me is that you are immediately dismissed as a wappie the moment you try to nuance things. Personally, I think it's a pity that people don't delve deeper and believe everything that the traditional media exhibits.
If I mention that I feel politically connected to BVNL, it is the party of "that house milker" with which you are indirectly put away again. The polarization in society is one of the biggest scars we have left from Covid.
Dear Anton here some data on excess mortality in the navy and army in the USA
Whistleblower army Adverse events
Redacted Clayton Morris
Normal cancer cases from 2016-2020 38,700
After vaccination 2021 114,000 cases normally this should have been 10,000 so a direct link.
Adverse events in the navy increase in cases this is in line with research