Het blijkt nu dat het twitterdraadje -waar dit artikel van 30 januari 2023 oorspronkelijk over ging- wordt bevestigd door 20.000 documenten, door het Russische leger gevonden in Oekraiense biolabs – volgens Russia Today. I didn't email the article before and didn't post it on the home page because it doesn't reflect the virus varia belief. I see it as a plausible scenario (!) that only touches indirectly on the corona policy that this blog focuses on. However, a connection is indeed made with what we are experiencing now, also in the Netherlands. The whole thing certainly sounds conspiring, but the facts I checked are correct. In any case, I found it interesting enough to keep.
Ik zeg er dus bij: ‘volgens Russia Today’ want bij vaccin-onderzoek door Pfizer zeg ik dat er ook bij. In het kader hieronder staat het nieuwsbericht dat mij ertoe aanzette dit artikel toch maar publiek beschikbaar te maken. Daaronder het originele artikel: de vertaling van een twitterdraad.
We live in an information war. The ostentatious twisting of our trusted institutions has made it virtually impossible to separate the wheat from the chaff. There is lying on all sides. All the more important to take in the lies from both sides. Perhaps you can distill something from it.
Some quotes from the article on Russia Today:
According to Igor Kirillov, Lieutenant General of the Russian Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Force, the Russian army has recovered more than 20,000 documents and other material related to the biological programs in Ukraine. Eyewitnesses and participants were also interviewed. The proof "confirms the Pentagon's focus on making components for biological weapons and testing them on the populations of Ukraine and other states along the [Russian] borders" the general told reporters.
Based on documents from the Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the Russian military identified eight more individuals involved in the U.S.-funded investigation in Ukraine, including Karen Saylors, formerly of Metabiota, a company linked to Hunter Biden.
Kirillov: "Clinical samples and patient records containing their personal data were buried, and not cremated or destroyed properly. This suggests that the destruction of this evidence was carried out in extreme haste."
In October 2022, Russia filed an official complaint about alleged U.S.-backed biological activities in Ukraine and requested a U.N. investigation into the case. The UN Security Council rejected Moscow's proposal after the US, UK and France voted against it. U.S. Resistance "confirms once again that Washington has something to hide and that ensuring the transparency of biological research is contrary to U.S. interests.", according to Kirillov.
Critical thinkers who question the Covid-19 narrative do the same with other major narratives. For the vaccinophiles, this leads to understandable hilarity. If you only have one truth, you don't think scientifically, which is why that reaction is understandable. Not that we are heavily on the conspiracy line, but a lot of threads are tied together in this thread. Cogent? Plausible? Credible? Probable? I don't rule out much myself, not even this story. It could very well play a role. I have not dared to post 'conspiracies' before, they often turned out to be true.
It is the translation of a Twitter thread of investigative journalist and whistleblower about bioethics @WarClandestine. Does this belong on virus varia? Perhaps not but the fact that in the Netherlands we still have vaccines put from the age of 12 with the available knowledge and now that strange war rhetoric, there must be great forces behind that. That is no longer ignorance. You can read how these forces could arise in this article. It could also be a second storyline in The biggest cover up in history.
The English Tweet states here. Below in Dutch, supplemented with a missing link and a single clarifying addition [in brackets].
1) I will address the question of why politicians of the U.S. establishment send tanks, fighter jets, weapons, equipment, and more than $100 billion to Ukraine.
It has nothing to do with Ukrainian citizens, and everything to do with Deep State assets/secrets in Ukraine.
2) Let's go back to where and when it all started.
Flashback to 2005. Then Senator Obama and Senator Lugar visited former Soviet biological and chemical facilities in Ukraine, and the U.S. Deep State established roots in Ukraine.
To combat bioweapons.
3) When we talked about the labs in 2005, they were described by Washington Post as "part of a Cold War network of 'anti-epidemic' stations that supplied highly lethal pathogens to Soviet bioweapons factories."
So as Russia epidemiological ["anti-plague"] research, it is called "bioweapons". Take a look:
4) In 2005, @washingtonpost writes that "anti-epidemic" research results in the production of "very deadly pathogens" aka "bioweapons". [the yellow marker at 2)]
But if the U.S. is doing "defensive function enhancement/directed evolution" research, it's not bioweapons.
It seems they changed their minds in 2022 because what Washington Post called "bioweapons" in 2005 is now framed as a "right-wing conspiracy."
[Screenshot: A Washington Post fact-checker "debunks" Tucker Carlson's claim by attaching the word "right" to it.]
5) The U.S., led by Obama, passed the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Act of 2005.
The U.S. took over former Soviet laboratories and facilities, ostensibly to destroy stockpiles of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons in Ukraine.
6) Obama opened the gates for the Deep State. Prepared biological weapons programs with the Ukrainian government and made connections for U.S. oligarchs to build biolab companies in Ukraine's lawless country.
Companies like Biden's Metabiota.
7) Then the situation became dire.
Under U.S. "supervision," Ukraine entered a civil war in February 2014 (Obama).
In the disorder of the war, State Dept (Clinton) and the CIA took full control of the government of Ukraine.
Victoria Nuland facilitated regime change.
[The popular Klitschko is served by the Americans and gets the mayoral post of Kiev.]

Leaked audio reveals embarrassing US exchange on Ukraine, EU
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A conversation posted on YouTube between a State Department official and the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine revealed an embarrassing exchange about the U.S. strategy for a political transition in that country, including a gross U.S. lashing out at the European Union.
[Audio where Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland the Ukrainian government bedisels as a kind of HR manager: I don't think Klitschko should be in the government.]
8) Victoria Nuland, who clapped out of school over fears that "Russian troops would lay their hands on biological research in Ukraine," sparked the color revolution in Ukraine.
They started a civil war, then chose their puppet to lead the government, creating a Deep State proxy.
[I think this is way too short-sighted. How do you start a civil war... That you use it to put forward your ideal candidate for instance in exchange for support, it goes without saying.]
9) Now with full control of the Ukrainian government, the Bidens began their dirty work.
Biden visited Ukraine more than 13 times, and secured U.S. funding for Ukrainian oligarchs. He then used his power to fire a prosecutor who had discovered Biden's repayment/credit scheme.
10) So the reason why all our tax dollars are in Ukraine is because Ukraine is a Deep State proxy, controlled by the ruling families of the DNC/Soros.
They are trying to protect their possessions/secrets in Ukraine.
The most important of these is their biological activity.

11) The reason the U.S. MSM is totally pro-Ukraine is because the media is owned by the pharmaceutical companies through advertising money.
The pharmaceutical companies involved in the biolabs in Ukraine to make pathogens so that their vaccine schedule can make a profit.
Is it starting to become clear?
12) The reason the @FBI and @DHSgov went all Orwell and armed Big Tech to censor all coverage of the Biolabs in Ukraine is because the Intel community has been compromised by the Deep State.
The Deep State that can't allow people to find out their pathogenic production schedule...
13) The reason the House of Democrats went crazy and impeached Trump for a single phone call with Zelensky in Ukraine... is because they couldn't allow Trump to snoop around and investigate their Deep State proxy.
Trump knew what they were hiding. Think bioweapons.
Comment from JVI: This is not correct. Should be:
"The reason that the U.S. Congressional House of Representatives (then dominated by the democratic party) wanted to impeach Trump (second impeachment attempt) was that Trump was looking in Ukraine for incriminating material about the Biden family (especially regarding Hunter Biden's activities/corruption) and Joe Biden would be a major competitor in the upcoming presidential election...
As is well known, that attempt to impeach Trump (in the senate) failed. Then, even before the presidential election, incriminating material was indeed found on a discarded Hunter Biden laptop. At the time, this was unanimously dismissed by the Deep State and the MSM as a Russian manipulation attempt.
Meanwhile, it is now recognized (long after the presidential election) that the laptop information is indeed authentic, and that this disqualification by the Deep State and the MSM was rather an attempt at manipulation."
14) The reason Zelensky ordered the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense to destroy all state documents related to U.S. biolab companies "Metabiota and Battelle" on the day the missiles began flying (2/24/22)... was because he knew Putin was looking for bioweapons.
15) The reason the @WHO advised Ukraine to destroy all their pathogens (in the labs that according to the MSM did not exist)... is because the WHO knew Putin was looking for the bioweapons.
The same @WHO that created a global medical police state because of C19.

The World Health Organization has advised Ukraine to destroy high-risk pathogens in the country's public health laboratories to prevent "possible spills" from occurring causing the disease to occur.
16) Big Pharma, MSM, Big Tech, the Intelligence Community, Zelensky, WHO/NIH, and Deep State politicians are all working together to achieve the same goal: to cover up criminal biological weapons production in Ukraine.
All entities that happen to benefit from Covid-19.
16) Therefore, these entities are hyper-defensive about everything related to C19, biological research and Ukraine.
It's not because they're philanthropic. It is because we are close to proving their crimes against humanity. For which the punishment is harsh.
17) Tanks, jets, weapons, equipment, $100+ billion in taxpayers' money, the lives of the Ukrainian people... All worthy sacrifices in the eyes of the Deep State. Whatever it takes to hide their bioweapon production.
WW3 has already begun. Covid-19 was the first weapon fired.
With conspiracy theories, in my humble opinion, there are at least two flavors: conspiracy facts and "strawmen."
A 'strawman' is a deliberately designed conspiracy hoax to deceive gullible people and then ridicule anyone who dares to raise conspiracy facts by accusing them of believing in 'strawmen'. Pizzagate was one such example.
Man is a lying and conspiratorial being. As if the elite wouldn't do what teenagers already excel at...
Anton, Do you think people with power will ever be open? Don't power, manipulation and hidden agendas go hand in hand? Will the "smartest" ever be held accountable? I suspect not...
Not voluntarily, no one does. They have that right, even regulated by law, for one reason or another. You don't have to cooperate with your own condemnation. But whistleblowers, hackers, a leak, you don't know. And then they have to. But yes, a lot of question marks have also lingered around JFK, for example, so no guarantee that everything will be satisfactorily completed.
"Critical thinkers who question the Covid-19 narrative do the same with other major narratives." – but you don't question the virus narrative. Apart. So, isn't that really critical thinking, is it?
The only weapon is the vaccine. COVID-19 does not exist. Even the WHO does not have differential diagnostics for this and so it is not a "disease". Unless, of course, you also change that definition, as virologists have changed the definition of "isolation", or WHO the definition of "pandemic".
All to make you believe that viruses exist. That is not the case. Wake up and don't get sucked into the chatter about lab leaks, infectious bioweapons, deep state and more. All details that distract from the biggest lie of all.
Viruses do not exist.
Is there a good explanation somewhere why the revenue models would be so much better if it was not about viruses but about something else? (I still don't know exactly what then, lifestyle? environment?)
Are pages as https://viralzone.expasy.org/9556 All fake according to you? There is agreement on these sequences, unlike, for example, the numerous meridian maps in alternative medicine.
I have a report of excellent experiment that shows infections via aerosols. Because that is no longer an issue, I have never done anything with it. Maybe that will come, but as I said: little time.
You asked earlier for that sampling from the air which would also not be possible, see this piece from more than two years ago. https://virusvaria.nl/hard-bewijs-van-infectieuze-aerosolen/
If you accuse me of "bashing" again (not in this comment but earlier), I don't think I'm going to answer you anymore. No hard feelings though, go ahead because I understand your frustration, but I don't feel like having to deal with it that way every time and see it in the comments. It is also a different discussion, in itself quite a topic for an article.
Interesting piece, but this is not correct:
..... The reason the House of Democrats went crazy and impeached Trump for a single phone call with Zelensky in Ukraine... is because they couldn't allow Trump to snoop around and investigate their Deep State proxy.
Trump knew what they were hiding. Think bioweapons....
Should be:
The reason that the House of Representatives of the US Congress (then dominated by the democratic party) wanted to impeach Trump (second impeachment attempt) was that Trump was looking in Ukraine for incriminating material about the Biden family (especially regarding the activities / corruption of Hunter Biden) and Joe Biden would be a major competitor in the upcoming presidential election...
As is well known, that attempt to impeach Trump (in the senate) failed. Then, even before the presidential election, incriminating material was indeed found on a discarded Hunter Biden laptop. At the time, this was unanimously dismissed by the Deep State and the MSM as a Russian manipulation attempt.
Meanwhile, long after the presidential election, it is now acknowledged that the laptop information is indeed authentic, and that this disqualification by the Deep State and the MSM was rather an attempt at manipulation...
Yes, I thought so when I read it but I just wanted to post the translation, I am not a specialist on this and it remains to be guessed what exactly the considerations were. It must have all played a role and it fits together very precisely. Not just bioweapons. I've also put your comment in the text, thanks!
Trump is not going to do anything for the people. That's a puppet of the same financiers.
Why do people keep falling for the Trump hoax?
"Not voluntarily, nobody does. They have that right, even regulated by law, for one reason or another. You don't have to cooperate with your own condemnation. But whistleblowers, hackers, a leak, you don't know. And then they have to. But yes, a lot of question marks have also lingered around JFK, for example, so no guarantee that everything will be completed satisfactorily."
You say "they have that right". Rights are privileges if they can be taken at random, as we have seen over the past three years. There is no longer a "legal system", if it ever existed.
@Anton: in het door jou aangehaalde onderzoek zien we bij Method het volgende:
“Methods Air samples collected in the hospital room of two COVID-19 patients, one ready for discharge, the other newly admitted, were subjected to RT-qPCR and virus culture. The genomes of the SARS-CoV- 2 collected from the air and isolated in cell culture were sequenced.”
Inmiddels is het bij jou neem ik aan ook bekend dat RT-PCR helemaal geen diagnostische test is. Een interessante kritische review van de hoax die ook PCR is (net als virussen) vind je op https://criticalcheck.wordpress.com/2022/05/08/pcr-and-real-time-rt-pcr-under-critical-review/.
Over “cell culture”: weet je hoe virologen dergelijke celculturen prepareren?
This research also proves nothing at all, but I have such an idea that you are not going to believe me, no matter what I use as an argument. I hope that one day you will find the time and the critical mindset to ask yourself: how do I even know that viruses exist? I was lucky to find that time about 2.5 years ago. Before that, I was also brainwashed to be afraid of invisible little enemies.
A final reference that does not take much time (only 50 pages with large font 😉 ):
https://odysee.com/DeBetoveringVerbreken:b, the Dutch (open source) translation of https://odysee.com/cowan-dr-tom-breaking-the-spell:c.
For diagnosis of disease, the PCR test is certainly not suitable. That is also not claimed in the sentence you quote.
But what I'm especially curious about: what about it? Is there a more conclusive alternative theory?
@Anton: "were subjected to RT-qPCR" – it says that PCR was used to detect the virus. (RT-) PCR is not a test, it is a tool to multiply genetic material. Nothing more, nothing less. But I guess you don't read the article I sent with you anyway. 😉
"What about it?" – what do you mean? Why do people get sick? At least not because of viruses. 🙂
Behold https://odysee.com/@dharmabear:2/Dr-Thomas-Cowan-What-Makes-You-Sick-WAPF-Oct-22-2022:6.